GTPCTC Round 2 Qualifying *RESULTS*






GTMSA Presents
CTC Round 2 Qualifying​
Twin Ring Motegi East Short Course; Qualifying
Deadline: 11:59pm Sunday, June 6th





General Information and Regulations

As with last season there will be three types of race event during the season. There will be 4 Standard rounds of 50mi and 5 Enduro rounds of 100mi and 1 Super-Enduro round of 150mi.

Week starts on Monday, with times to be sent via PM by 11.59pm GMT on Sunday

There is NO HP penalty for joining the series part way through the season.

All rules, regulations, car specifications, and races are controlled by GTPCTC sanctioning body, for now unless the GTMSA wants to pick me up :P. Any and all questions should be directed to GTPCTC officials (namely me..and anyone else who wants to help out) and officials will do their best to answer in a timely and accurate manor.

All drivers must run at the specified weights and horsepower settings provided by me for each round. Horsepower and/or weight settings are adjusted for competitive reasons each round based on finishing positions from previous rounds.

* Standard Online Racing Rules Apply.
* No Cheating, hybrids, etc. You must run the car specifications I give you
* Try keeping at least 2 wheels on course. Long races = small mishaps, but absolutely NO shortcuts
* No wall-riding as well. Combined with penalties, this will slow you down considerably, so don't do it.
* All decisions by GTMSA officials are final
* The race track for this season will be defined as the area between the white or yellow lines. This means rumble strips do not count as track.


* Single hot lap in time trial (arcade) mode
* Weight penalty in effect
* SS tyres only
* ASM is prohibited TCS is optional
* Laps MUST be clean, no collisions no matter how small are acceptable
* Points: 3pts - 2pts - 1pt
* 20 second penalty added to race time if you don't submit a qualifying time
* Qualifying will be open for 1 week per round (i.e. Monday to Sunday)

Time sending format

PM me with the following data. Please make sure all details are correctly filled in and DONT MISS THE DEADLINE

User Name:
Lap Time:

Good luck to everyone.

And don't forget about the GTPLMS race if you're participating in it. :P
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Looking forward to the wt advantage. Maybe I can sneak up a place or two, as long as you guys have a bad couple of weeks and the other no shows don't show. :lol:

SuperShouden: I meant to take off Smallhorses' name... maybe later.

Keep his name in. He earned his spot. 👍

Parnelli:I'm really kinda bummed Smallhorses isn't with us.

Let's send out pm's to some people we know. For additional drivers. More the merrier. :)
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I meant to take off Smallhorses' name... maybe later.

Also, this series is now part of the other GTMSA series. YAY!
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I have a feeling if smallhorses was in the Autumn Ring, he definately would have won, even with 60 hp less than me. The Nissan eats that sort of track up, wheras the Mustang just understeers if you push it past its limit. Not sure how Raz10 would have done; so I'm hoping he'll show up to the next round. Bleh..this one's at Twin Ring of my least faves. :indiff:
Not sure how Raz10 would have done; so I'm hoping he'll show up to the next round. :indiff:

I actually did my race and finished on time...but I got the RED circle of death on my PS2 :(
I cleaned it and was able to get the times to SS. However when loading the circle turns from red to white, it takes long to load.
I hope I am able to finish this series and the GTPLMS before it finally gives up on me :grumpy:

I did ask for an extension...I did not do so well, I'm more of a hot lap person.
I did get a 41' something...
One question I always had was why when you finish you get one time and when you go to save your replay you get another :confused:
Once the race finished it gives you the times, I had a 40' but when I went to save my replay to get the time I got the 41', I don't get it...
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I actually did my race and finished on time...but I got the RED circle of death on my PS2 :(
I cleaned it and was able to get the times to SS. However when loading the circle turns from red to white, it takes long to load.
I hope I am able to finish this series and the GTPLMS before it finally gives up on me :grumpy:

Know you know this already. But the PS2 is less than a $100.00 now. I plan to buy another one when mine dies someday. Even after I buy the PS3. Because of the lack of backward playability issues. Hope to see you in the future. Need another Bentley in the GTPLMS. 👍
I've never noticed times are different between the race and saving for replay either. I always just get whatever Total time shows just as the race ends, didn't know there's a different time shown for replay saves.. that's kinda scary if it's true though.

Congrats on the Scooby, raz. My sister has a 2002 Legacy Outback wagon that I just put a timing belt on and tuned up about a month ago...they're great cars. 👍
I'm no Smallhorses, but if you are looking for another competitor I will enter qualifying this week and see how I go.
I will post entry details later.
Hi there.
I think I've finally turned a corner with my issues, and am starting to receive the sort of support that I need. I will try and find time to compete in the GS class with the 350Z, but you can keep my name off the ST class list.
Thanks for all the well wishes.
See you on track again shortly...:D
Hi there.
See you on track again shortly...:D

Sweet 👍

On another note...
I am a :dunce: when I posted about the time issue, I forgotten that I did not come in in first 👎:grumpy:
The 40.35 was for the M3 CSL that finished in first place...:dopey: false alarm about different times.

I tried doing the Quali but when it came time to save my replay the red circle came back :(
Ricardo, I can't remember, are you on a slimeline or a fatty PS2?

If it's a fatty, bring it over to my place tomorrow if you've time and I'll give it a thorough stripdown, clean & laser alignment for you.
I've done it with mine when it started to get the dreaded DRE issues and it's worked fine ever since.
Have you tried standind it vertically to see if that improves things?
I know mine won't read my MAX Drive disk if it's horizontal!! :confused:

I also have a spare, almost unused, GT4 disk that you can try.
Ricardo, I can't remember, are you on a slimeline or a fatty PS2?

If it's a fatty, bring it over to my place tomorrow if you've time and I'll give it a thorough stripdown, clean & laser alignment for you.
I've done it with mine when it started to get the dreaded DRE issues and it's worked fine ever since.
Have you tried standind it vertically to see if that improves things?
I know mine won't read my MAX Drive disk if it's horizontal!! :confused:

I also have a spare, almost unused, GT4 disk that you can try.

I have a fatty.
I don't have time..probably won't have time until the weekend of the 26th...
But I will try the standing vertically option.

Thanks 👍
Smallhorses and now Famine :scared:
You rang?

Now it's a gang. :)

After 12 laps. GS class: 35.788 - 1'07.504

Might have another second available to me if I hit all the right braking points.
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Incidentally, I'm not able to get my chosen car's weight down to the exact number specified here - I can get it 1kg away.

Did some lapping anyway though :D
Lawks. I shall have to rerun. I only did 5 sighting laps though, so it's all gravy.

Edit: Despite the minor power drop, I'm only 0.1s slower than my previous best, so I shall submit that :D
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Have had a 15 lap session in the Z.

Best clean splits, at least 2 tyres between white lines at all times:

T1 34.946
T2 1'06.382

Off to the Sonoma Historic races at Infineon this weekend, so I'll probably have to make this my submitted lap.
Have had a 15 lap session in the Z.

Best clean splits, at least 2 tyres between white lines at all times:

T1 34.946
T2 1'06.382

Off to the Sonoma Historic races at Infineon this weekend, so I'll probably have to make this my submitted lap.

Split times. Capital idea (it's been ages since I did a non-LAN race, can you tell? :D)

ST class
T1 37.682
T2 1'11.195

Edit: Oh, go on then...

GS class
T1 34.589
T2 1'05.774
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I just realized that Horses and Famine are SUPER moderators. I'd I'm kinda nerding-out about it. I never new Mods game in different...umm...costumes and stuff. It's like a regular moderator, only super.
Moderator - Powers over specific forums.
Supermoderator - Sitewide powers, including BAANstick.
Administrator - This plus big BAANstick and user data edit powers
Owner - Jordan, able to kill down Cat 5.