You just had to didn't you beastley.
Don't have a life? Mad about the only thing your care about, GT5? POST HERE!
Really, I understand that we don't want the whiners in the general discussion thread, but if you post your complaint here, you've basically told the world that you don't have a life.
Don't have a life? Mad about the only thing your care about, GT5? POST HERE!
Really, I understand that we don't want the whiners in the general discussion thread, but if you post your complaint here, you've basically told the world that you don't have a life.
Don't have a life? Mad about the only thing your care about, GT5? POST HERE!
Really, I understand that we don't want the whiners in the general discussion thread, but if you post your complaint here, you've basically told the world that you don't have a life.
Well, yes, but it's the way you express that anticipation. Some people approach it with enthusiasm. Others with a toxic cocktail of rage and frustration, which is totally uncalled-for. Kazunori Yamauchi is a notorious perfectionist, and the game will not be released untl he says it's ready. And given his reputation for producing - particularly within the Gran Turismo franchise - games of a consistently remarkable quality, Sony will not pressure him. If he says he needs to delay the game by a month or two, Sony will trust him because they know he will deliver. If Kaz delays the game, you can bet it's because he wants to be absolutely sure that it is perfect. I for one would be totally willing to wait an extra six months for a game for that very reason. Kaz delays the game to make it better, which is why childish remarks about release dates and its position in the E3 line-up disgust me. Deep down, I know that each and every person would rather wait to play a perfect game than to get their hands on an incomplete version now. But some people are just too bloody impatient and intolerant for their own good, and as a result, they drag the rest of the forum down with their petty gripes.Mind you, aren't we all following the anticipation of a video game?