◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
Please join me in congratulating the latest entrants into the S.N.A.I.L. One Year Club.


Thank you all for racing in S.N.A.I.L and for everything you've contributed to S.N.A.I.L. 👍


WooHoo!! A year has gone by and I am still having a great time! You would think it would have become routine, but I still pace around and breathe heavy in anticipation every Sunday night!!

A huge Thank You to everyone that has made this league awesome!!👍👍

For as long as you lived in Reno, you didn't spend much time driving from there to the Sacramento airport. Good luck making that 139 mile trip in 45 minutes or anything near 45 minutes by the time you figure in driving through Sacramento and most likely having to come to a stop because of traffic.

@Jobyone, I live in the central valley in a little town called Chowchilla. It's about a 30 minute drive north of Fresno.

OK ok.. I was on the wishful thinking type of mentality and over selling Reno 👍 you I've driven it enough times; best time under 2 hours avoiding radar and commute hours; and that was like 10 years ago when not every Trooper had radar. Now maybe a little harder to make those times; but driving on a 4 to 5 car convoy always made it pretty easy. As long as you're not the one getting pulled over.

You cannot even get out of Reno airport and out of town in 45 min if you land at 4 o'clock PM as the airport is right next to the spaghetti bowl.

Memories Memories Memories of good driving... I MISS THE WEST COAST!!!!

I just happen to forgot my BB on this lady's car that I was slugging with (yes I am a true SLUG.. look it up here so i had to drive 15 miles South on I-95 on medium traffic.... I really hate how folks can drive on a 70mph freeway at 55-60 forcing 18 wheelers to move to the middle lane and then slow down on the hill; then you get the left lane car driving right next to the truck at the same rate of speed. Why on Earth do they do that!
This causes such a drag with traffic on a 3 lane freeway. East Coast drivers do not respect the left lane only to pass or Autobhan protocol.
That is one of the reasons I don't drive to DC; I would end up killing one of such drivers one of these days.

Nostalgia also got me thinking; NV State Route 431 Between Reno and Incline Village (Lake Tahoe) is one of the best pieces of curvy roads that I've ever driven on; going to opposite way State Route 341 between Reno and Virginia City also has about a 15 mile stretch of no guard rail safety and 500 foot cliffs with pretty tight curves to get anyone's adrenaline pumping.

Going over the Sierra Nevada Between SAC and Reno, is also one of the best parts of I-80 (I've driven it from SFO all to Chicago) and it also has some parts pretty curvy and exciting if your going over 95! I did a lot of pretty crazy driving during my single years.

Also, driving like a mad man in SR 431 is when I fell in love with Renault's I had a '85 Alliance that had such handling cornering that to this day I remember such an awesome car. Going downhill I was able to keep up with just about any car. Those were the crazy days! :sly:
Memories Memories Memories of good driving... And a bunch other Wolfy goodness!

This is my world you are talking about. I actually live in Truckee and most of the time I wish I had a better car. (The other times I am glad what I have gets me through the snow!) There are some spectacular driving roads around here. I don't know if you have ever taken old 40 from Donner Lake to the summit but every time I run up that way I can see Rally drifting the whole way up!! If you ever end up back in this neck of the woods, I would be honored to put an ice cold beer in your hands!!
The Pit Board

If the car feels like it is on rails, you are probably driving too slow. -Ross Bentley

"Straight roads are for fast cars, turns are for fast drivers." -Colin McRae

This week, Esh, dabneyd and myself are celebrating our one year anniversary with S.N.A.I.L. and what an amazing ride it has been, quite literally! A couple of nights ago I went to post #2, as I do every week, to make sure I am buying the right cars and check to see what tires and what tracks we are running for the week. Once I had gathered the info that I needed, I scrolled down to post #3... Then #4 and just kept going. Reading the humble beginnings of our league was pretty cool. Twenty Seven Thousand two hundred thirty three posts later, SNAIL has really grown and matured so much but even in the beginning you can really see the heart and soul of what we have all come to love so much. What started out as a handful of drivers searching for some clean racing has blossomed into what I believe to be the most unique and well organized racing leagues on GTPlanet. There are many things that set us apart from everyone else on this site, but the one thing that truly puts us light years ahead is all of the data collection and documentation that has taken place since the very beginning and this is what The Pit Board is all about.

We have looked at some of what the SNAIL Results document has to offer all of us as a league and as individuals. Over the last couple of weeks, I have been highlighting some of the general tabs and what kind of information that is available to us all but this week, I would like to give you all a more in depth description of what some of the numbers mean. Well, as much as I would love to have that ability, no one can really explain it better than the SNAIL Results creator. I would like to introduce our very own, kcheeb, (Master and Maestro with way more spreadsheet-fu than I will ever possess!! ) to give it to us in his own words!!

The rankings at the bottom of the monthly scoring spreadsheet are calculated using average ranks from each race you participate in and have data for.
For the Fast Lap section, you are given a rank for each race you participate in and have a fast lap entered. The ranking is calculated based on where your fast lap is in relation to each driver that raced that combination and has data entered. For the month your fast lap ranks are averaged and then sorted in order of the average. Maybe an example would be in order.

Race 1
Driver A 1:05.134 Rank 1
Driver B 1:05.215 Rank 2
Driver C 1:06.004 Rank 3
Driver D 1:06.112 Rank 4
Driver E 1:06.210 Rank 5

Race 2
Driver B 1:45.540 Rank 1
Driver A 1:45.573 Rank 2
Driver D 1:46.210 Rank 3
Driver C 1:46.321 Rank 4
Driver E 1:46.549 Rank 5

Race 3
Driver D 1:39.303 Rank 1
Driver A 1:39.324 Rank 2
Driver B 1:39.540 Rank 3
Driver E 1:40.125 Rank 4
Driver C 1:40.321 Rank 5

Driver A - Ranks 1, 2, 2 - Average Rank - 1.67 - First
Driver B - Ranks 2, 1, 3 - Average Rank - 2.00 - Second
Driver D - Ranks 4, 3, 1 - Average Rank - 2.67 - Third
Driver C - Ranks 3, 4, 5 - Average Rank - 4.00 - Fourth
Driver E - Ranks 5, 5, 4 - Average Rank - 4.67 - Fifth

Each of the other categories are calculated much the same way, Total Time Rank uses your best total time for a Car/Track Combination, Adjusted Points Rank uses your adjusted points for each race of each Car/Track Combination and calculates your position in S.N.A.I.L. for that category as the Fast Lap Rank Does. For the Average Adjusted Points Rank your ranking is done based on the average number of adjusted points you receive for the month. In other words the calculation averages the adjusted points you get during the month and then ranks you in relation to all the other S.N.A.I.L.s with points that month.

The last category, Rank Summed, adds your four Ranks, Fast Lap, Total Time, Adjusted Points and Average Adjusted Points. It then ranks you in relation to all other S.N.A.I.L.s. There is however a slight twist to the Rank Summed category, we can and do apply a weighting to each category. We do this to give extra emphasis to what we feel are the more important categories. The current weightings are Fast Lap - 1, Total Time - 1, Adjusted Points - .5 and Average Adjusted Points - .5. So at this point in time we feel Adjusted Points and Average Adjusted Points are worth half of what the Fast Lap and Total Time Rankings are.

I've added brief comment to some of the sections in the spreadsheet to help convey what each of the categories is trying to show. If you see a cell in the spreadsheet that has a small black rectangle in the upper right corner, I've left a comment there. Hover your cursor over it and it should show up. Hopefully that helps out some

Again, thanks kcheeb. There is no way I could have explained it as well as you have!

There is no better time than the present to give the SNAIL Results document a good going over as we are getting into the thick of the GranStand Challenge and this Sunday will be the last race in the April season! Do you know what place you are in? How about how many points you have or how many will you need to clinch the champoinship? All the data you need for setting up your race strategy for this weekend is just one click away!!

Race Clean, Race Hard, Race S.N.A.I.L.
This is my world you are talking about. I actually live in Truckee and most of the time I wish I had a better car. (The other times I am glad what I have gets me through the snow!) There are some spectacular driving roads around here. I don't know if you have ever taken old 40 from Donner Lake to the summit but every time I run up that way I can see Rally drifting the whole way up!! If you ever end up back in this neck of the woods, I would be honored to put an ice cold beer in your hands!!

I still have a lot of crap stored in Reno... including my Old '84 Audi Coupe which probably has a fused engine by now. But I'll take that beer any time 👍

Yes, I used to ride Donner and Soda Springs all the time, so also driven that with 10 feet of snow on the sidelines. My Aunt used to live pretty much everywhere around Lake Tahoe from Incline Village, Tahoe City, Kings Beach and made once as far as Meeks Bay right next to the funky looking rock cliff. I am pretty familiar with anything around the Lake. Used to go camping to Boca Dam so much as it was like a sweet short drive from Reno.

In all those years did not really spent much time in Truckee other than just driving through or stopping for snaks before heading to North Star, had season passes a couple of years there; I had many friends from college that lived there but they also kinda avoided; so there was not much reason to be there.
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Your Steward Report for the Week

No penalties this week 👍​

* * * * * * * * * *​

There are no changes to the final standings.

Full final results can be found here.
I will not be racing tomorrow night. It is the wife's birthday and that means I have to do something nice for her so my Sunday evening will not be spent in my rig racing but rather in a restaurant eating.
BTK, Snail is ALWAYS welcoming new members that understand and follow our racecraft and clean racing rules. Soon, one of the directors will let you know what you have to do to be part of this awesome racing community.

JLBowler... i would do exactly the same. Enjoy your family time and send my happy birthday to your wife.
I'd be interested in joining if you all are still taking members?


Thanks for your interest! Here's what you need to know and do in order to join:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the S.N.A.I.L. OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide.
Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You run the Time Trial. (NOTE: The tires selected for this have more grip than our current tire regulations allow, but please follow the directions exactly anyways).
2. You PM kcheeb with your time from the time trial (no Sunday racing until this is completed).
3. We assign you to the division that we feel will give you the closest competition.
4. We send you a you a PSN friend request from the corresponding SNAIL_Division1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 account. That PSN account's lounge is where you will race on Sunday night.
6. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

The original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread.

Please note that we often race DLC from three add-on packs:

Racing Car Pack
Course Pack
Twin Ring Motegi Pack

If you don't have these add-on packs, you will need to sit out the races in which they are used.

If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, post your choices in this thread.
To avoid duplication, the currently claimed combinations can be found here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.

Welcome to S.N.A.I.L. :cheers:
PM sent, hope to be racing with you guys soon!

You might be racing with us tomorrow night so as a word of advice start breaking in the cars. If you can have your B-Spec driver do 80 laps around Indy for each car, probably the quickest way to break them in.
You might be racing with us tomorrow night so as a word of advice start breaking in the cars. If you can have your B-Spec driver do 80 laps around Indy for each car, probably the quickest way to break them in.

Aight, I'm shoving the Scion in the Indy Enduro race right now, any ideas on where to find the Countach? I'm not going to be able to the RX-7 since I don't have the Racing Pack (I don't really want to waste the money right now.)
Aight, I'm shoving the Scion in the Indy Enduro race right now, any ideas on where to find the Countach? I'm not going to be able to the RX-7 since I don't have the Racing Pack (I don't really want to waste the money right now.)

Thanks for all the Lambos that my friends sent!

I can return the favor..BTK, send FR and Ill hook you up! ... You are not missing much with the RX-7 TC...that thing is tweachy and hard to drive... Dont like being pushed... It is for gentle and patient racers.... Which im not!

If anyone else needs one Manana, i can send another one!
Thanks for all the Lambos that my friends sent!

I can return the favor..BTK, send FR and Ill hook you up! ... You are not missing much with the RX-7 TC...that thing is tweachy and hard to drive... Dont like being pushed... It is for gentle and patient racers.... Which im not!

If anyone else needs one Manana, i can send another one!

FR sent, thanks a bunch man!
I can return the favor..BTK, send FR and Ill hook you up! ... You are not missing much with the RX-7 TC...that thing is tweachy and hard to drive... Dont like being pushed... It is for gentle and patient racers.... Which im not!

Gonna cost me a chance at winning the season for not having it :grumpy:
The tc pack only costs $7.99. Didn't it start at $15 or something? If I had a card I'd be running a little competition in the name of charity right now :sly:
Has anyone gone out and Golded the Vettel Challenge a second or third time for fun?

Going to D1 to slow things down with some practice.
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-Attention Snails-

Tonight is another edition of S.P.E.C. - Saturday's Premier Enduro Club.

Tonight's Episode - Nissan GT-R R-35 TC(DLC)
@ Twin Ring Motegi(Road Course)

Round 1 - 20 Laps

Round 2 - 40 Laps

There will be a 5 minute break in between rounds.

So, come and join us in the D2 Lounge at 10PM ET / 7PM PT.

This event is open for ALL skill levels, so don't be shy:):)