- 242
- fortehlulz75
Not satisfied with releasing bullshots of their previous game Forza Motorsport 3, Turn 10's E3 presentation included a pre-rendered video clip, supposedly of their upcoming title Forza Motorsport 4, showing off their new control system dubbed Kinect by showing somebody supposedly "playing" the video clip by making badly timed gestures on stage. If you look here, you'll see that his arm movement doesn't match the path of the cursor and that the cursor actually comes onto the screen before he even moves his hand. Not to mention the fact that there was no way for the guy to accelerate or brake using the Kinect control system, and also that he supposedly can control the cursor with perfect precision without even looking at the screen.
If this wasn't enough, they even had the nerve to release yet more unashamed bullshots and arrogantly proclaim their alleged superiority over other racing titles yet again, before echoing the infamous chespace "we don't do bullshots" speech by claiming these screenshots are "rendered completely in real-time on the Xbox 360." After Forza Motorsport 3, somehow I doubt it.
I don't know about the rest of you, but my respect for Turn 10 and their video game franchise has just gone through the floor. 👎
I'll be posting this topic at Forzamotorsport.net, regardless of the fact that I'll no doubt be banned for stating the truth.

If this wasn't enough, they even had the nerve to release yet more unashamed bullshots and arrogantly proclaim their alleged superiority over other racing titles yet again, before echoing the infamous chespace "we don't do bullshots" speech by claiming these screenshots are "rendered completely in real-time on the Xbox 360." After Forza Motorsport 3, somehow I doubt it.

I don't know about the rest of you, but my respect for Turn 10 and their video game franchise has just gone through the floor. 👎
I'll be posting this topic at Forzamotorsport.net, regardless of the fact that I'll no doubt be banned for stating the truth.
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