g25 for cheap?

  • Thread starter hon1987
hi guys, this is my first post! I already own the g25,and I got an email from play.com today about the g25 race wheel, saying £100 off the usual price with a voucher code. Not sure if they are referring to £100 off the rrp or £100 off the list price of £199.99!
For those interested, the voucher code is GRID25.

And the link:


If it turns out it still is £200, then hop on over to overclockers!
Just purchased one for £69.99. Your a legend ! 👍

Wow :dopey: that is a great find 👍

If I lived in England/Europe and had been waiting to make a wheel purchase, I would be scooping this deal up :cheers:
It amended itself to £69.99? or back to £99.99?

Reading around the net, it seems for a short period of time the price was reduced (accidentally I thinK).

Mark T, it would be nice to hear if they actually honoured the lower price.
Reading around the net, it seems for a short period of time the price was reduced (accidentally I thinK).

Mark T, it would be nice to hear if they actually honoured the lower price.

Oh I see. And I just paid £140 for mine 2 days ago!:ill::ouch::dunce:
Reading around the net, it seems for a short period of time the price was reduced (accidentally I thinK).

Mark T, it would be nice to hear if they actually honoured the lower price.

Just checked the status update and it says packing so they must have already processed payment.


It amended itself to £69.99? or back to £99.99?

It changed to £69.99.
Even the 99,99£ price is very good, but can someone tell me if the voucher code is still functionel? I do not have an accont on play.com and I would just like to be sure that I can get the wheel for around 100 and not 200£, before I make a new user..
Thx for the tip ;D
Thanks, I just figured that out. After I registerd on the site! Dosn't matter, I should have checked this site first... ;D
Anyway: I know it's the wrong site for this debat, but now I can't decide whether i should buy a G25 for 270$ or a Driving Force GT for a bit over 140$.... I really wan't the G25's 6-speed gearbox, but since it's older (G27?), more expensive and with no setting for it in GT5, can I still buy it and know that I bought the best? :S
Please answer :D
My G25 is on its way.:)

Quick question for you all as I didn't want to start a new thread.

Im going to have to make do with a makeshift table before I purchase a racing cockpit later on this year. So can you tell me the exact width of the G25 with and without the 6 speed shifter. Im hoping my table is wide enough for both otherwise I shall have to use a seperate table for the shifter.

As for cockpits I am tempted with the Gameracer elite or Pro. Having said this the wheelstand pro or fanatec wheel stand looks a much cheaper option.

Im nervous about spending a huge amount of money on a cockpit incase I find it all a waste of money. So I would rather test my G25 first but then I suppose im not getting the best out of it without a cockpit!!

Anyone in the UK selling a gameracer or playseat please contact me via PM.
I have owned a G25 for two years & always used it with the wheel & shifter set up on a (very sturdy) table. I never felt the need for a "cockpit". However, I recently bought a Playseat Evo & I have to say that if you have the space for it, the Playseat rig is very worthwhile. It is extremely well designed for the G25 (with the shifter addition), comfortable, & adds a lot to the immersion. 👍
A G25 is on its way here too, thankyou play.com :) .
Mine arrived and my word what a quality piece of equipment.

Never used a wheel before and only have the G25 attached to a table but within just 10mins I equalled my HSR laptime (Evora) and this is only half a second off top 10!

I do have a question for you when yours arrives.

I noticed at the bottom of the wheel, pedals, shifter there are holes so you can screw these onto a platform. Now my G25 didn't come with the bolts to attach this only the clamps. I wonder if these bolts are provided when you purchase a racing cockpit i.e playseat, gameracer?

Let me know if the actual bolts were included with your G25? Maybe there not supposed to be included!
I just bought new g25 pedals for my fanatec wheel for just 40€ but that £69.99 deal for whole system is super :)
Mine arrived and my word what a quality piece of equipment.

Never used a wheel before and only have the G25 attached to a table but within just 10mins I equalled my HSR laptime (Evora) and this is only half a second off top 10!

I do have a question for you when yours arrives.

I noticed at the bottom of the wheel, pedals, shifter there are holes so you can screw these onto a platform. Now my G25 didn't come with the bolts to attach this only the clamps. I wonder if these bolts are provided when you purchase a racing cockpit i.e playseat, gameracer?

Let me know if the actual bolts were included with your G25? Maybe there not supposed to be included!
It's been along time since I got my playseat g25 combo, but I'm almost positive that the bolts, and allen wrenches came with the playseat. I think you got 10 allen bolts to mount the wheel pedals and shifter with.
G25 arrived and setup, no bolts came with mine for the holes on the bottom, but it's clamped to my desk and is working fine after an initial play around with standard settings and a cappucino around high speed ring. Me likey already :)
I'm just going to continue this thread..
As I was told on the previous page, the offer of 99,99£ does only applies in UK and since I'm still very interested in the wheel (and would like to have one very soon ;D), I would just like to hear if anyone know the cheapest place to buy it, including the shipping to Denmark (a little land, just east of UK in Europe :))
I really can't play GT5 without a wheel now, after I've seen all the videos plus that I have been used to use my Formula Force GP for PC to racing games, for ages.. ;P

.. And one more thing. How can I know how new the wheels from the websites or stores are??
I've heard (mostly on YouTube) that Logitech have made some small changes in the gershifter in the newer models, which removes some of the clicking sound and makes it a little more steady...

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Hmm...Denmark you say? I'm not to sure I know many places from the UK that may deliver to there.....you could try German websites (if you have a good enough grasp of German)....are there any Danish computer retailers that specialise in pc gaming or components?
Yeah, there are some danish shops (quite a lot actually), but I's a bit hard to find some cheap ones. An example is this, which is including transport and taxes (we got som exstra % of the price we also have to pay, when it is imported from other countries.)
www.dataworld.dk (don't know how such a website looks for you and it is on danish :S, but they sell it for about 280$, 170£ or 198€...)
I just wan't to hear about the cheapest places you know about, and then it's up to me to see what is going to be after the tax. ;)
I've actually seen that on from overclockers.co.uk, but I don't know about the shipment either since I saw this:
Shipping cost assumes delivery to UK Mainland with:
DPD Next Day Parcel
(This can be changed during checkout)

I will try some of them though ;D