SuperGT Round 3: Race ***RESULTS***

  • Thread starter ABud
United Kingdom


GTMSA Presents
SuperGT Season 7

Round 3
Hong Kong; 34 Lap Race
Deadline 11.59pm GMT Sunday 29th November



Almost half way through the season and things are still pretty close right through the field, apart from GT300 where Austin343 still dominates. Is this the race someone beats him?:dopey:

Feel free to discuss sector times, but no full lap times or total race times.







General Information and Regulations

All rules, regulations, car specifications, and races are controlled by SuperGT sanctioning body, GTMSA. Any and all questions should be directed to GTMSA officials (namely me ABud or oldmodelt) and officials will do their best to answer in a timely and accurate manner.

All drivers must run at the specified weights and horsepower settings provided by GTMSA for each round. Horsepower and/or weight settings are adjusted for competitive reasons each round based on finishing positions from previous rounds.

  • Standard Online Racing Rules Apply.
  • No Cheating, hybrids, etc. You must run the car specifications I give you
  • Try keeping at least 2 wheels on course. Long races = small mishaps, but absolutely NO shortcuts
  • No wall-riding as well. Combined with penalties, this will slow you down considerably, so don't do it.
  • All decisions by GTMSA officials are final


  • Arcade Mode>>>Single Race>>>City Courses>>>Hong Kong
  • 34 lap race (100km)
  • Weight penalties in place
  • RS, RM, RH tires or any combination thereof
  • Strong Tire Wear
  • AI at +10
  • Ai tires RS
  • Forced Pit Entry penalty system
  • ASM is prohibited TCS is optional
  • Gearing (top speed slider) is own choice
  • Points for race: 15-12-10-7-5-3-2-1
  • 2 Points for fastest lap
  • 2 points for finishing within 103% of race winning time
  • 1 point for finishing outside 103% of race winning time

Time sending format

PM me with the following data. Please make sure all details are correctly filled in and DONT MISS THE DEADLINE:scared:

User Name:
Total Time:
Fastest Lap:
No. of Pits:

Good luck all,

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Didn't you say that you were going to mandate +10 AI difficulty for this round? I don't want you to fall victim to the copy-paste error that befell you at Suzuka.

Thirty-four laps here will be torture; too much concentration is required to drive consistently quickly. I can envision clipping the wall along the waterfront on lap 31 and suffering a penalty as a consequence. I'm in disbelief at how east can perform such precision driving in a weight-laden and (at least for me) already slower car to continue to emerge on top. I also don't have much time to do these races; I will be gone starting early Wednesday morning and will return only after the deadline on Sunday. Consequently, I have to be conservative because I will only really have one attempt in each class and can't afford a pit penalty.
Thanks for spotting that Austin, it's been corrected. I agree about the race, it took me long enough to do 5 clean laps let alone 34 :banghead:
Someone once said "Like what no one else likes and you'll have plenty of it". 💡 I like. But I'm also not normal. :crazy:

Austin343 have fun on the long weekend. :)
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Hopefully it doesnt take me too long to get a goood time. I've got to keep in mind i am doing 2 races now.... :D

But it shouldnt be that hard in GT300 to get a few good laps im. Its really easy to drive
It's truly astounding to me that the AI cars can go so slowly through the corners and yet still occupy the WHOLE 🤬 TRACK. :mad: In GT300, puttering around behind all of the opponents cost me a total of, I would guess, a mind-boggling forty-five seconds - and that isn't an exaggeration. GT500 wasn't a huge amount better. Hong Kong is such a hateful place at which to race because the track is just a little bit too narrow and too slow. The corners are closely spaced, so the racing line constantly moves from one side of the track to the other, and we all know how good the AI cars are at leaving you room when you pull alongside and occupy their line. Very few corners are conducive to outbraking maneuvers because most are approached too slowly (since the corners are tight and the straights are short). The effect is made more pronounced when the opponents are powerful and equipped with soft tires, since you have to be close in order to make the move work and they are able to distance themselves too much before reaching the braking zone. Ultimately, my only semi-reliable passing point was the hairpin (which still isn't a safe bet because the more powerful opponents often pull away too far), with the remainder of overtaking maneuvers taking place when opponents took bad lines, such as in the middle of the final corner complex. Without a doubt, I could have vastly improved my race times by being more cavalier about AI contact, but that isn't really my style, even when the oblivious, computer-controlled car is at fault.

All of that being said, I didn't actually find the races too bad. When I wasn't taking constant evasive action behind wayward and yet unpassable AI cars, I was reasonably happy with the pace and consistency I was able to maintain, and earned no penalties. I think that both races had the same number of wall and AI contacts: four and two, respectively, with the only incident causing a change in speed of five or more miles per hour being a piledriving from behind during a bottleneck at the hairpin at GT300. My pit strategies were pretty good in each class, too, although I made a major mistake in GT500 by beginning the race with hard tires rather than with one of my two sets of soft tires; having less grip meant having to dawdle behind the "artificial idiots" for longer. But since I'm leaving in about nine hours, I can't do anything about it now.

Also, something about sprint races evidently brings out the worst in me. When testing on medium tires in the Garaiya to determine pit strategy, I totally obliterated the lap record in the first post - by well over a second - despite carrying eleven more kilograms, having lower-grip tires (since the grip of tires with no wear exceeds that at any point during the life cycle of a tire with wear turned on), and not having done enough laps (six) to have appreciably reduced the fuel load. :confused: It really should go without saying that I didn't match that feat in the race, although I did still complete some laps in that neighborhood while on medium tires.
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man, this track was hard on my rear tyres.

I havent done the GT300 race yet, but the AI cars need a bit of pursuasion to move, oterwise there a huge pain in the arse, like Austin343 said.

With TCS off, I had a few cars spin around, for no obvious reasons.

Dropped my lap time to under 1'16, so im at least happy, but i can feel a 1'15 if im super careful.

Conistancy is the key here, and i had times that were roughly the same all they way throught
.... In GT300, puttering around behind all of the opponents cost me a total of, I would guess, a mind-boggling forty-five seconds - and that isn't an exaggeration. GT500 wasn't a huge amount better. ...

AH, We can only hope that Austin343 was slowed down by 45 seconds! Then I will only lose to him by 45 seconds, otherwise I expect to get lapped!

I have completed two races in my Subaru Impreza. The first was marred by a nice impact with the end of the pit lane wall! On lap 14 I was just behind a Subaru Impreza Touring Car going down Haiphong Road so I decide to pass the Subaru thru turn 9. I slow down nicely and take the turn nice and tight get get the pass done without a touch. I come out of the turn along-side the Subaru, and we start a drag race up Nathan Road. However, the Subaru then decides to take this opportunity to pit! He drives me over into the end of the pit entrance wall! My speed goes from 100mph to zero, and airbags are deployed! I am able to reverse and continue on to the end of the race with a nice crease in the front bumper, which seriously affects my aero package.:grumpy:

My second race went much better and I won the race with no incidents to speak of. I stayed well away from the :crazy: Subaru who was pitting every 7 laps. My problem is that I get very conservative over the last 10 laps because I don't want to screw up the race.

Will try to get both one shot and out done in the next two days.

Bathroom remodeling and other concerns will keep me out this week. GL to all.
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I can try to deny and probably most likely confirm I have beaten the GT300 time, but I'm not saying by how much I have or haven't beaten it

:sly: & :mischievous:
Sorry guys.. I can't race this week because my PS2 is broken. I'll try to get my PS2 work again before the end of the next round ;)
Hong Kong is an awful venue for a race. It's just not a fun track.

Added to that it was a holiday weekend in US and I had family here, I only gave the GT300 one run and done.

I hope to never see Hong Kong again on SuperGT schedule.
There's a few tracks on this seasons schedule that I'm not a fan of too, but I think what i'll do is put up a poll on the week 7 sprint thread and get peoples opinions on them all. Glad this one's out of the way, although I did kind of enjoy the challenge the track presented!
Nice job everyone on a very tough track.

Congratulations to Austin343 in the GT300 class on his dominating win again:tup: Being able to get into the 1.17's for a lap at Hong Kong is just amazing! I was able to get into the low 1.19's on soft tires, but I could not maintain a clean race pushing that hard for 34 laps. So I went back to medium tires and ran hard but still in control (I don't think I had any wall impacts, and maybe only two or three slight rear fender rubs after passing a slower car in the hairpin or in the left-right-left complex just before the start/finish line).

My poor little Subaru is feeling quite out-numbered by all the ASL ARTA Garaiya's on the track!

Sorry I couldn't do this one. But when the wife wants the new tile in. You do it. LOL. See you at Tsukaba.
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Boy I miss the action... Anyway congrats to Austin343 for the victory and to all the competitors. Hope to race again when I got my PS2 back ;)

See you guys soon!!
Clearly, nobody else used soft tires.

Also, I'm relieved to see that in GT500, my being set on using at least one set of soft tires per race, in order to set the lap record, finally produced the desired result. I always consider the potential to lose time, but it never seems significant compared to the possible two-point gain.
I am currently uploading the first third of my race to Youtube, and hope to be able to come back to this post and add it later.

Race Highlights:
From the rolling start, I chase off down the lovely waterfront after the 5th place Honda Castrol Mugen NSX, who pulls away slightly since it has 174 more horsepower. The Castrol Mugen NSX (who is clearly faster) decides to pass the 4th place Nissan Falken GT-R Race Car in the hairpin as I close up under severe braking. The Honda NSX completes this pass as I watch from a close astern vantage point. I now chase after the 5th place Falken GT-R down Canton Road. Knowing that I need to be very aggressive early in the race if I want to catch the leading Mitsubishi FTO, I close up on the Falken GT-R thru turn 10, and out-brake the Falken GT-R going into turn 11 to take over 5th place.

Just ahead, the Castrol Mugen NSX is slowed down slightly going over the start/finish line by the 3rd place Opel Calibra Touring Car, so I seize my opportunity and pull along-side the Castrol Mugen NSX going into turn 1. The Castrol Mugen NSX is clearly not happy that I've firmly taken over the inside of the track, so a minor exchange of paint occurs. I take this as a friendly reminder to speed up, so I floor it and take out after the 3rd place Opel Calibra down the waterfront boardwalk.

I easily catch the Opel Calibra at the start of the Kowloon Park Drive straight, and am able to get a nice draft down this straight. I watch for the Opel's brake lights, and then cleanly slide by the Opel going into the hairpin, and take over 3rd place.

I now look ahead to see the 2nd place Subaru Impreza Super Touring Car in the distance. I clearly like Subaru's so I decide that a closer inspection is warranted, so a chase ensues for all of lap 3. On lap 4 I am able to close up on the Subaru Impreza just before the Kowloon Park Drive straight, so I am able to get a draft down this straight, and again cleanly slide by the Subaru Impreza going into the hairpin (after taking a few pictures for review after the race).

I am now in second place. Up ahead is the 1st place Mitsubishi FTO Super Touring Car. The Mitsubishi FTO has about a 4 second lead over me at the start of lap 5. I chase hard after the FTO during laps 5, 6, 7 and 8. I finally close up behind the FTO at the beginning of lap 9 along the waterfront. I'm right on its tail down the Kowloon Park Drive straight, but can't pass in the hairpin because the FTO pulls away too much on the second half of the straight. Thankfully, the FTO pits at the end of this lap, and I take over the race lead for the first time.

I continue on and pit on lap 11 for another set of medium tires, with a 23 second lead over the FTO. When I exit the pits I have a 3 second lead over the 2nd place Mitsubishi FTO. The FTO gets this gap down to 1.5 seconds before my tires warm up, but then I steadily pull away until he pits again on lap 18. My fastest lap (the 1.21.052) occurrs on lap 19. I pit on lap 22, and then continue on to a nice 194 point win with no other incidents.

I get somewhat conservative from lap 23 to the end of the race and mostly just run 1 minute and 22 second laps the rest of the way, trying to stay off the walls. All the other cars stay out of my way.

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Clearly, nobody else used soft tires.

Also, I'm relieved to see that in GT500, my being set on using at least one set of soft tires per race, in order to set the lap record, finally produced the desired result. I always consider the potential to lose time, but it never seems significant compared to the possible two-point gain.

I did!

I had 4-5 laps left ot go so i changed to softs. i had a few mistakes as well though
I meant that nobody besides the two of us used soft tires. My strategy was to do one ten- and two nine-lap stints on medium tires (which were quite orange at the end of each one), followed by one of six laps on soft tires, at which point the fastest-lap potential was maximized due to the low fuel load. What probably helped my time most was that on every lap on medium tires during which I did not encounter an AI car and was not entering or exiting the pit area, I set a lap time in the low- to mid-1'19 range. The lap to which I was alluding earlier was a 1'18.899, which I never came really close to matching during the race.

I have a video of my fastest lap of the race, at GTsail's polite request. I can just as easily record my AI interactions or my fastest lap on medium tires (1'19.121). The one below was far from my best-looking lap, but it did have the fastest time.

Just a beautiful lap Austin343!:bowdown:

It looks pretty smooth to me!

I notice that you touch the kerb in turn 12. Is this something that you normally do? Or was it just this lap? I never touch that kerb, being nervous about hitting the inside wall. Perhaps if I took your line through this turn I could pick up my missing two seconds a lap!💡

No, that was an accident, and doing so is slower. I didn't hit the wall, but as you said, it's a risk. That turn was probably the most obvious example of this not being my prettiest lap; I don't think I hit that curb on any of the other thirty-three laps.