The New Black List ;_;

  • Thread starter PSTC555
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Right, I personally hate to do this but so many unsporting drivers are getting away with it now and it comes to the point where I have to restart the Black List since the old one has been closed off. It's time for victims to have their say to help the community be aware of the potential distress.

The Purpose of this List:
To give people of the community warnings about drivers that could potentially disrupt the harmony of the race.

What actions can be classified for the driver to be under the blacklist?

(A) Aggressive, unprovoked attacking/barging for personal gain.
(B) Hosts which quit due to the actions of their ‘own fault’ (i.e. racing mistake/ simply losing).
(C) Deviation of sabotage to undermine the race of others (i.e. driving the wrong way).
(D) Failure to comply with the ‘one move’ block system adopted by races like F1.

Before You Nominate:
Try to race as much as you can to determine the true intentions of the person. Some may accidently cause collisions due to inexperience or sudden obstructions may cause them to move suddenly (i.e. people spinning off and cars moving erratically to avoid collision). It’s best if you are able to contact them directly after the race if this is possible. If you’re lucky some may make apologetic gestures such as allowing you to gain a place in the next race (taking note of Asimo82). However if you notice that they constantly behave in an unprofessional manner in a number of races, then you can record their name and behaviour to help alert others to be more cautious when approaching them.

The Long Term Goal:
Hopefully when Polyphony Digital overhauls the online system we wouldn’t constantly have to add names to this list. But the main aim is to give clarity so hopefully when private lobbies are formed, host masters can refer to this list and be informed on whose clean or not. Bit like a Bouncer system in nightclubs. Hopefully bad drivers will regret their unsporting behaviour as punishment if they get turned away by hosts and as a result, help them reform if they wish to race in the future with the community.

Also if you like to be a verified good driver, why not join the GTP registry? Click here for more details.

What happen if i'm in it?
You can testify your reasons if you believe someone had harshly nominated you or if you felt guilty for commiting an offence and want to apologise to the community. You can be removed from the list if at least 3 members (in a jury fashion) accepts your apology or felt you were harshly nominated. For members please quote the persons statement and type in your verdict whether you accept their statement.

How do you nominate:

Nominations for the list are now closed.

The Black List (the most persistant offenders seen and verified by more than one member):

blue143 - (A) - (EU) - Deliberately punting drivers out for personal gain.
CafeDiRoma - (A) - (EU) - Deliberately punting other drivers for personal gain.
chickyhu - (A) - (EU) - Deliberately punting other drivers for personal gain.
completegarbage - (A) - (EU) - Disregards the course and use aggressive tactics against others.
Danika2 - (A) (D) - (EU) - Aggressive driving towards others and unsporting in blocking.
Dany366 - (ALL) - (JP) - Complete unsporting behaviour.
DTC_88 - (A) - (EU) - Deliberately punting other drivers for personal gain.
faresnake - (A) - (EU) - Deliberately punting drivers out for personal gain.
Ilmikku - (B) - (EU) - Makes driving errors and quit the race as host for no good reason. Did this numerous times.
jasonjasonjasonj - (A) - (EU) - Makes little effort of driving the course and rams other people.
MightyMoose_ - (A) - (EU) - Deliberately brake checking other people for no reason and punting other drivers for personal gain.
RACER13 - (A) - (EU) - Aggressive driving towards others.
REDDEVILMARK - (A) - (EU) - Deliberately punting other drivers for personal gain.
Seether_skorpio - (A) - (EU) - Deliberately punting drivers out for personal gain.
STAYHITILLDIE - (C) - (EU) - Deliberate sabotage of others.
Superdiachi - (A) - (JP) - Aggressive driving towards others.
Thirdparty - (A) - (EU) - Aggressive driving towards others.
Thuggles - (A) - (EU) - Aggressive driving caught on camera, shown on Youtube.
Dany366 (JP) all of them really, raced with him and with spyrrari and of the 4 times he went by me, all 4 of them he pushed me off the road, one of them he disconected after spining out by himself. He did try to ram me backwards after i got back at him but failed. and he blockes like theres no tomorrow only to spin you out once you go by him.
They already locked the last blacklist up. So I don't see the faith of this blacklist to be different.

If you wanna do a blacklist host it on other site and then put a link in your sig.
they already lock the last blacklist up. So I don't see the faith of this blacklist to be different.

If you wanna do a blacklist host it on other site and then put a link in your sig.

I didn't want to set this one up to be honest but the amount of unhonest and aggressive drivers left me with no choice. There are some people who actually want to add more names but can't do so because it was closed. Here's a statement from the last blacklist topic:

"I'll close this thread for now, and perhaps a newer one can be made in due course.

Aside from the obvious difficulty of maintaining such a list, I still think that no matter how hard you try, you will always come across "slammers" if you want to race against the great unwashed/all and sundry rather than people you know you can trust to give you a good race...

Perhaps my 'White List' idea is not so bad, a list of people who you have raced against more than once and who are fair drivers? That way, a person's name could only be put on the list via a recommendation from an already 'verified' driver? Just a question of how to start something like that off...

Anyway, I hope when GT5P goes global, people on/from GTP can expect plenty of great, competitive and clean races" - Touring Mars

Unfortunately such optimism hadn't changed the fact that more bad drivers are roaming online hurting others in the process. So it left me no choice i'm afraid.
Since your in the UK maybe you should turn this into a EU blacklist.
Separate lists for all the different regions makes it easier to find the bad drivers you may actually drive against.
The bottom line is until we can host private games, GT5P online is a "free for all" FPS with cars.

If it is a movies it will be "Mad Max". Enjoy!

Since your in the UK maybe you should turn this into a EU blacklist.
Separate lists for all the different regions makes it easier to find the bad drivers you may actually drive against.

I could do but some people may have two copies of GT5 Prologue so they may shift their misery elsewhere. Plus I didn't want to discriminate those who have either the Japanese version or the upcoming US one and is too suffering from poor driving.
Dany366 (JP) all of them really, raced with him and with spyrrari and of the 4 times he went by me, all 4 of them he pushed me off the road, one of them he disconected after spining out by himself. He did try to ram me backwards after i got back at him but failed. and he blockes like theres no tomorrow only to spin you out once you go by him.

jep,i have seen all the tricks this guy is pulling right in front of my eyes(and it hurts them:grumpy:)
if you enter a race and dany366 is in...just let him go and have a good race with one of the other racers(if your so lucky to find any at that point:sly:)
Excellent… I’ve been waiting to see a new blacklist thread. Cheers PSTC555 👍

I was just about to add someone to the list, but found out he was already there. The idiotic driver; STAYHITILLDIE
He also takes very large shortcuts to catch up to other drivers... and once he reaches them, he rams them off the track. You may have remembered my last post:

Since then, I’ve raced him 2 more times, and nothing has changed. He certainly does not deserve to own GT5:P… bastard.

I say give him two votes, or highlight his name in red :)
@jacoja08....think if you look at his allready new what to expect!!!
They already locked the last blacklist up.
The last black list was closed at the behest of the thread starter. I'm glad to see that TheMoose started a White List similar to a suggestion I made some time ago (here), and this 'new' blacklist has some good, clear criteria/instructions about what people should report etc. Although I still have my doubts about the effectiveness of blacklists, unfortunately it seems there is atleast some desire/need for such a list to exist.

The best advice for those of us who want to steer clear of the race trolls is to stick to people you know or that you know have been recommended or verified by people you know.

Perhaps someone would be kind enough to make up an unofficial guide to 'Acceptable Behaviour' for online races? Certainly, the list of offenses mentioned in the post at the top of this thread goes a long way to highlighting what people should not do or what people should be wary of.
ive got a piece of paper ive been writting names down!!! lol i'll put up the names the nite.

too that come to mind now

iasoni - (EU) Barging you off road as soon as you start coming along side. might want to check the spelling before(!) you post might be blaming somebody else with almost the same name,and that would be unfair....
spyrrari. might want to check the spelling before(!) you post might be blaming somebody else with almost the same name,and that would be unfair....

all done and correct :)
gtrimBOOST (EU) More bargin off track and cancelling of races just as ur about to cross the finish :grumpy:

I think you need to really think twice about this one. Are you 100% sure that name is correct?
i'll like to put Worx in here. he is a really fast driver but he is a bit aggressive when he gets a bit of competition ;P. He's always in the Tuned 111R in orange.

so its:
PSN ID - Worx
GT Version - EU
Classification - Aggressive driving as he moves up the field, barging, ramming and blocking.
Updated with the certain ones. Yeah it best if you can have a pen and paper ready next to you when you race so you can jot it down once the race completes so you can be sure.
why is this thread splitted for different versions of the game, do you actually want the online to be region-locked or do you know it is for fact?
i ask this because since the EU launch i see more and more english, german, spanish,... sounding names coming up? maybe i am a dreamer but for me its not region-locked, pleas no its the WWW you know .
As for the blacklist i have no one cuz i was racing approx 50 races yesterday( lots of 16 player races) and they were all exciting, fair,clean, lagfree simply superb.
why is this thread splitted for different versions of the game, do you actually want the online to be region-locked or do you know it is for fact?
i ask this because since the EU launch i see more and more english, german, spanish,... sounding names coming up? maybe i am a dreamer but for me its not region-locked, pleas no its the WWW you know .
As for the blacklist i have no one cuz i was racing approx 50 races yesterday( lots of 16 player races) and they were all exciting, fair,clean, lagfree simply superb.

It is said that when you play GT5 Prologue online, your opposition is mostly likely to be those who are relatively close to you region wise due to the internet connection (something called pinging). Polyphony Digital don't own a worldwide server therefore they rely one user's connection to host games. So if you have an European version, most likely your opposition is based in Europe so that the internet connection doesn't have to travel far thus less lag. The Japanese/Asian versions are slightly special though since some people have manage to import the game before their actual domestic release so you may see people from all over the world as well as Japanese/Asian PSN users racing too. Their Internet connection are among the fastest in the world so its not relatively an issue for them. The purpose of the region classification is that some people prefer playing a particular version of GT5 Prologue, therefore a person who causes trouble for the European version for example are unlikely to affect those who have other versions of the game, but it gives warning to players of the European version if such user come up.

As for your online racing experience its good that you don't have much trouble to actually use the black list. But some others are less fortunate thus can raise awareness of poor behaviour to other people so they can be more cautious when approaching them.
if your in a race with 4 111r's 3 of them will be on a black list somewhere LOL 30% of F430 drivers as well LOL
aha ok thanx PSTC555 for clearing things up a little.
i still don't get it completely... you cannot know what version someone's playing ( only by judging the name is pretty unsure) or its region-locked ? anyway i think the online play has been tremendously improved with spec II update = me happy :)
A couple more for the blacklist:

Friday_GTRP, I got better speed coming out of a corner and had the inside line only to be shoved off into a wall while alongside.

adajgktp, rammed from behind going into corners, on final corner went right through me and screwed himself up

chickyhu, worst of all I'd seen tonight and just went around ramming everyone and caused quite a few games to be quit.
PSN ID - Luismac - Drives a Lotus 111R
GT Version - EU
Classification - Blocked me, rides the walls and quit when he was Host.
chickyhu, worst of all I'd seen tonight and just went around ramming everyone and caused quite a few games to be quit.

Ahh, good ol' chickhu decided to ruin your game as well? He did a good job destroying our game also (He used a tuned yellow 111r).

@Hereward: You are 100% correct. :lol: People want to win, no matter the cost... so they always use those damn lightweight lotuses. Either that or they have no imagination.
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