[NTSC] TPRA events for August - Wednesday, 26 August posted

  • Thread starter clacksman
clacksman/ GTP_clacksman
Welcome to the Tuners' Pit Racing Association

If you are reading this and you have completed all A class offline races, you are eligible to participate. We hold all our events within the confines of Expert level online events. This is not a club or a team; it is a racing association promoting events for any driver interested in some good clean online racing. I know some of you are thinking you're too slow or you can't tune the cars effectively. No worries, there are drivers of every skill level participating in the TPRA events and those that start in the back soon find themselves working their way to the front. The drivers participating in these events are always willing to help out and get newer drivers up to speed and into the excitement.

TPRA Code of Conduct here * note * essentially identical to GTP, we have added a ban of bumpdrafting.
Drivers' Comments and suggestion box here. We encourage you to use this to report driving misconduct.

Maximum capacity is 30 drivers for any event.
Driver groups for the event are sorted based on qualifying time, each group will have their own text chat to coordinate start times and post results.
Qualifying times also lead to grid position for race 1, using a range of pp from -1 to -5 for the event.
To run a qualifying time, go to Free Run with you car set to event-maximum pp and do a clean lap.
Racing typically starts about 9:50 PM EDT, just after the drivers' meeting. We try to get event time under 2 hours including the drivers' meeting.

Wednesday, 26 August
Championship night
Location: 700pp Fuji F Open
Cars allowed: Any that you haven't used already this month in our Wednesday events.
Tires allowed: R tires only.

Qualifying link here, use any date on the form. Take care spelling your PSN ID.
Time: Drivers' Meeting in our Playstation Home clubhouse starts at 9:30 pm EDT. Racing starts shortly after, we'll be running three races. Only the final of three races will be scored for points.

pp: Use this finish position chart to adjust your pp for each following race.
1st and 2nd : 695pp
3rd and 4th : 696pp
5th and 6th : 697pp
7th and 8th : 698pp
9th and 10th : 699pp
11th and above : 700pp

If you disconnect or fail to connect, you mut rejoin next race on carryover pp.

If you still have questions (or need help) please post or send me a PM and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
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Friday Fun Run at Suzuka posted.
Send me an FR if you're coming, so I can get you in the text chat.

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Sounds like a neat event.

You going to be running any practice during the day today?
Not sure if I can commit to that many hours tonight, but it sure sounds like fun.
You going to be running any practice during the day today?
Not sure if I can commit to that many hours tonight, but it sure sounds like fun.

I might miss the first couple of scheduled races, never mind early practice.
Jump in/out as you like.
RWD R34 ... yeah, that's what happens when you edit a post three times a week, something gets missed. :dopey:

7pm to midnight eastern time tonight. 👍