Your P.B Lap Times.

  • Thread starter GT4 genius
GT4genius or GTP_...
Thought we could just share each others best lap times, and to see who has the best set ups and driving skills.

If there is enough people taking part I will put the best into a table of some sort. Post times with the antique cars as well, if you wish.
I wont post any yet, because I might scare people off :sly:.
No official rules just be honest post sector times if you can and no restrictions on aids as none of them help you go any faster. Although make sure the are proper times as in the game recognises them. If this does come competitive proof may be asked for.

Unofficial Rankings:


1:29.755 (Shaggy Alonso, Ferrari)
1'29.756 (Z, Ferrari)
1:29.938, 25.032/39.757/25.149, (fishfash, Williams)
1:30.480 - 25.099/40.172/25.215 (mkay, Ferrari)
1:30.519, 25.381/40.288/24.850 (BigEfan, Ferrari)
1.31.014, 25.167/40.420/25.427, (GT4genius, Williams)
1:31.017 (Oshow, Ferrari)
1.31.114 (Appie, Ferrari)
1:31.194, 25.367/40.300/25.527, (Alireza Sabbagh, Williams)
1.31.334, 25.767/40.320/25.247, (zed300, Williams)
1:31.532 - 25.746/40.670/25.116 (icelt, Renault)
1.31'864 (Biggles, Ferrari)
1.32.229 (Gipfeli, Renault)
1.32.513, 25.787/41.199/25.527, (CyberNerd952, Williams)
1:32.578 (Alltidxx, Ferrari)
1:32.877, 25.863/41.317/25.697, (Fluffball, Williams)
1:33.004 (Suede53, Renault, auto, sixaxis)
1:33.140 (wayne, BMW Sauber)
1:33.158 (PeterJB, Ferrari)
1.33.939 (DaddyVDUB, Ferrari)


1:28.635, 21.889/28.765/37.981, (Keith, Renault)
1.28.915, 22.409/28.645/37.861, (Alireza Sabbagh, Honda)
1'29.075 (Z, Ferrari)
1:29.789 (Oshow, Renault)
1:29.855 - 22.426/29.000/38.429 (icelt, Renault)
1.29.875, 21.909/29.525/38.441, (GT4genius, Honda)
1.29.994, 22.189/29.365/38.440, (zed300, Honda)
1:30.071, 22.443, 29.432, 38.196, (BigEfan, Ferrari)
1.30.414, 22.329/29.265/38.820, (Shaggy Alonso, Honda)
1:31.200 (22.775/29.465/38.960) Alltidxx, Ferrari
1.31'366 (Biggles, Ferrari)
1:32.578 (Suede53, Renault, auto, sixaxis)
1.34.245 (DaddyVDUB, Ferrari)


1:21:599, 27.564/22.569/31.566, (Alireza Sabbagh, Ferrari)
1:23.016, 28.004/23.356/31.656 (Tom-D, Renault)
1'23.481 (Z, Ferrari)
1.23.958 (GT4genius, Renault)
1:24.576 (BigEfan, Ferrari)
1:25.008 - 28.668/23.373/32.967 (icelt, Renault)
1:25.397 (Shaggy Alonso, Ferrari)
1:25.423 (Oshow, Ferrari)
1.26.519, 29.183/23.638/33.698, (Alltidxx, BMW Sauber)
1:26.901 (Suede53, Renault, auto, sixaxis)
1.26.627 (DaddyVDUB, Ferrari)
1:26.982 (wayne, BMW Sauber)
1:27.150 (Biggles, Ferrari)
1.27.576, 28:956/24:068/34:543, (Zed300, BMW Sauber)


1:14.622, 17.071/27.026/30.525, (Keith, Renault)
1:14.982, 16.467/27.456/31.059, (fishfash, Toyota)
1:15.115, 17.048, 26.909, 31.158, (BigEfan, Ferrari)
1'15.513 (Z, Ferrari)
1:15.586, 16.953/27.011/31.622, (Alireza Sabbagh, Toyota)
1:15.622, 16.792/27.786/31.044, (Shaggy Alonso, Toyota)
1.16.293, 17.181/27.937/31.175, (SteveSpeed, Toyota)
1:16.360 (mkay, Ferrari)
1:16.542 (Oshow, Ferrari)
1.16.725, 17.281/27.738/31.706, (LewyOs, Toyota)
1.16.861, 17.331/28.206/31.324, (GT4genius, Toyota)
1:17.063, 17.358/28.277/31.428, (Fluffball, Toyota)
1:17.156 - 17.231/28.004/31.921 (icelt, Renault)
1:17.531, 17.671/27.556/32.304, (Sumpington, Toyota)
1:18.003 (Suede53, Renault)
1:18.318 (Biggles, Ferrari)
1:18.573 (wayne, BMW Sauber)
1.19.729, 18.193/28.900/32.636, (Zed300, Toyota)


1:25.137, 28.306/35.862/20.969, (Alireza Sabbagh, BMW Sauber)
1'25.473 (Z, Ferrari)
1:25.377 (Shaggy Alonso, Renault)
1.25.523, 28.021/36.321/21.181, (zed300, BMW Sauber)
1:25.589, 28.153/36.553/20.883, (fishfash, BMW Sauber)
1.25.717, 28.286/36.662/20.769, (GT4genius, BMW Sauber)
1:26.552 28.303/36.785/21.464 (icelt, Renault)
1:26.867, 28.867, 36.586, 21.414, (BigEfan, Ferrari)
1:27.647 (Oshew, Ferrari)
1.27.730, 29.116/37.067/21.547, (LewyOs, BMW Sauber)
1:27.863, 29.099/36.852/21.912, (Fluffball, BMW Sauber)
1.28'096 (Biggles, Ferrari)
1.28.909 (Sumpington, BMW Sauber)
1:29.440 (Suede53, Renault, sixaxis)


1:13.263, 22.349/29.585/21.329, (Shaggy Alonso, Honda)
1'13.355 (Z, Ferrari)
1:13.869, 22.376/29.996/21.497, (SteveSpeed, Honda)
1:13.869, 22.294/30.560/21.015 (icelt, Renault)
1:14.152, 22.261/30.162/21.729, (Zed300, Honda)
1:14.235, 22.344, 30.245, 21.646, (BigEfan, Ferrari)
1:14.284 (Oshew, Ferrari)
1:14.401 (Biggles, Ferrari)
1:15.081, 23.041/30.112/21.928, (Sumpington, Honda)
1:15.447, 23.216/30.098/22.133, (Fluffball, Honda)
1:15.978 (Suede53, Renault, sixaxis)
1:16.127 (icelt, MF1)
1.16.393, 22.642/31.374/22.377, (LewyOs, Honda)

Monte Carlo

1:08.956, 17.612/33.798/17.546 (fishfash, McLaren)
1:09.825, 18.311/34.223/17.291 (Shaggy Alonso, McLaren)
1:09.866, 17.791/34.754/17.321 (Alireza Sabbagh, McLaren)
1:10.334 (mkay, Ferrari)
1.10.524, 18.011/34.722/17.791 (GT4genius, McLaren)
1:10.549 - 18.459/34.146/17.944 (icelt, McLaren)
1.11.562, 18.492/35.325/17.745 (Gipfeli, McLaren)
1:11.612 (Oshew, Ferrari)
1:11:744, 18.331/35.622/17.791 (Zed300, McLaren)
1'11.994 (Z, Ferrari)
1:12.392 (BigEfan, Ferrari)
1.12.807 (Biggles, Ferrari)
1.14.932 (PepsiO, Honda)
1:15.447 (Suede53, Renault)


1:16.481, 25.367/31.184/19.930, (Shaggy Alonso, McLaren)
1'17.057 (Z, Ferrari)
1:18.285 (Oshew, Ferrari)
1:18.418 (BigEfan, Ferrari)
1.19.182, 26.460/32.138/20.584, (LewyOs, McLaren)
1:19.397, 26.676/32.187/20.534, (Fluffball, McLaren)
1:19.630 (Biggles, Ferrari)
1:19.713 (icelt, Renault)
1:20.510 (Suede53, Renault)


1:09.172, 20.152/22.676/26.344, (Tom-D, Renault)
1:09.255 (mkay, Ferrari)
1:09.865 (Shaggy Alonso, Renault)
1'09.902 (Z, Ferrari)
1:10:317 (GT4genius, Renault)
1:10:421, 20.410/23.004/27.007, (Alireza Sabbagh, Torro Rosso)
1:10.549 (Oshew, Ferrari)
1:10.699 (BigEfan, Ferrari)
1.10.764, 20.670/22.968/27.126, (zed300, Torro Rosso)
1:11.014 (Suede53, Renault, sixaxis)
1:11.745, 21.099/23.356/27.290, (icelt, Torro Rosso)
1.12.890 (Biggles, Ferrari)
1.13.006 (Gipfeli, MF1)


1:06.946, 21.349/25.967/19.630, (Alireza Sabbagh, Ferrari)
1:07.626, 21.489/26.107/20.030, (Shaggy Alonso, Ferrari)
1.07.645, 21.630/25.863/20.152, (Zed300, Ferrari)
1'08.059 (Z, Ferrari)
1.08.265, 21.669/26.746/19.850, (GT4genius, Ferrari)
1:08.358, 21.712/26.477/20.169, (Fluffball, Ferrari)
1:08.674 (mkay, Ferrari)
1:08.733 (BigEfan, Ferrari)
1.08.740, 21.679/26.842/20.219, (LewyOs, Ferrari)
1:08.923, 22.084/26.488/20.351, (Biggles, Ferrari)
1:09.122 (Oshew, Ferrari)
1.09.536, 22.477/26.342/20.717, (Sumpington, Ferrari)
1:09.547 (EnZo-UK, Ferrari)
1:09.554 (icelt, Ferrari)
1:09.805 (Appie, Ferrari)
1.09.836, 22.028/27.207/20.601, (SteveSpeed, Ferrari)
1.10.224, 22.669/26.706/20.849, (Kakundoo, Ferrari)
1:11.761 (Gipfeli, Toro Rosso)


1:10.144, 23.668/25.027/21.449, (Shaggy Alonso, Renault)
1:10:504, 23.588/25.507/21.409, (Alireza Sabbagh, Renault)
1'10.699 (Z, Ferrari)
1.11.544, 24.168/25.547/21.829, (GT4genius, Renault)
1:11.695, 24.053/25.763/21.879, (icelt, Renault)
1:12.326 (Oshew, Ferrari)
1.12.663, 23.988/26.346/22.329, (Zed300, Renault)
1:12.724 (BigEfan, Ferrari)
1:13.703 (Appie, Ferrari)
1:14.633 (Biggles, Ferrari)
1'14.766 (FC_Demon)
1.14.998 (Gipfeli, Honda)
1:16.061 (Alltidxx, Toro Rosso)


1'13.355 (Z, Ferrari)
1:13.903 (mkay, Ferrari)
1:14.502 (Shaggy Alonso, Renault)
1:14.666 (BigEfan, Ferrari)
1:14.816 (Oshew, Ferrari)
1:14.882, 16.432/33.583/24.867, (Alireza Sabbagh, MF1)
1.15'762 (Biggles, Ferrari)
1:16.625 (icelt, Ferrari)
1.17.601, 17.191/34.283/26.127, (zed300, MF1)


1:13.853, 27.423/25.249/21.181, (mkay, Ferrari)
1:13.853, 27.191/25.730/20.932, (Tom-D, Renault)
1'13.903 (Z, Ferrari)
1:14.522, 27.466/26.007/21.049, (Alireza Sabbagh, Toyota)
1.14.582 (GT4genius, Renault)
1:14.799 - 27.340/26.244/21.215 (icelt, Renault)
1:14.799, 27.722, 25.896, 21.181, (BigEfan, Ferrari)
1:14.899 (Oshew, Ferrari)
1:15.002 (Shaggy Alonso, Ferrari)
1:15.642 (Appie, Ferrari)
1:16.674 (PeterJB, BMW Suaber)
1:16.692 (Alltidxx, Toyota)
1.16'758 (Biggles, Ferrari)
1.16.824, 28.336/26.576/21.912, (crooky369, Toyota)
1:18.518, 27.689/28.552/22.277, (Gipfeli, Toyota)


1:25.937, 28.866/31.404/25.667, (Keith, Renault)
1:26.336, 29.183, 31.639, 25.514, (BigEfan, Ferrari)
1'26.569 (Z, Ferrari)
1:27.033 - 29.531/31.673/25.829 (icelt, Renault)
1:27.083 (Oshew, Ferrari)
1:27.656, 29.685/32.524/25.447, (Shaggy Alonso, Super Aguri)
1:28.295 (Appie, Ferrari)
1.29'328 (Biggles, Ferrari)
1.29.374, 30.096/32.884/26.394, (zed300, Super Aguri)
1.29.972, 30.810/33.001/26.161, (LewyOs, Super Aguri)
1:31.000, 30.726/33.947/26.327, (Sumpington, Super Aguri)
1.31.980, 31.125/34.113/26.742, (GT4genius, Super Aguri)


1:18.103, 23.008/26.759/28.336 (Shaggy Alonso, Ferrari)
1:18.796, 23.118/27.005/28.673, (Alireza Sabbagh, Ferrari)
1:20.609 - 23.705/27.423/29.481 (icelt, Renault)
1:20.692 (Oshew, Renault)
1:20.908 (BigEfan, Ferrari)
1.21.079, 23.828/27.486/29.765, (zed300, Ferrari)
1:22.070, 23.738/28.004/30.328, (Alltidxx, McLaren)
1'22.535 (Z, Ferrari)
1.22'668 (Biggles, Ferrari)


1:31.214, 31.264/33.643/26.307, (Keith, Renault)
1.31.419, 31.356/33.576/26.487, (Alireza Sabbagh, Red Bull)
1'31.465 (Z, Ferrari)
1:31.847 (Oshew, Ferrari)
1:32.113 - 31.756/34.146/26.211 (icelt, Renault)
1:32.196, 31.706, 34.329, 26.161, (BigEfan, Ferrari)
1.32.533, 31.844/34.083/26.566, (zed300, Red Bull)
1:32.573, 32.064/34.103/26.406, (Shaggy Alonso, red Bull)
1:33.439 (Appie, Ferrari)
1:34.088, 32.287/34.943/26.858, (Fluffball, Red Bull)
1.34.412 (GT4genius, Red Bull)
1.35'267 (Biggles, Ferrari)
1.40.909, 34.303/36.881/29.725 (pino-r, Red Bull)


1:30.734 (Shaggy Alonso, Renault)
1:31.847 (Oshew, Ferrari)
1:32.246 (BigEfan, Ferrari)
1:32.661 - 32.154/42.479/18.028 (icelt, Renault)
1:33.893 (Shaggy Alonso, Ferrari)
1'34.238 (Z, Ferrari)
1.34.636 (Gipfeli, Ferrari)
1:34.877, 32.544/43.123/19.210, (Alireza Sabbagh, Super Aguri)
1.35'649 (Biggles, Ferrari)
1.36.371, 33.903/43.638/18.830, (zed300, Super Aguri)
1:37.641, 33.947/44.173/19.521, (Fluffball, Super Aguri)


1:09.072, 16.816/35.723/16.533, (fishfash, Renault)
1.09:655, 17.211/35.482/16.952, (Alireza Sabbagh, Renault)
1'10.616 (Z, Ferrari)
1.10.749, 17.613/35.856/17.280, (zed300, Renault)
1.10.824, 16.851/36.822/17.151, (GT4genius, Renault)
1:10.924, 17.611/35.902/17.411, (Shaggy Alonso, Renault)
1:11.611, 17.396/36.586/17.629, (Sumpington, Renault)
1:11.761, 17.646/36.752/17.363, (Fluffball, Renault)
1:12.027 (Oshew, Renault)
1:12.093, 17.629, 37.150, 17.314, (BigEfan, Ferrari)
1.12.127, 17.646/36.769/17.712, (LewyOs, Renault)
1:12.143, 17.546/37.051/17.546 (icelt, Renault)
1:12.303 (Appie, Ferrari)
1.13'936 (Biggles, Ferrari)
1.16.221, 18.470/36.680/18.071, (pino-r, Renault)

Jerez (Test track)

1:18.069 (Oshew, Renault)
1:25.639 (icelt, Renault)
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Good idea GT4. This may spurn a little more discussion on the game. And if F1:CE took advantage of the new youtube feature, how perfect would that be? :D Oh well :(

I don't know if everyone will agree with you on the "aids don't help" comment. Specifically I think using ABS and an auto tranny make things much easier for the racer using a standard controller. Then again I do believe those who claim that mastering manual can shave 1+sec off your best times, how long it takes to master manual shifting on the std controller is my concern however ;)

I haven't been tracking sector times to this point, but will try to do so in the future.

Best lap times so far, all with ABS & auto tranny:

Bahrain - 1:31.532, 25.746/40.670/25.116 (Renault, GP Weekend)
Sepang - 1:29.855, 22.426/29.000/38.429 (Renault, GP Weekend)
Melbourne - 1:25.008, 28.668/23.373/32.967 (Renault, GP Weekend)
Imola - 1:19.580 (McLaren, time trial)
Nurburgring - 1:26.552, 28.303/36.785/21.464 (Renault, GP Weekend)
Catalunya - 1:13.869, 22.294/30.560/21.015 (Renault, GP Weekend)
Monte Carlo - 1:10.549, 18.459/34.146/17.944 (McLaren, GP Weekend)
Silverstone - 1:19.713 (Renault, time trial)
Montreal - 1:11.761 (Ferrari, career)
Indianapolis - 1:09.554 (Ferrari, career)
Magny-cours - 1:13.704 (Ferrari, career)
Hockenheim - 1:13.637, 16.202/32.768/24.667 (Renault, GP Weekend)
Budapest - 1:14.799, 27.340/26.244/21.215 (Renault, GP Weekend)
Istanbul - 1:27.033, 29.531/31.673/25.829 (Renault, GP Weekend)
Monza - 1:20.609, 23.705/27.423/29.481 (Renault, GP Weekend)
Shanghi - 1:32.113, 31.756/34.146/26.211 (Renault, GP Weekend)
Suzuka - 1:32.661, 32.154/42.479/18.028 (Renault, GP Weekend)
Interlagos - 1:12.143, 17.546/37.051/17.546 (Renault, GP Weekend)
Jerez - 1:25.639 (Renault)

I'm expecting most, if not all, of those times will drop when I finally get to my 2nd or 3rd season on career mode and I hop up to a much better team. Not to disrespect MF1 though ;)
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icelt: you're obviously a racing sim fanatic - why don't you get yourself a wheel? I think gear shifting is one of the most enjoyable things about F1:CE, but I can appreciate that shifting on the controller must be tricky.

Just get the damn wheel, because...

you're worth it! :)
I'll start off then:
1.23.958 in Melbourne in a Renault and
1.31.834 in Bahrain in a Renault.

I'm happy with the Melbourne time I'd say at most only 2 ore tenths could be taken off it. I'm not sure if that time around Bahrain is good though, its faster than the AI but thats not saying much!

There both with ABS and auto, I'm so use to auto now I dont even see it as an aid :embarrassed:.
icelt: you're obviously a racing sim fanatic - why don't you get yourself a wheel? I think gear shifting is one of the most enjoyable things about F1:CE, but I can appreciate that shifting on the controller must be tricky.

Just get the damn wheel, because...

you're worth it! :)

Ha. Thanks for the encouragement but I unless and until I ever build/set-up a dedicated gaming room I'm just not gonna do it. I've struggled with a std controller this long after all....

I'll start off then:
1.23.958 in Melbourne in a Renault and
1.31.834 in Bahrain in a Renault.

I'm happy with the Melbourne time I'd say at most only 2 ore tenths could be taken off it. I'm not sure if that time around Bahrain is good though, its faster than the AI but thats not saying much!

There both with ABS and auto, I'm so use to auto now I dont even see it as an aid :embarrassed:.

Wow. Obviously I've left a bunch of time out on the course at those 2 tracks. I'll be interested to see how I improve with a better team in career mode. They look like pretty solid times to me though GT4 👍
This is what i got so far

Indianapolis - 1:09.805 (Ferrari, career)
Magny-cours - 1:13.703 (Ferrari, career)
After 10 laps of little fuel around Monaco I got a 1.10.944 in a renault, and I only totaled 2 cars in the process:dopey:.

Edit: Just seen Appie your Magny-cours is only one thousanth of a second faster than Icelts!
Lol, i just noticed it too :D.

Wouldnt it be cool to make an time table for every track, like:





would be cool though:D
After 10 laps of little fuel around Monaco I got a 1.10.944 in a renault, and I only totaled 2 cars in the process:dopey:.

Awright, since I had recently put in quite a few laps at Monaco I decided to see what I could do in a real car. The time result in a McLaren wudn't too shabby at a 1:11.612, however like you the damages cost was quite unacceptable :scared:. Probably could get around a high 1:10 with a perfect lap and 10 sacrificial cars.... maybe.

I can already see that gt4's times in general are gonna be hard to equal ;)

Edit: Just seen Appie your Magny-cours is only one thousanth of a second faster than Icelts!
I'm sure it was simply due to a timing equipment error! JK :lol:
Lol, i just noticed it too :D.

Wouldnt it be cool to make an time table for every track, like:





would be cool though:D

I would make one but I have exams over the next few weeks :ouch: so I wont have much time. If you want your more than welcome to make one, it'd be far better than some poor effort I'd make, I'm not great with computers. Even imageshack was a big learning experience :dunce:!

Edit: Icelt 1.11 is pretty good because I went back on to do better but I couldnt lowest I got was 1.11.2.., so I went for a race deliberately starting from the back unsurprisingly its impossible to pass without trading paint!

1.31.834 (GT4genius, Renault)
1:33.140 (wayne, BMW Sauber)
1:34.072 (icelt, Renault)


1:33.458 (icelt, Mclaren Mercedes)


1.23.958 (GT4genius, Renaultl)
1:26.982 (wayne, BMW Sauber)
1:28.461 (icelt, Renaultl)


1:18.573 (wayne, BMW Sauber)
1:19.580 (icelt, McLaren Mercedes)


1:29.590 (icelt, Renault)


1:16.127 (icelt, MF1)

Monte Carlo

1:11.612 (icelt, McLaren Mercedes)


1:19.713 (icelt, Renault)


1:11.761 (icelt, Ferrari)


1:09.554 (icelt, Ferrari)
1:09.805 (Appie, Ferrari)


1:13.703 (Appie, Ferrari)
1:13.704 (icelt, Ferrari)


1:16.625 (icelt, Ferrari)


1:15.642 (Appie, Ferrari)
1:16.094 (icelt, Ferrari)


1:28.295 (Appie, Ferrari)
1:28.926 (icelt, Renault)


1:22.169 (icelt, Ferrari)


1:33.439 (Appie, Ferrari)
1:33.873 (icelt, Ferrari)


1:34.636 (icelt, Ferrari)


1:12.724 (icelt, Ferrari)

Jerez (Test track)

1:25.639 (icelt, Renault)

i hope this an start:)
Great looking forward to them, they dont have to be the best times ever.

I'm relieved to hear that! ;)

Bahrain: 1.32'777 (Biggles, Ferrari)
Sepang: 1.32'037 (Biggles, Ferrari)
Melbourne: 1.27'764 (Biggles, Ferrari)
Imola: 1.18'733 (Biggles, Ferrari)
Nurbugring: 1.28'096 (Biggles, Ferrari)
Catalunya: 1.15'828 (Biggles, Ferrari)
Monaco: 1.14'318 (Biggles, Toro Rosso))
Silverstone: 1.20'974 (Biggles, Ferrari)
Montreal: 1.12'890 (Biggles, Ferrari)
Indy: 1.11'346 (Biggles, Ferrari)
Magny: 1.15'762 (Biggles, Toro Rosso)
Hockenheim: 1.15'762 (Biggles, Ferrari)
Budapest: 1.18'816 (Biggles, Red Bull)
Istanbul: 1.29'328 (Biggles, Ferrari)
Monza: 1.22'668 (Biggles, Ferrari)
Shanghai: 1.35'267 (Biggles, Ferrari)
Suzuka: 1.35'649 (Biggles, Ferrari)
Interlagos: 1.13'936 (Biggles, Ferrari)

All with G25, manual, no aids, & very basic tuning. Mostly Career or Quick Race, a few Time Trial.

Tracks I enjoy the most: probably Imola, Nurburgring, Hockenheim, & Budapest. Least favourites: Monaco, Melbourne.

Some of my times seem really slow: probably tracks I haven't run too much, or would be faster with a different car or better set-up. Or I basically suck. :)
I'm relieved to hear that! ;)

Bahrain: 1.32'777
Sepang: 1.32'037
Melbourne: 1.27'764
Imola: 1.18'733
Nurbugring: 1.28'096
Catalunya: 1.15'828
Monaco: 1.14'318
Silverstone: 1.20'974
Montreal: 1.12'890
Indy: 1.11'346
Magny: 1.15'762
Hockenheim: 1.15'762
Budapest: 1.18'816
Istanbul: 1.29'328
Monza: 1.22'668
Shanghai: 1.35'267
Suzuka: 1.35'649
Interlagos: 1.13'936

The majority of them in a Ferrari, but a few with Red Bull.

All with G25, manual, no aids, & very basic tuning. Mostly Career or Quick Race, a few Time Trial.

Tracks I enjoy the most: probably Imola, Nurburgring, Hockenheim, & Budapest. Least favourites: Monaco, Melbourne.

Some of my times seem really slow: probably tracks I haven't run too much, or would be faster with a different car or better set-up. Or I basically suck. :)

Need more info pls. Pls state teh cars you think you driven in then i can post them:)
I was wondering if someone was going to start a thread like this. It would be nice to see how everyone stacks up against one another. So here we go with my best times:

Bahrain - 1:31.017 (Ferrari)
Sepang - 1:29.789 (Renault)
Melbourne - 1:25.423 (Ferrari)
Imola - 1:16.542 (Ferrari)
Nurburgring - 1:27.647 (Ferrari)
Catalunya - 1:14.284 (Ferrari)
Monaco - 1:11.612 (Ferrari)
Silverstone - 1:18.285 (Ferrari)
Montreal - 1:10.549 (Ferrari)
Indianapolis - 1:09.122 (Ferrari)
Magny-Cours - 1:12.326 (Ferrari)
Hockenheim - 1:14.816 (Ferrari)
Budapest - 1:14.899 (Ferrari)
Istanbul - 1:27.083 (Ferrari)
Monza - 1:20.692 (Renault)
Shanghai - 1:31.847 (Ferrari)
Suzuka - 1:31.847 (Ferrari)
Interlagos - 1:12.027 (Renault)
Jerez - 1:18.069 (Renault)

If you look at these times, you will note that Shanghai and Suzuka are EXACTLY the same!! I had to double check to see if I wrote it down wrong! Most of these are with Ferrari when I ran the World Championship. As you will note, the Renault and the Ferrari are the two best cars, at least for me. :D
Looks like it's gonna be mostly Oshow and GT4 Genius occupying the top spots. I suppose the rest of us will be forced to have fun battling for 2nd loser :irked::lol:
you guys,i posted some rules about posting your time, because its getting to much work. Next time if you post your times, do it like this.

Track, time(name, Car)

Thnx :)
Here are a couple of my times. Will update when I get better ones ;) ..

1'33.140 - Bahrain - BMW Sauber - Championship
1'26.982 - Albert Park - BMW Sauber - Championship
1'18.573 - Imola - BMW Sauber - Championship (heavy tank though)

I'll be back ;)
Looks like it's gonna be mostly Oshow and GT4 Genius occupying the top spots. I suppose the rest of us will be forced to have fun battling for 2nd loser

Could we introduce age-handicapping to "level the playing field"? ;)

I guess I'm going to have to spend some more time on set-ups to tweak some faster times out. I'll give your settings a try icelt ...

(I'm mostly online GT5P at the minute)
you guys,i posted some rules about posting your time, because its getting to much work. Next time if you post your times, do it like this.

Track, time(name, Car)

Thnx :)

Thanks for all your work Appie, I've 2 exams done :dopey: and 8 to go :ouch:. But I should have some time tomorrow night to fix up the first post and put up a few more competitive times.
Great to see so many people taking part. Keep it up guys.
Thanks for all your work Appie, I've 2 exams done :dopey: and 8 to go :ouch:. But I should have some time tomorrow night to fix up the first post and put up a few more competitive times.
Great to see so many people taking part. Keep it up guys.

don't worry about it GT4. i like the game as much as you do;). good luck with Exams:tup:
Ok all the times have been posted in the first post now. Please look for errors or omissions and tell me about them.

@Biggles: Can you give us the names of the cars for each of your times and then I'll post them.

Keep them coming guys, I should have a few more up in an hour or so.
Ok all the times have been posted in the first post now. Please look for errors or omissions and tell me about them.

@Biggles: Can you give us the names of the cars for each of your times and then I'll post them.

Keep them coming guys, I should have a few more up in an hour or so.

I asked him before but he didn't replied.

Thnx for using my time table btw:dopey:
I asked him before but he didn't replied.

Thnx for using my time table btw:dopey:

Please dont sue me for copyright infringement :scared: :lol:!

I was thinking of setting up a points system sort of thing, where whoever has the fastest time gets 10 points and 2nd gets 8 points and so on for each track. What do you guys think?

Also heres a new Montreal time 1:10:317 in a Renault.
Please dont sue me for copyright infringement :scared: :lol:!

I was thinking of setting up a points system sort of thing, where whoever has the fastest time gets 10 points and 2nd gets 8 points and so on for each track. What do you guys think?

Also heres a new Montreal time 1:10:317 in a Renault.

I think we should use the points system when we have more players, so that we cna play online. Make our own little championship perhaps?

:lol:, nah its ok mate.

We should use the points systems when we have single online races to keep up all the stats of everyone. Really hope we can race an online race one time:tup:

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