~RUF Yellowbird Cup Interest Thread~

  • Thread starter LancerEvo7
United States
LMSCorvetteGT2's Mom's House
Hi, would anyone be interested in running a short series in the RUF CTR? I know a lot of people like it. I'll post a test round if we get enough people interested. It'll run similar to most of the newer short races (Anyone can enter any round, etc.) Thanks for your time! ~Lancer
Wow, More people are interested than I expected. I'll have a Test Round once I finish the 24 Hours of the 'Ring. :)
^Boxer Race in Professional Hall.

Sorry about the delay. Warmup round is coming, likely by the end of this week.
Sounds like fun!

Here's my $0.02 on it, based on some early testing...

Stick with the stock power, weight, trans (5-speed), & S3s, to stay true to the original car. It's a little over powered, but the weight is right.

Fully Custom Suspension, to have a chance to correct the power-off oversteer.

Triple Plate Clutch & Racing Flywheel, to get the most out of the stock trans.

Racing Brakes & Controller, since the stock brakes suck.

First round... 💡 Nurburgring!
IMO, the point of this car is to keep it stock on N2s. The idea is to tame it with your driving and not your setup, so you retain the car's character. That's just my thinking, though; I realize that putting such "crappy" tires on it might not be popular.
It'll be the car in arcade on N3s with Stock power and -10% weight. Aids will be prohibited.
He wasn't saying he was confused; he was saying he lost interest when Lancer said all the races would be in Arcade Mode. DJ Baker likes the challenge of setting a car up to suit his driving style along with setting a fast time. But, DJ, you did plenty of Arcade Mode races in the WRS - why refuse participation here for only that reason?
He wasn't saying he was confused; he was saying he lost interest when Lancer said all the races would be in Arcade Mode. DJ Baker likes the challenge of setting a car up to suit his driving style along with setting a fast time. But, DJ, you did plenty of Arcade Mode races in the WRS - why refuse participation here for only that reason?

I'm not good at customizing my suspension so arcade will be good.
Simply because it's the Yellow Bird. Marginal handling at best on its stock S3s in GT Mode. Plus, I like to tune. It's what I do.
We know the cars handling isn't the best, to say the least, but I more like the idea of trying to set a good time by controlling the stock car than by fitting it with parts. Just seems more fitting since the car was never seen as the easiest car to drive.

Maybe if there's enough interest you could make a stock and a modified class. 👍
If there's a good turnout, I'll have a season 2, and that'll be one of the changes. It'll also be a longer series.

If you haven't noticed, the test round has been posted. There's a link in my sig.
Personally I prefer the CTR2... but I may get around to giving this a go. Driving this around El Capitan in a previous race series was "a handful" to say the least :ouch:
I'm waiting for the Christmas insanity to calm down before I post the final round, it's a doozy :mischievous: Don't worry. You're still welcome to participate, steve30b, It'd be ok to do the current round, I'd like to have a couple more submissions before I post the results.
Uh...this thread is so old that it pre-dates GT5. :lol: I wouldn't be surprised if LanEvo7 has forgotten all about this.