GT5/Home Integration Speculation

  • Thread starter jlachenal
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this is what i read on a dutch ps3 site (
it's translated by google..... so there may be some strange sentences in it!

Gran Turismo 5 was naturally present in the press conference, Sony and now there is more information released about the possibilities of this game. Thus, in the game are a web browser that you can buy ingame online components. Thinking than on engines, exhaust systems, wheels and so on. The unique feature of this feature is that prices and specifications are identical as if you really would buy for your car. The ingame things you buy online, that happens naturally through the Gran Turismo money.

Via this road you will, your car's own desire to fully adjust. This was content with the previous sections all but five part seems to attract a new height. Finally there is a Space confirmed for Home, which is all about Gran Turismo 5 runs. Sapce This will work with the game and vice versa. Once you are certain Home related stuff goes buy, it will certain things in the game benefit. This money the other way, for example if you buy a car in the game. What we exactly need to ask is not yet clear, but in the longer term will automatically be published.

Gran Turismo 5 was natuurlijk aanwezig in de persconferentie van Sony en nu is er nog wat meer informatie vrijgegeven over de mogelijkheden van deze game. Zo zal er in de game een webbrowser zitten waarmee je ingame online onderdelen kunt kopen. Denk hierbij dan aan motoren, uitlaten, velgen enzovoort. Het unieke aan deze feature is dat de prijzen alsook specificaties identiek zijn alsof je het echt zou kopen voor je auto. De ingame dingen die je koopt online, dat gebeurd natuurlijk via het Gran Turismo geld.

Via deze weg zul je, je auto's volledig naar eigen wens kunnen aanpassen. Dit kon inhoudelijk met de voorgaande delen al, maar deel vijf lijkt dit naar een nieuwe hoogte te trekken. Als laatste is er ook nog een Space bevestigd voor Home, welke volledig om Gran Turismo 5 draait. Deze Sapce zal werken met de game en vice versa. Zodra je in Home bepaalde gerelateerde dingen gaat kopen, dan zal dit bepaalde dingen in de game opleveren. Dit geld andersom ook, bijvoorbeeld als je een auto koopt in de game. Wat we hier precies bij voor moeten stellen is nog niet duidelijk, maar zal op langere termijn vanzelf bekend gemaakt worden.
Sounds nice BUT I doubt the credibility...
Why would a dutch site know such things instead of any other magazine or site ?

Nice find anyway
Someone change the thread title please to "new gt5 rumour". ;)
Sounds interesting though.
Did a little translation, but I think it's all lies or rumour and highly unlikely:

Of course Gran Turismo 5 was present at the Sony Press conference and there's given a little more information about the game's possibilities too. There would be an in-game webbrowser with the possibility to buy parts while you're playing. Think about engines, exhausts, rims, etc...The unique thing about this feature is that prices AND specifications would resemble the prices and specifications in reality. Of course the things you buy are paid with Gran Turismo credits.

In this way you would be able to get your car custom-made to all your personal wishes.
It was possible in the previous versions of Gran Turismo, but in the 5th Gran Turismo it could be taken to new heights. To finish, there has also been confirmed a "space" for home, which would be all about Gran Turismo. There would be interaction between the game and home. From the moment you buy parts in home, this would lead to things in game too. What we have to see in all this, is not yet clear, but will be revealed in the loner term.
Oh! I heard this info also!
It says that there will be an online store for buying custom tuning parts (suspensions, gearboxes...) those parts will have real brand names and will affect your car differently. You will buy those parts with gran turismo money (Cr.)
Also, there is going to be a GT5 HOME space. And I understand that you will get a HOME figures of cars you are currently bought or won. They will resemble toy model cars, and you will be able to show them to your friends in your HOME apartment.

this is what I know

(oops, Zimmerd was faster)
What happens to all the people (quite a lot) that don't have their PS3 connected to the internet? Those who just want a packaged game and play as it is.

I assume if this is true then these parts will be on top of what will be shipped on disk?
Im still not sure if they mean a real webbrowser or a virtual one...
We need official confirmation, speculation wont help.^^
Yeah I read the last post before mine (#8) and he mentioned "online", so yeah it would work as a virtual web browser but why would they do that..? Unless there is much more to this story which we don't know yet (or it's a load of bull).
normally the site is reliable.
they get their news from gtplanet, but this wasn't here yet so i thought i'll post it here

don't blame the messenger....:D
Was not fast enougth on this one. Still here's another translation:

GT5 was naturally present at the Sony’s press conference and more informations about how things will happen in game are now released. The game will feature a “web-browser”, whereby you’ll be able to purchase online parts. Think off engines, exhausts, rims, etc... The reference and the price you’ll pay for these will correspond to the ones you’d buy in real world. Of course, you’ll use in game credit to purchase these.

With this, you’ll be able to tune you car too your personal taste. This sure was available in previous iterations, but with the fifth one it is brought to a higher level. Also, a specific Home space, running at GT5 level, will be created. This space will work two way. As soon as you purchase some items in Home, these will be available in game. This works the other way around, if you purchase a car in game for example. What is to understand with this is still unclear, but will become by itself later on.

This reminds me the kind of parking location we had in a previous opening movie of the game. A possible personal Home base place where you can make car transaction maybe? A nice opportunity for the tuners? lots of possibilities.👍
normally the site is reliable.
they get their news from gtplanet, but this wasn't here yet so i thought i'll post it here

don't blame the messenger....:D

Haha don't worry we don't blame you,
always nice to hear new GT5 news
Don't like the sound of it but hey! I'd prefer a nice simple tuning system as I'm not a big tuner.
normally the site is reliable.
they get their news from gtplanet, but this wasn't here yet so i thought i'll post it here

don't blame the messenger....:D

No one blames you, the thread title is a bit misleading though, since theres no official confirmation for this. Its a rumour so far. ;)
Hmmm.... sounds interesting... lets give it some time and see if its really true...
Yeah I read the last post before mine (#8) and he mentioned "online", so yeah it would work as a virtual web browser but why would they do that..? Unless there is much more to this story which we don't know yet (or it's a load of bull).
The Virtual web browser would be just as good as the real online one for me. It would add to the realism to the game. Also to soundtrack: I hope there will be wheels with those rims j/K
If this is true, i predict Two things:

1-PD has been listening the people about car customization/more online features
2-When GT5 comes out, it`ll blow out sales, and wil Pwn Forza hahaha

so IF this is true, then ill be very happy
The way Sony seems to have a hardon for Home I wouldn't be surprised if that bit is at least true. About the online parts store... would be nice if it were true, but it wouldn't make nor break the game for me to be fair. Unless individual parts of your car can break down (fatigue, wear, etc.) I don't see much point in buying any particular brand of hardware anyway. Unless of course one brand is commonly known to deliver higher performance...

In any case, if the tuning will be like it was in the past in other GT's, I'll be a happy camper already too.

I don't get the parts thing, wouldn't there be license issues if it is a real browser. I'm sure those company's would want some money if their parts are in the game. I'm guessing it will be virtual for this reason.
They may assume that 90% of the population are online, which seems plausible so an online shop would not be a problem, however i think the tuning will follow the previous titles and you would have stuff on the the game, to buy etc. There is a possibility that extra stuff will be downloadable i think, cars, parts etc and i'm really excited about the the possibility that the car count will be constantly added to via download.......
this game is going to be huge
There would be interaction between the game and home. From the moment you buy parts in home, this would lead to things in game too.
Interacting with Home? Why!? A Gran Turismo space would be ok, but GT5 should not rely on Home in any way. If you wanna tune your car, play online, trade cars or anything, you should be able to do so withing the game itself. That's my opinion. :rolleyes:

EDIT: DLC would be nice though, since the game then stays updated. Tuning parts packages, car packages, track packages and so on. But all that is hopefully going to be purchased at Playstation Store and not Home.
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If this is true, i predict Two things:

2-When GT5 comes out, it`ll blow out sales, and wil Pwn Forza hahaha

so IF this is true, then ill be very happy

Even simple game like GT5 PROLOGUE, which is not a full game, but rather a BETA, It still came close to full game of FORZA 2. So I do not worry about GT5.

But yeah the custom parts.. yeah they will be in game.. no doubt.
I think this would have to be a virtual web browser for those who don't have broadband access. But maybe for those of us who do, it'll link to a special page at the PS Store or a Polyphony website where we can get some extra or updated goodies? I know that Kaz is wanting to take GT5 to the next level, and this would sure do it.

By the way, there's nothing wrong with Home integration. Anything that exposes Gran Turismo as much as possible, I'm all for. Besides, it would be cool to have a racing outfit in Ferrari red or Subaru blue. ;)
try to think about all the items for interiors of cars....
if we will have a garage online with possibility to change or maybe buy cars of other players thare must be this different items to buy....
cuz if not, the car would be all equal, i could buy one and tune all with race parts without the need to buy another equal online...
so with many different brand parts there will be many combination nothing equal than other...
this will be the real next gen game...
Another link.

More unofficial "older" news:

Finally, some concrete details about the long overdue Gran Turismo 5. I know, I know, am still wondering myself how come this game got stuck in Neverland for the past couple of years when it's supposed to be the PS3 game everyone just gotta have. But no time for dilly-dallying. Kazunori Yamauchi himself has now spoken, and he brings good news.

Thanks to an interview conducted by Audi, we now hold the info that there will be dynamic weather and night racing in GT 5. The interview is in German, but we were able to get a translated text of it. Here's what you'd definitely want to know about this "incredibly realistic" racing title:

Kazunori Yamauchi: We are working on including weather changes, a race which may affect index. And damage to racing cars we will son be able to simulate.

It also appears that there will be loads of online content to be given away once it is released. You know when it makes the most sense. We hope that's really anytime soon. Cos if it's been some two years already and it's still not making sense... then maybe it's just meant to be broken?
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