- 4,181
- Finland
- GTP_MadMax
Hello everyone and welcome to GTPlanet's GT1 Licence Time Record database Version 1.03
1.00 - GT1 Licence Record database created January 7. 2009
1.01 - Added GT Licence Total Time May 19. 2010
1.02 - Added gold , silver and bronze trophys and times. June 7. 2010
( Thanks for the NTSC-J vs PAL bronze/silver time difference data Famine. 👍 )
1.03 - Added car , drivetrain and track info for all licence tests. February 27. 2012
I had been searching for this kind thread from GTPlanet since I started at
GTPlanet. And only one availeble was GT4 Licence Comparison Thread.
So I desided to start to host this thread as I alredy have some experience from maintaining sutch threads.
So here is the deal:
I need you people to post in your best B Licence , A Licence and International A Licence times.
Unintentional or intentional wall touches are allowed in entrys to the database
Don't be afraid to post your times if they are slower than someone elses.
The idea of this thread is simply to create GTPlanet users database of GT1 Licence times.
When you post your record times remember to specify Licence and your username.
And remember to be honest about the times to keep this thread clean. 👍
To get this started I put up my old GT1 Licence times.
Viperin has also posted his times!
jrose has also posted his times!
Andy GT has also posted his B licence and A licence times! EDIT: and IA times.
Supergini has also posted B licence times!
Trial_Echidna has also posted his times!
Viper-Fan has also posted his times!
Famine has also posted his times and he improved the database giving us GT Licence Total Time! 👍
maniak300 has also posted his times!
FastasF*ch has also posted his times!
MeechShrykull has also posted his times!
Nero9 has also posted his B licence times!
GT_Prologue5 has also posted his times!
oldmodelt has also posted his B licence , A1-7 and IA1-4 times!
Stune has also posted his B licence times!
MyOwnWorstEnemy has also posted his B and A licence times!
m2595 has also posted his licence times!
endura has also posted his licence times!
FerrariF1GT has also posted his licence times!
If a user tells he has used "wallride" to archieve a time it's marked also.
B-1 Initial acceleration and stopping 1
Car: Mazda Demio
Drivetrain: FF
Track: Test Course
jrose - 33.878
MadMax86 - 33.954
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 33.965
Stune - 34.066
endura - 34.243
Famine - 34.464
FastasF*ch - 34.473
m2595 - 34.504
Nero9 - 34.556
maniak300 - 34.621
FerrariF1GT - 34.669
Trial_Echidna - 34.688
Viperin - 34.706
Viper-Fan - 34.721
MeechShrykull - 34.740
Andy GT - 34.751
Supergini - 34.837
GT_Prologue5 - 35.114
oldmodelt – 35.843
B-2 Initial acceleration and stopping 2
Car: Mitsubishi GTO
Drivetrain: 4WD
Track: Test Course
jrose - 25.223
MadMax86 - 25.394
Stune - 25.556
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 25.765
maniak300 - 25.776
endura - 25.853
m2595 - 25.923
Supergini - 26.014
FerrariF1GT - 26.038
Nero9 - 26.269
Famine - 26.301
Viper-Fan - 26.303
Trial_Echidna - 26.321
FastasF*ch - 26.363
Viperin - 26.363
MeechShrykull - 26.399
Andy GT - 26.402
GT_Prologue5 - 26.536
oldmodelt – 26.603
B-3 Basics of cornering 1
Car: Honda CR-X Delsol
Drivetrain: FF
Track: Deep Forest
29.000 / 30.000
jrose - 27.857
MadMax86 - 27.939
endura - 27.972
Stune - 27.983
m2595 - 28.078
FastasF*ch - 28.093
maniak300 - 28.093
Viper-Fan - 28.093
Viperin - 28.116
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 28.121
MeechShrykull - 28.129
Famine - 28.137
Nero9 - 28.141
Trial_Echidna - 28.145
FerrariF1GT - 28.149
GT_Prologue5 - 28.767
Supergini - 29.001
Andy GT - 29.248
oldmodelt – 29.789
B-4 Basics of cornering 2
Car: Nissan Silvia
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Deep Forest
jrose - 24.569
MadMax86 - 24.618
endura - 24.644
Supergini - 24.689
Stune - 24.691
maniak300 - 24.714
Viperin - 24.722
Nero9 - 24.732
Famine - 24.737
Trial_Echidna - 24.743
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 24.750
m2595 - 24.759
Viper-Fan - 24.775
FerrariF1GT - 24.776
FastasF*ch - 24.778
MeechShrykull - 24.796´
Andy GT - 25.130
GT_Prologue5 - 25.132
oldmodelt – 25.755
B-5 Basics of cornering 3
Car: Mitsubishi GTO
Drivetrain: 4WD
Track: Deep Forest
jrose - 23.252
endura - 23.266
MadMax86 - 23.355
Stune - 23.441
Famine - 23.547
Viper-Fan - 23.552
m2595 - 23.565
Nero9 - 23.577
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 23.583
FastasF*ch - 23.606
FerrariF1GT - 23.611
Trial_Echidna - 23.618
Viperin - 23.624
maniak300 - 23.645
MeechShrykull - 23.648
GT_Prologue5 - 23.984
oldmodelt – 24.074
Andy GT - 24.102
Supergini - 24.681
B-6 Basics of multiple corners 1
Car: Mitsubishi FTO
Drivetrain: FF
Track: High Speed Ring
jrose - 25.879
endura - 25.909
Supergini - 25.981
Stune - 26.057
MadMax86 - 26.072
m2595 - 26.107
maniak300 - 26.112
Trial_Echidna - 26.167
Famine - 26.244
FastasF*ch - 26.250
Viperin - 26.272
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 26.281
FerrariF1GT - 26.292
Nero9 - 26.316
MeechShrykull - 26.319
Viper-Fan - 26.319
GT_Prologue5 - 27.064
Andy GT - 27.064
oldmodelt – 27.348
B-7 Basics of multiple corners 2
Car: Nissan Silvia
Drivetrain: FR
Track: High Speed Ring
jrose - 25.341
endura - 25.404
Stune - 25.410
maniak300 - 25.443
m2595 - 25.462
MadMax86 - 25.490
MeechShrykull - 25.519
FastasF*ch - 25.549
Famine - 25.562
Viper-Fan - 25.582
FerrariF1GT - 25.637
Viperin - 25.676
Nero9 - 25.694
Trial_Echidna - 25.700
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 25.708
Supergini - 25.911
Andy GT - 26.042
GT_Prologue5 - 26.203
oldmodelt – 26.880
B-8 Test for B Licence
Car: Mazda Eunos Roadster
Drivetrain: FR
Track: High Speed Ring
jrose - 1.17.187
endura - 1'17.312
MadMax86 - 1'17.325
Stune - 1'17.342
m2595 - 1'17.403
maniak300 - 1'17.520
Nero9 - 1'17.800
Viper-Fan - 1'18.135
Famine - 1'18.246
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 1'18.407
Viperin - 1'18.518
Trial_Echidna - 1'19.007
FerrariF1GT - 1'19.108
FastasF*ch - 1'19.205
MeechShrykull - 1'19.370
GT_Prologue5 - 1'19.436
Andy GT - 1'20.292
Supergini - 1'21.107
oldmodelt – 1'21.430
B Licence Total Time
4'40.000 /4'41.000
jrose - 4.23.186
MadMax86 - 4'24.147
Stune - 4'24.546
endura - 4'24.603
m2595 - 4'25.801
maniak300 - 4'25.924
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 4'26.580
Nero9 - 4'27.085
Famine - 4'27.238
Viper-Fan - 4'27.480
Viperin - 4'27.997
FerrariF1GT - 4'28.280
FastasF*ch - 4'28.317
Trial_Echidna - 4'28.389
MeechShrykull - 4'28.920
Supergini - 4'32.221
GT_Prologue5 - 4'32.236
Andy GT - 4'33.031
oldmodelt – 4'37.722
A-1 Practical cornering 1
Car: Toyota Supra
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Deep Forest
jrose - 32.038
m2595 - 32.286
endura - 32.288
Viperin - 32.292
Trial_Echidna - 32.338
MadMax86 - 32.341
Famine - 32.345
MeechShrykull - 32.351
FerrariF1GT - 32.360
maniak300 - 32.386
Viper-Fan - 32.389
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 32.395
FastasF*ch - 32.537
oldmodelt – 33.148
Andy GT - 33.345
GT_Prologue5 - 33.942
A-2 Practical cornering 2
Car: Toyota Supra RZ
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Autumn Ring
jrose - 24.289
maniak300 - 24.562
endura - 24.567
MadMax86 - 24.589
Viper-Fan - 24.625
m2595 - 24.653
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 24.673
Famine - 24.674
MeechShrykull - 24.696
Trial_Echidna - 24.697
Viperin - 24.735
FerrariF1GT - 24.737
FastasF*ch - 24.918
Andy GT - 25.102
oldmodelt – 25.263
GT_Prologue5 - 25.767
A-3 Practical cornering 3
Car: Mazda RX-7
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Grand Valley
endura - 42.439
jrose - 42.459
m2595 - 42.605
maniak300 - 42.649
FerrariF1GT - 42.652
MadMax86 - 42.695
Viperin - 42.733
Trial_Echidna - 42.733
Famine - 42.745
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 42.753
MeechShrykull - 42.765
Viper-Fan - 42.788
Andy GT - 43.027
FastasF*ch - 43.095
GT_Prologue5 - 43.470
oldmodelt – 43.573
A-4 Coping with multiple corners 1
Car: Nissan Skyline GT-R
Drivetrain: 4WD
Track: Trial Mountain
m2595 - 36.990
jrose - 37.053
maniak300 - 37.059
endura - 37.085
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 37.173
MeechShrykull - 37.288
Viper-Fan - 37.315
Viperin - 37.355
MadMax86 - 37.360
Famine - 37.376
Trial_Echidna - 37.376
FerrariF1GT - 37.394
oldmodelt – 38.300
FastasF*ch - 37.803
Andy GT - 38.460
GT_Prologue5 - 38.848
A-5 Coping with multiple corners 2
Car: Honda Prelude
Drivetrain: FF
Track: Grand Valley
jrose - 29.507
m2595 - 29.693
maniak300 - 29.867
endura - 29.902
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 30.011
MadMax86 - 30.043
Famine - 30.075
Trial_Echidna - 30.114
FerrariF1GT - 30.135
Viper-Fan - 30.148
Viperin - 30.155
MeechShrykull - 30.162
FastasF*ch - 30.296
Andy GT - 31.075
oldmodelt – 31.212
GT_Prologue5 - 31.412
A-6 Coping with multiple corners 3
Car: Toyota MR2
Drivetrain: MR
Track: Deep Forest
jrose - 25.046
m2595 - 25.294
maniak300 - 25.379
endura - 25.387
MadMax86 - 25.710
Viperin - 25.837
Viper-Fan - 25.869
Famine - 25.955
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 25.987
MeechShrykull - 25.990
FerrariF1GT - 26.071
Trial_Echidna - 26.113
GT_Prologue5 - 26.325
FastasF*ch - 26.397
Andy GT - 26.510
oldmodelt – 26.823
A-7 Special techniques
Car: Subaru Impreza
Drivetrain: 4WD
Track: Grand Valley "box"
jrose - 24.276
endura - 24.781
MadMax86 - 25.833
maniak300 - 26.531
GT_Prologue5 - 27.417
FerrariF1GT - 27.437
Andy GT - 27.557
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 27.612
Trial_Echidna - 28.003
Viperin - 28.290
MeechShrykull - 28.342
m2595 - 29.141
Famine - 29.211
Viper-Fan - 29.444
FastasF*ch - 30.186
oldmodelt – 30.753
A-8 Test for A Licence
Car: Toyota Supra RZ
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Grand Valley
jrose - 1.04.752
endura - 1'05.123
MeechShrykull - 1'05.381
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 1'05.444
Famine - 1'05.495
Viperin - 1'05.497
MadMax86 - 1'05.498
m2595 - 1'05.499
FerrariF1GT - 1'05.509
maniak300 - 1'05.530
Viper-Fan - 1'05.544
Trial_Echidna - 1'05.577
FastasF*ch - 1'05.881
Andy GT - 1'06.364
GT_Prologue5 - 1'06.711
A Licence Total Time
jrose - 4'39.950
endura - 4'41.572
maniak300 - 4'43.963
MadMax86 - 4'44.069
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 4'46.048
m2595 - 4'46.161
FerrariF1GT - 4'46.295
Viperin - 4'46.894
Trial_Echidna - 4'46.951
MeechShrykull - 4'46.975
Famine - 4'47.876
Viper-Fan - 4'48.122
FastasF*ch - 4'51.113
Andy GT - 4'51.440
GT_Prologue5 - 4'53.892
IA-1 High Speed Ring Attack
Car: TVR Griffith
Drivetrain: FR
Track: High Speed Ring
jrose - 1.01.388
Sough - 1'02.788
MadMax86 - 1'02.830
endura - 1'03.450
Viper-Fan - 1'03.561
m2595 - 1'03.737
FerrariF1GT - 1'03.785
MeechShrykull - 1'03.787
maniak300 - 1'03.847
Trial_Echidna - 1'03.847
Famine - 1'03.925
Viperin - 1'03.964
GT_Prologue5 - 1'05.305
FastasF*ch - 1'05.827
Andy GT - 1'06.012
oldmodelt – 1'06.907
IA-2 SS Route 5 Attack
Car: Dodge Viper
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Special Stage R5
Sough - 1'24.199
m2595 - 1'24.672
jrose - 1.24.689
maniak300 - 1'24.945
Viper-Fan - 1'25.312
endura - 1'25.477
Trial_Echidna - 1'25.711
FerrariF1GT - 1'25.907
Famine - 1'26.049
MadMax86 - 1'26.165
MeechShrykull - 1'26.265
Viperin - 1'26.326
GT_Prologue5 - 1'29.252
FastasF*ch - 1'29.535
Andy GT - 1'29.738
oldmodelt – 1'29.886
IA-3 Grand Valley Attack
Car: TVR Griffith
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Grand Valley
Sough - 1'54.730
jrose - 1.55.513
m2595 - 1'55.836
endura - 1'56.138
Viper-Fan - 1'56.356
maniak300 - 1'56.832
Famine - 1'57.274
Viperin - 1'57.369
MadMax86 - 1'57.544
FerrariF1GT - 1'57.562
MeechShrykull - 1'57.653
Trial_Echidna - 1'57.693
Andy GT - 2'00.835
FastasF*ch - 2'01.306
GT_Prologue5 - 2'01.507
oldmodelt – 2'02.281
IA-4 Deep Forest Attack
Car: Dodge Viper
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Deep Forest
1'19.300 / 1'20.500
1'23.000 / 1'24.000
Sough - 1'16.184
m2595 - 1'16.562
endura - 1'16.578
jrose - 1.16.744
Viper-Fan - 1'17.356
MadMax86 - 1'17.742
maniak300 - 1'17.771
MeechShrykull - 1'18.153
Famine - 1'18.169
FerrariF1GT - 1'18.254
Trial_Echidna - 1'18.403
Viperin - 1'18.564
GT_Prologue5 - 1'21.456
oldmodelt – 1'22.229
FastasF*ch - 1'22.301
Andy GT - 1'22.515
IA-5 Autumn Ring Attack
Car: TVR Griffith
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Autumn Ring
Sough - 1'17.279
jrose - 1.17.662
m2595 - 1'17.928
endura - 1'18.257
Viper-Fan - 1'19.085
maniak300 - 1'19.164
Trial_Echidna - 1'19.804
MadMax86 - 1'19.834
Viperin - 1'19.922
Famine - 1'19.980
MeechShrykull - 1'20.107
FerrariF1GT - 1'20.189
GT_Prologue5 - 1'22.846
Andy GT - 1'23.583
FastasF*ch - 1'23.618
IA-6 Trial Mountain Attack
Car: Dodge Viper
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Trial Mountain
Sough - 1'25.781
m2595 - 1'26.320
endura - 1'26.428
jrose - 1.26.678
Viperin - 1'27.442
maniak300 - 1'27.744
Viper-Fan - 1'27.817
FerrariF1GT - 1'27.869
Famine - 1'28.234
MadMax86 - 1'28.248
Trial_Echidna -1'28.369
MeechShrykull - 1'28.528
GT_Prologue5 - 1'30.491
Andy GT - 1'32.067
FastasF*ch - 1'32.703
IA-7 SS Route 11 Attack
Car: TVR Griffith
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Special Stage R11
2'07.700 / 2'10.000
2'11.000 / 2'14.000
m2595 - 2'00.508
jrose - 2.01.979
Sough - 2'03.651
endura - 2'04.496
maniak300 - 2'04.867
MadMax86 - 2'04.931
FerrariF1GT - 2'05.612
Famine - 2'05.782
Trial_Echidna - 2'06.138
Viper-Fan - 2'06.188
MeechShrykull - 2'06.205
Viperin - 2'06.209
GT_Prologue5 - 2'11.989
Andy GT - 2'13.158
FastasF*ch - 2'13.494
IA-8 Grand Valley 2 Attack
Car: Dodge Viper
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Grand Valley II
Sough - 1'52.347
jrose - 1.53.136
m2595 - 1'53.348
endura - 1'53.881
Viper-Fan - 1'54.581
MadMax86 - 1'54.742
maniak300 - 1'54.784
FerrariF1GT - 1'55.050
MeechShrykull - 1'55.066
Viperin - 1'55.090
Famine - 1'55.311
Trial_Echidna - 1'55.320
GT_Prologue5 - 1'57.533
Andy GT - 1'57.545
FastasF*ch - 1'58.859
International A Licence Gran Turismo Time
12'46.300 / 12'49.800
13'10.000 / 13'14.000
Sough - 12'16.959
jrose - 12'17.789
m2595 - 12'18.911
endura - 12'24.705
maniak300 - 12'29.954
Viper-Fan - 12'30.256
MadMax86 - 12'32.036
FerrariF1GT - 12'34.228
Famine - 12'34.724
Trial_Echidna - 12'35.285
Viperin - 12'35.695
MeechShrykull - 12'35.764
GT_Prologue5 - 13'00.379
Andy GT - 13'05.453
FastasF*ch - 13'07.643
GT Licence Total Time ( Thanks for the idea Famine )
22'14.200 / 22'17.700
22'53.000 / 22'58.000
jrose - 21'20.925
endura - 21'30.880
m2595 - 21'36.558
maniak300 - 21'39.841
MadMax86 - 21'40.252
Viper-Fan - 21'45.858
FerrariF1GT - 21'48.803
Famine - 21'49.838
Viperin - 21'50.586
Trial_Echidna - 21'50.625
MeechShrykull - 21'51.659
GT_Prologue5 - 22'26.507
FastasF*ch - 22'27.073
Andy GT - 22'29.924
I'll be updating this post whenever there are new entrys posted to this thread and I'm not toobusy lazy.
1.00 - GT1 Licence Record database created January 7. 2009
1.01 - Added GT Licence Total Time May 19. 2010
1.02 - Added gold , silver and bronze trophys and times. June 7. 2010
( Thanks for the NTSC-J vs PAL bronze/silver time difference data Famine. 👍 )
1.03 - Added car , drivetrain and track info for all licence tests. February 27. 2012
I had been searching for this kind thread from GTPlanet since I started at
GTPlanet. And only one availeble was GT4 Licence Comparison Thread.
So I desided to start to host this thread as I alredy have some experience from maintaining sutch threads.
So here is the deal:
I need you people to post in your best B Licence , A Licence and International A Licence times.
Unintentional or intentional wall touches are allowed in entrys to the database
Don't be afraid to post your times if they are slower than someone elses.
The idea of this thread is simply to create GTPlanet users database of GT1 Licence times.
When you post your record times remember to specify Licence and your username.
And remember to be honest about the times to keep this thread clean. 👍
To get this started I put up my old GT1 Licence times.
Viperin has also posted his times!
jrose has also posted his times!
Andy GT has also posted his B licence and A licence times! EDIT: and IA times.
Supergini has also posted B licence times!
Trial_Echidna has also posted his times!
Viper-Fan has also posted his times!
Famine has also posted his times and he improved the database giving us GT Licence Total Time! 👍
maniak300 has also posted his times!
FastasF*ch has also posted his times!
MeechShrykull has also posted his times!
Nero9 has also posted his B licence times!
GT_Prologue5 has also posted his times!
oldmodelt has also posted his B licence , A1-7 and IA1-4 times!
Stune has also posted his B licence times!
MyOwnWorstEnemy has also posted his B and A licence times!
m2595 has also posted his licence times!
endura has also posted his licence times!
FerrariF1GT has also posted his licence times!
If a user tells he has used "wallride" to archieve a time it's marked also.
B-1 Initial acceleration and stopping 1
Car: Mazda Demio
Drivetrain: FF
Track: Test Course
jrose - 33.878
MadMax86 - 33.954
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 33.965
Stune - 34.066
endura - 34.243
Famine - 34.464
FastasF*ch - 34.473
m2595 - 34.504
Nero9 - 34.556
maniak300 - 34.621
FerrariF1GT - 34.669
Trial_Echidna - 34.688
Viperin - 34.706
Viper-Fan - 34.721
MeechShrykull - 34.740
Andy GT - 34.751
Supergini - 34.837
GT_Prologue5 - 35.114
oldmodelt – 35.843
B-2 Initial acceleration and stopping 2
Car: Mitsubishi GTO
Drivetrain: 4WD
Track: Test Course
jrose - 25.223
MadMax86 - 25.394
Stune - 25.556
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 25.765
maniak300 - 25.776
endura - 25.853
m2595 - 25.923
Supergini - 26.014
FerrariF1GT - 26.038
Nero9 - 26.269
Famine - 26.301
Viper-Fan - 26.303
Trial_Echidna - 26.321
FastasF*ch - 26.363
Viperin - 26.363
MeechShrykull - 26.399
Andy GT - 26.402
GT_Prologue5 - 26.536
oldmodelt – 26.603
B-3 Basics of cornering 1
Car: Honda CR-X Delsol
Drivetrain: FF
Track: Deep Forest
jrose - 27.857
MadMax86 - 27.939
endura - 27.972
Stune - 27.983
m2595 - 28.078
FastasF*ch - 28.093
maniak300 - 28.093
Viper-Fan - 28.093
Viperin - 28.116
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 28.121
MeechShrykull - 28.129
Famine - 28.137
Nero9 - 28.141
Trial_Echidna - 28.145
FerrariF1GT - 28.149
GT_Prologue5 - 28.767
Supergini - 29.001
Andy GT - 29.248
oldmodelt – 29.789
B-4 Basics of cornering 2
Car: Nissan Silvia
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Deep Forest
jrose - 24.569
MadMax86 - 24.618
endura - 24.644
Supergini - 24.689
Stune - 24.691
maniak300 - 24.714
Viperin - 24.722
Nero9 - 24.732
Famine - 24.737
Trial_Echidna - 24.743
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 24.750
m2595 - 24.759
Viper-Fan - 24.775
FerrariF1GT - 24.776
FastasF*ch - 24.778
MeechShrykull - 24.796´
Andy GT - 25.130
GT_Prologue5 - 25.132
oldmodelt – 25.755
B-5 Basics of cornering 3
Car: Mitsubishi GTO
Drivetrain: 4WD
Track: Deep Forest
jrose - 23.252
endura - 23.266
MadMax86 - 23.355
Stune - 23.441
Famine - 23.547
Viper-Fan - 23.552
m2595 - 23.565
Nero9 - 23.577
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 23.583
FastasF*ch - 23.606
FerrariF1GT - 23.611
Trial_Echidna - 23.618
Viperin - 23.624
maniak300 - 23.645
MeechShrykull - 23.648
GT_Prologue5 - 23.984
oldmodelt – 24.074
Andy GT - 24.102
Supergini - 24.681
B-6 Basics of multiple corners 1
Car: Mitsubishi FTO
Drivetrain: FF
Track: High Speed Ring
jrose - 25.879
endura - 25.909
Supergini - 25.981
Stune - 26.057
MadMax86 - 26.072
m2595 - 26.107
maniak300 - 26.112
Trial_Echidna - 26.167
Famine - 26.244
FastasF*ch - 26.250
Viperin - 26.272
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 26.281
FerrariF1GT - 26.292
Nero9 - 26.316
MeechShrykull - 26.319
Viper-Fan - 26.319
GT_Prologue5 - 27.064
Andy GT - 27.064
oldmodelt – 27.348
B-7 Basics of multiple corners 2
Car: Nissan Silvia
Drivetrain: FR
Track: High Speed Ring
jrose - 25.341
endura - 25.404
Stune - 25.410
maniak300 - 25.443
m2595 - 25.462
MadMax86 - 25.490
MeechShrykull - 25.519
FastasF*ch - 25.549
Famine - 25.562
Viper-Fan - 25.582
FerrariF1GT - 25.637
Viperin - 25.676
Nero9 - 25.694
Trial_Echidna - 25.700
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 25.708
Supergini - 25.911
Andy GT - 26.042
GT_Prologue5 - 26.203
oldmodelt – 26.880
B-8 Test for B Licence
Car: Mazda Eunos Roadster
Drivetrain: FR
Track: High Speed Ring
jrose - 1.17.187
endura - 1'17.312
MadMax86 - 1'17.325
Stune - 1'17.342
m2595 - 1'17.403
maniak300 - 1'17.520
Nero9 - 1'17.800
Viper-Fan - 1'18.135
Famine - 1'18.246
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 1'18.407
Viperin - 1'18.518
Trial_Echidna - 1'19.007
FerrariF1GT - 1'19.108
FastasF*ch - 1'19.205
MeechShrykull - 1'19.370
GT_Prologue5 - 1'19.436
Andy GT - 1'20.292
Supergini - 1'21.107
oldmodelt – 1'21.430
B Licence Total Time
jrose - 4.23.186
MadMax86 - 4'24.147
Stune - 4'24.546
endura - 4'24.603
m2595 - 4'25.801
maniak300 - 4'25.924
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 4'26.580
Nero9 - 4'27.085
Famine - 4'27.238
Viper-Fan - 4'27.480
Viperin - 4'27.997
FerrariF1GT - 4'28.280
FastasF*ch - 4'28.317
Trial_Echidna - 4'28.389
MeechShrykull - 4'28.920
Supergini - 4'32.221
GT_Prologue5 - 4'32.236
Andy GT - 4'33.031
oldmodelt – 4'37.722
A-1 Practical cornering 1
Car: Toyota Supra
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Deep Forest
jrose - 32.038
m2595 - 32.286
endura - 32.288
Viperin - 32.292
Trial_Echidna - 32.338
MadMax86 - 32.341
Famine - 32.345
MeechShrykull - 32.351
FerrariF1GT - 32.360
maniak300 - 32.386
Viper-Fan - 32.389
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 32.395
FastasF*ch - 32.537
oldmodelt – 33.148
Andy GT - 33.345
GT_Prologue5 - 33.942
A-2 Practical cornering 2
Car: Toyota Supra RZ
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Autumn Ring
jrose - 24.289
maniak300 - 24.562
endura - 24.567
MadMax86 - 24.589
Viper-Fan - 24.625
m2595 - 24.653
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 24.673
Famine - 24.674
MeechShrykull - 24.696
Trial_Echidna - 24.697
Viperin - 24.735
FerrariF1GT - 24.737
FastasF*ch - 24.918
Andy GT - 25.102
oldmodelt – 25.263
GT_Prologue5 - 25.767
A-3 Practical cornering 3
Car: Mazda RX-7
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Grand Valley
endura - 42.439
jrose - 42.459
m2595 - 42.605
maniak300 - 42.649
FerrariF1GT - 42.652
MadMax86 - 42.695
Viperin - 42.733
Trial_Echidna - 42.733
Famine - 42.745
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 42.753
MeechShrykull - 42.765
Viper-Fan - 42.788
Andy GT - 43.027
FastasF*ch - 43.095
GT_Prologue5 - 43.470
oldmodelt – 43.573
A-4 Coping with multiple corners 1
Car: Nissan Skyline GT-R
Drivetrain: 4WD
Track: Trial Mountain
m2595 - 36.990
jrose - 37.053
maniak300 - 37.059
endura - 37.085
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 37.173
MeechShrykull - 37.288
Viper-Fan - 37.315
Viperin - 37.355
MadMax86 - 37.360
Famine - 37.376
Trial_Echidna - 37.376
FerrariF1GT - 37.394
oldmodelt – 38.300
FastasF*ch - 37.803
Andy GT - 38.460
GT_Prologue5 - 38.848
A-5 Coping with multiple corners 2
Car: Honda Prelude
Drivetrain: FF
Track: Grand Valley
jrose - 29.507
m2595 - 29.693
maniak300 - 29.867
endura - 29.902
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 30.011
MadMax86 - 30.043
Famine - 30.075
Trial_Echidna - 30.114
FerrariF1GT - 30.135
Viper-Fan - 30.148
Viperin - 30.155
MeechShrykull - 30.162
FastasF*ch - 30.296
Andy GT - 31.075
oldmodelt – 31.212
GT_Prologue5 - 31.412
A-6 Coping with multiple corners 3
Car: Toyota MR2
Drivetrain: MR
Track: Deep Forest
jrose - 25.046
m2595 - 25.294
maniak300 - 25.379
endura - 25.387
MadMax86 - 25.710
Viperin - 25.837
Viper-Fan - 25.869
Famine - 25.955
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 25.987
MeechShrykull - 25.990
FerrariF1GT - 26.071
Trial_Echidna - 26.113
GT_Prologue5 - 26.325
FastasF*ch - 26.397
Andy GT - 26.510
oldmodelt – 26.823
A-7 Special techniques
Car: Subaru Impreza
Drivetrain: 4WD
Track: Grand Valley "box"
jrose - 24.276
endura - 24.781
MadMax86 - 25.833
maniak300 - 26.531
GT_Prologue5 - 27.417
FerrariF1GT - 27.437
Andy GT - 27.557
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 27.612
Trial_Echidna - 28.003
Viperin - 28.290
MeechShrykull - 28.342
m2595 - 29.141
Famine - 29.211
Viper-Fan - 29.444
FastasF*ch - 30.186
oldmodelt – 30.753
A-8 Test for A Licence
Car: Toyota Supra RZ
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Grand Valley
jrose - 1.04.752
endura - 1'05.123
MeechShrykull - 1'05.381
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 1'05.444
Famine - 1'05.495
Viperin - 1'05.497
MadMax86 - 1'05.498
m2595 - 1'05.499
FerrariF1GT - 1'05.509
maniak300 - 1'05.530
Viper-Fan - 1'05.544
Trial_Echidna - 1'05.577
FastasF*ch - 1'05.881
Andy GT - 1'06.364
GT_Prologue5 - 1'06.711
A Licence Total Time
jrose - 4'39.950
endura - 4'41.572
maniak300 - 4'43.963
MadMax86 - 4'44.069
MyOwnWorstEnemy - 4'46.048
m2595 - 4'46.161
FerrariF1GT - 4'46.295
Viperin - 4'46.894
Trial_Echidna - 4'46.951
MeechShrykull - 4'46.975
Famine - 4'47.876
Viper-Fan - 4'48.122
FastasF*ch - 4'51.113
Andy GT - 4'51.440
GT_Prologue5 - 4'53.892
IA-1 High Speed Ring Attack
Car: TVR Griffith
Drivetrain: FR
Track: High Speed Ring
jrose - 1.01.388
Sough - 1'02.788
MadMax86 - 1'02.830
endura - 1'03.450
Viper-Fan - 1'03.561
m2595 - 1'03.737
FerrariF1GT - 1'03.785
MeechShrykull - 1'03.787
maniak300 - 1'03.847
Trial_Echidna - 1'03.847
Famine - 1'03.925
Viperin - 1'03.964
GT_Prologue5 - 1'05.305
FastasF*ch - 1'05.827
Andy GT - 1'06.012
oldmodelt – 1'06.907
IA-2 SS Route 5 Attack
Car: Dodge Viper
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Special Stage R5
Sough - 1'24.199
m2595 - 1'24.672
jrose - 1.24.689
maniak300 - 1'24.945
Viper-Fan - 1'25.312
endura - 1'25.477
Trial_Echidna - 1'25.711
FerrariF1GT - 1'25.907
Famine - 1'26.049
MadMax86 - 1'26.165
MeechShrykull - 1'26.265
Viperin - 1'26.326
GT_Prologue5 - 1'29.252
FastasF*ch - 1'29.535
Andy GT - 1'29.738
oldmodelt – 1'29.886
IA-3 Grand Valley Attack
Car: TVR Griffith
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Grand Valley
Sough - 1'54.730
jrose - 1.55.513
m2595 - 1'55.836
endura - 1'56.138
Viper-Fan - 1'56.356
maniak300 - 1'56.832
Famine - 1'57.274
Viperin - 1'57.369
MadMax86 - 1'57.544
FerrariF1GT - 1'57.562
MeechShrykull - 1'57.653
Trial_Echidna - 1'57.693
Andy GT - 2'00.835
FastasF*ch - 2'01.306
GT_Prologue5 - 2'01.507
oldmodelt – 2'02.281
IA-4 Deep Forest Attack
Car: Dodge Viper
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Deep Forest
Sough - 1'16.184
m2595 - 1'16.562
endura - 1'16.578
jrose - 1.16.744
Viper-Fan - 1'17.356
MadMax86 - 1'17.742
maniak300 - 1'17.771
MeechShrykull - 1'18.153
Famine - 1'18.169
FerrariF1GT - 1'18.254
Trial_Echidna - 1'18.403
Viperin - 1'18.564
GT_Prologue5 - 1'21.456
oldmodelt – 1'22.229
FastasF*ch - 1'22.301
Andy GT - 1'22.515
IA-5 Autumn Ring Attack
Car: TVR Griffith
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Autumn Ring
Sough - 1'17.279
jrose - 1.17.662
m2595 - 1'17.928
endura - 1'18.257
Viper-Fan - 1'19.085
maniak300 - 1'19.164
Trial_Echidna - 1'19.804
MadMax86 - 1'19.834
Viperin - 1'19.922
Famine - 1'19.980
MeechShrykull - 1'20.107
FerrariF1GT - 1'20.189
GT_Prologue5 - 1'22.846
Andy GT - 1'23.583
FastasF*ch - 1'23.618
IA-6 Trial Mountain Attack
Car: Dodge Viper
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Trial Mountain
Sough - 1'25.781
m2595 - 1'26.320
endura - 1'26.428
jrose - 1.26.678
Viperin - 1'27.442
maniak300 - 1'27.744
Viper-Fan - 1'27.817
FerrariF1GT - 1'27.869
Famine - 1'28.234
MadMax86 - 1'28.248
Trial_Echidna -1'28.369
MeechShrykull - 1'28.528
GT_Prologue5 - 1'30.491
Andy GT - 1'32.067
FastasF*ch - 1'32.703
IA-7 SS Route 11 Attack
Car: TVR Griffith
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Special Stage R11
m2595 - 2'00.508
jrose - 2.01.979
Sough - 2'03.651
endura - 2'04.496
maniak300 - 2'04.867
MadMax86 - 2'04.931
FerrariF1GT - 2'05.612
Famine - 2'05.782
Trial_Echidna - 2'06.138
Viper-Fan - 2'06.188
MeechShrykull - 2'06.205
Viperin - 2'06.209
GT_Prologue5 - 2'11.989
Andy GT - 2'13.158
FastasF*ch - 2'13.494
IA-8 Grand Valley 2 Attack
Car: Dodge Viper
Drivetrain: FR
Track: Grand Valley II
Sough - 1'52.347
jrose - 1.53.136
m2595 - 1'53.348
endura - 1'53.881
Viper-Fan - 1'54.581
MadMax86 - 1'54.742
maniak300 - 1'54.784
FerrariF1GT - 1'55.050
MeechShrykull - 1'55.066
Viperin - 1'55.090
Famine - 1'55.311
Trial_Echidna - 1'55.320
GT_Prologue5 - 1'57.533
Andy GT - 1'57.545
FastasF*ch - 1'58.859
International A Licence Gran Turismo Time
Sough - 12'16.959
jrose - 12'17.789
m2595 - 12'18.911
endura - 12'24.705
maniak300 - 12'29.954
Viper-Fan - 12'30.256
MadMax86 - 12'32.036
FerrariF1GT - 12'34.228
Famine - 12'34.724
Trial_Echidna - 12'35.285
Viperin - 12'35.695
MeechShrykull - 12'35.764
GT_Prologue5 - 13'00.379
Andy GT - 13'05.453
FastasF*ch - 13'07.643
GT Licence Total Time ( Thanks for the idea Famine )
jrose - 21'20.925
endura - 21'30.880
m2595 - 21'36.558
maniak300 - 21'39.841
MadMax86 - 21'40.252
Viper-Fan - 21'45.858
FerrariF1GT - 21'48.803
Famine - 21'49.838
Viperin - 21'50.586
Trial_Echidna - 21'50.625
MeechShrykull - 21'51.659
GT_Prologue5 - 22'26.507
FastasF*ch - 22'27.073
Andy GT - 22'29.924
I'll be updating this post whenever there are new entrys posted to this thread and I'm not too
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