first picture of damage in Prologue appears (likely fake)

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the Interceptor

There's clear evidence that the picture has been run through Photoshop, therefore it will be called a FAKE until we learn more!

Mik23 of the german GT forum GTRP posted a picture of a crumpled Renault Clio, obviously photographed of a TV running Prologue.


Since the picture states "Gran Turismo 5 Prologue" in the lower right corner, one can assume that we will see a damage model in Prologue. The source is Unfortunately, the thread opener doesn't state where the picture is from, so there are no further details to date to back the originality of this picture.
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Thanks for that Interceptor, but i have my doubts on that, but please correct me if i'm wrong...which i hope to be in that case lol.

It looks photoshopped to me, i dont know about you guys, or maybe it is just hard for me to believe that PD is showing us something new...and that would be damage then :S

anyhow, if it is real HURRAY

Looking closely, you can see the typical TV beat pattern all over the image - background, car, tyre wall - but not on the "damaged" parts, and the front-left wheel looks quite 2 dimensional.

Without any corroborating information, I call Photoshop.
I have already looked at this picture (was posted in another thread earlier) and I am pretty sure it is a fake (IMO).

EDIT - Exactly what Famine said. other forum, most people is guessing somebody is teasing us with Photoshop.
The damage looks kind of fake if you look closely, but since we have no idea in which state the programming was at the time the picture was taken, that's no actual indication of a Photoshop.

The source is a bit shady at the moment, but I guess we'll quickly learn whether this picture is real or fake. After all, we know that PD is working on the damage model, and we also know that there are plans to include it in Prologue, so the possibility of this being genuine is there.
Looking closely, you can see the typical TV beat pattern all over the image - background, car, tyre wall - but not on the "damaged" parts, and the front-left wheel looks quite 2 dimensional.

Without any corroborating information, I call Photoshop.

+1, was exactly what I was thinking
Yeah. It could be leaked. But otherwise I agree, that it's a weird time to show us anything. And that it would be a single screenshot - no, not even a screenshot, but a photograph of the screen.
The damage looks kind of fake if you look closely, but since we have no idea in which state the programming was at the time the picture was taken, that's no actual indication of a Photoshop.

It's not the nature of the damage that looks fake. It's the fact that the damaged parts look smooth.

Whenever you photograph a television, you see an interference pattern on the image. The pattern is clearly visible on all parts of that image apart from the "damaged" parts of the car.

He'd have done better to take a screenshot, or to create a noise layer to make the interference pattern uniform over the image.
so now let me point out 2 things.

1.) TV Patterns all over the image, just not on the damaged parts

2.)PD supposedly gave us a picture taken of a TV - not an actual screen shot like usuall

3.) weird time (even tho i dont understand why it would be a weird time)

so now let me point out 2 things.

1.) TV Patterns all over the image, just not on the damaged parts

2.)PD supposedly gave us a picture taken of a TV - not an actual screen shot like usuall

3.) weird time (even tho i dont understand why it would be a weird time)


Definately looks like a photoshop.

And you said let me point out 2 things then you listed 3 :lol:
Definate +1 for photoshop.

I really tried to believe, really! But the guy/girl who photoshopped this just didn't do a good enough job.
I have an advance beta testers version of the damage spec. If you drop 100bucks in my paypal account I'll send you it
You already have my bank account. :) Could you please deduct the 100 bucks from the 20 million you agreed to transfer to my account, your royal African higness?
It's fake, there's no airbag! 💡

A quick play around with the image in Gimp reveals that it's clearly been doctored - a straight photo from a TV screen it most certainly ain't...
Well I opened the image in photoshop and I can't discern any smudging or warping work. If it's really photoshopped, the shopper did a good job of covering his or her tracks.
Thanks! That's enough evidence for me to flag the picture as a fake until further notice.
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Oh well, you had me going there but no cigar.
I wouldn't call photoshop being listed as creation software 'proof'. I resize all my photos in photoshop, because it's most convenient for me.

That being said, there's a dodgy shadow on the plate behind the front wheel and the shading is too smooth compared to the rest of the image. It's a fairly good attempt though.
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