With jobyone on hiatus, we've got numerous league positions that need to be filled. Hopefully jobyone's selflessness and sacrifice for the league will inspire others who aren't already contributing to our team effort. With that in mind, here's what we need volunteers for:
Associate Steward - If you care about keeping the racing in S.N.A.I.L. as clean as possible, this is your opportunity to do just that. Please post your interest on the thread and the
current stewards will pick one or two of the most qualified applicants.
Division 2 Steward - This role can only be filled by a current steward who isn't currently assigned to a division. If that's you, please post if you're willing to be assigned to a division. We'll re-shuffle the division assignments if necessary as we don't want a steward assigned to the division that they're currently in or a division that they were recently promoted or relegated from (to lower the chance of bias).
Color/Number Manager - This role is pretty self-explanatory. You would manage the reserved colors and numbers for each division. tezgm99 was the first color/number manager for the league so he has dibs on this position if he wants it. However, please post if you're interested in role in case he's no does not want to resume that responsibility.
League Co-Coordinator - The primary function of this role is to respond with our "
welcome post" whenever someone requests to join our league. This role is best filled by someone who has access to gtplanet for the majority of the day and keeps up with the thread fairly well.