My Cockpit!!!

  • Thread starter Driv300mph
Thanks to ericleroi for the inspiration!!

I definitely modified the shape a bit for a better driving position (for me at least). And added a stand to place my 22" monitor. This was my very first time working with any kind of wood so I'm pretty pleased with it :)





In the making...





If you're wondering what those little lights are on each side of the monitor -- those are mini USB Fans -- good cool-down fans for heated racing sessions :)

I'm having a blast!!!
Hi Driv300mph, I really like the new style!! After seeing what you and others have done, I think I'm going to build a platform to go inside mine to raise the pedals a little higher to get a similar driving position. Have you thought about hanging the pedals upside-down in this to get even more realism? I will probably give this a go at this soon if I can drag myself away from playing all the time.

I like the idea of the cooling fans also.

BTW what's the gray car in the background on one of the pics?
Have you thought about hanging the pedals upside-down in this to get even more realism?

Haha -- yes... it was my initial plan but I don't want to have to take apart the pedals and mess with wiring and such. If I attempt it, it'll probably be after warranty is up :)

I will probably give this a go at this soon if I can drag myself away from playing all the time.

I hear ya!! I had it all set up and had to break myself away so I could paint it :)

I like the idea of the cooling fans also.

They could blow slightly harder, but they do cool you off good enough.

BTW what's the gray car in the background on one of the pics?

It's my dad's 2002 Infinity M45. Fast car -- 350hp V8, heavy though.
I drive a 2000 Mazda Miata - downgraded from an '01 S2000 for financial reasons :( Still enjoying it though!!

Got a question Eric --- My Buttkicker Gamer came in today (another idea brought by you!) - The website said it fits diameters from 1" to 3.375". Unfortunately, I think they mean "circumfrence," not diameter -- it won't fit my 2" PVC pipe.

Where did you get your metal pole? I need to find something to mount it to. If the vibration's not strong enough I'll buy another one (can't beat $68 shipped) -- Chair slides back and forth so I can't have the pole touch the chair. Any input is great!! Thanks man!
Hi Driv300mph. With the Buttkicker, it's important to get enough vibration going through to the seat. I originally mounted mine directly to the wood seat base using a small (12-15cm 'ish) table leg I bought from a local hardware store. This didn't cut it really and I ended up bolting the leg directly to the bottom of the chair. I had to drill a hole in the wood seat base to allow this to happen. With yours, you might have more success than I did with attaching directly to the seat base so it might be worth a try first.

There are other options available. Funnily enough I was on Messanger last night discussing how to attach speakers to a chair whilst allowing it to recline and move back and forth on a rail. The solution was to remove one of the spacers between the bottom of the chair and the rail and insert a 3/4" piece of wood (with a hole dirlled to allow it to be bolted back together) which you could then attach a speaker stand to. This allows the seat to move forwards and backwards unimpeded, the speaker moving with the chair. You could try something similar if attaching to the base doesn't give you enough of an effect. It would be important using this method to use a relativey small piece of wood as this sort of material can dampen the effects as well.

If you take a trip around your local hardware store you will probably find something suitable to attach it to. The plumbing section might be a good place to look.

Hope this makes sense. Any questions, just ask!