Forza Motorsport 4

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Not satisfied with releasing bullshots of their previous game Forza Motorsport 3, Turn 10's E3 presentation included a pre-rendered video clip, supposedly of their upcoming title Forza Motorsport 4, showing off their new control system dubbed Kinect by showing somebody supposedly "playing" the video clip by making badly timed gestures on stage. If you look here, you'll see that his arm movement doesn't match the path of the cursor and that the cursor actually comes onto the screen before he even moves his hand. Not to mention the fact that there was no way for the guy to accelerate or brake using the Kinect control system, and also that he supposedly can control the cursor with perfect precision without even looking at the screen.


If this wasn't enough, they even had the nerve to release yet more unashamed bullshots and arrogantly proclaim their alleged superiority over other racing titles yet again, before echoing the infamous chespace "we don't do bullshots" speech by claiming these screenshots are "rendered completely in real-time on the Xbox 360." After Forza Motorsport 3, somehow I doubt it.




I don't know about the rest of you, but my respect for Turn 10 and their video game franchise has just gone through the floor. 👎
I'll be posting this topic at, regardless of the fact that I'll no doubt be banned for stating the truth.
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Could this just be an addition to Forza 3 or a smaller game in itself (maybe just downloadable) rather than a true sequel? Remember this is Microsoft who can influence the people of Turn 10 with their power and/or money whichever may be...
Yes watch this video(the whole thing) and then come back and say bullshots. Nothing in their E3 demo was pre rendered. Pre recorded maybe but that video link is were people play it in real time. And nice job trolling here and on youtube. I saw all of your recent comments.
Yes, because PD has never used "bullshots".:rolleyes:


and also that he supposedly can control the cursor with perfect precision without even looking at the screen.

They have multiple screens all over the stage, how do you think they know what to say/do.
How many threads do we need about someone proclaiming (read: whining) that GT is the be all, end all and would never "offend" them?

I mean any of this really necessary?
How many threads do we need about someone proclaiming (read: whining) that GT is the be all, end all and would never "offend" them?

I mean any of this really necessary?

None, and I'm a proud owner of a PS3 and GT5P, and for what I watched and played of Forza 3, the game is pretty much amazing and perfect in many ways. Most of the people who insist in deny that are:

a) People who never played FM3.
b) Trying to ignore MS awesome efforts. ( read Kinect )
c) Blind fanboys. ( And then there's no argument )

I'm really considering buying an XBOX and the next Forza game, it's promising to be awesome in all aspects. And I'm faithfull to Sony and GT since the first one....
I have nothing against Forza, looks cool, but the hardware it runs on... :crazy:
It's like playing Russian Roulette...

But bashing another game which is Microsoft's GT...

Have you tried Forza?
Did you buy it?
Did you get the console required to play it?
Only then talk...if you did the following above, then i take it back. :sly:
How many threads do we need about someone proclaiming (read: whining) that GT is the be all, end all and would never "offend" them?

I mean any of this really necessary?
Although Danielwhite74 is a bit over the top, he didn't actually mention Gran Turismo in his post at all.
Its obvious trolling, either way.

And Nero, the latest X360s (not the redesigned one anyway) seems to be a lot more reliable. I'm on my fifth system, only the second one that isn't a refurb though. There's a good chance the redesign may have some little problem, but I haven't heard anything good nor bad yet (for that matter, are they even available??).
Too bad that Ferrari's not an in-game render. The raised lettering on the tires, the..umm..reflection of the vents on the windshield, the "overly realisitc" photo of the engine bay...yeah...I somehow doubt that the 360 can do this. Unless by "different way of making cars" they simply mean taking photos of them and slapping them on a generic body.
You do realize this is meant to show how the Kinect will work, not, "Oh hey guys, this is Forza 4!"

Probably not just like 99% of the GT5 forum.
Cool. So since this stuff has all been discussed a hundred times by various fanboys, can we lock this thread and create a FM4 thread when the first details come out? kthx
Too bad that Ferrari's not an in-game render. The raised lettering on the tires, the..umm..reflection of the vents on the windshield, the "overly realisitc" photo of the engine bay...yeah...I somehow doubt that the 360 can do this. Unless by "different way of making cars" they simply mean taking photos of them and slapping them on a generic body.

That render is ray-traced, and the 360 wouldn't handle ray-tracing very well unless it was a very, very small resolution. Hell, none of the three current systems could handle ray-tracing very well unless it was used on a minimalist function.

And, I concur with Eric - lock the thread and talk about FM4 when it's announced at next year's E3. All that's going on now is people poking at things that really aren't even there to begin with.
I'm really considering buying an XBOX and the next Forza game, it's promising to be awesome in all aspects.
So am I actually.
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What was shown in the E3 presentation WAS NOT Forza 4. Its a future Kinect add on for F3. The cars and dash look better because its being rendered not in a track setting with complex scenery, physics or other cars so it can look the way it does.

Not satisfied with releasing bullshots of their previous game Forza Motorsport 3, Turn 10's E3 presentation included a pre-rendered video clip, supposedly of their upcoming title Forza Motorsport 4, showing off their new control system dubbed Kinect by showing somebody supposedly "playing" the video clip by making badly timed gestures on stage. If you look here, you'll see that his arm movement doesn't match the path of the cursor and that the cursor actually comes onto the screen before he even moves his hand. Not to mention the fact that there was no way for the guy to accelerate or brake using the Kinect control system, and also that he supposedly can control the cursor with perfect precision without even looking at the screen.

That is one very jaded view,

Just to point out the obvious, and that is, T10 invited the press to a behind doors viewing of the demo, where the press played it for themselves.. The accel/brake are automatic.. The walking around the car, all 'real'.. there are video's around on numerous sites..

Miming to pre-recorded stuff on stage is just to ensure no mishaps occur, nothing sinister in it, and hence why the press where then able to play the games/demo's for themselves, so we know it's 'real'..

I do agree that Che is hapless.. I don't however judge T10 buy his dubious antics, he's just a fanboy who can't help himself on NeoGAF..
No, it won't be an add-on. It will be a full game.

Everything I read said it was an add on, even if its a retail game it will use the Forza 3 engine and be like a 'Prologue' title offering Kinect mini games like that passing traffic demo shown at E3. Everything points to it being a Purple Box title.

Whatever it is its not Forza 4, even the quoted comment it says 'some of the ideas' will make it into the next fully fleged title, not, 'this is the next Forza'.

Poor trolling attemp! such missinformation. The Forza kinect demo worked very well and theres lots of videos of press playing it. The E3 presentation is pre recorded because Microsoft didnt want any screw up during ANY game presensation of Kinect, all of them are pre recorded, starwars, that lame tiger, etc.
Also in case that someone doesnt know the game will work with gamepad and controller like any other Forza, this has been confirmed serveral times.

By the way guys, Che is OUT of Turn10 now, he did a good job on comunity integration but he clearly wasnt doing Turn10 a favor with his messages at neogaf, saying things that were not true and some pedantic attitud (plus GT trolling). I hope his replacement will be more honest with the public, i would like Ayo Jube but i dont know if he is experienced enough, but i like his attitude, well i like the attitude from many of them Dan, Landin, Fred and Jube.
By the way guys, Che is OUT of Turn10 now, he did a good job on comunity integration but he clearly wasnt doing Turn10 a favor with his messages at neogaf, saying things that were not true and some pedantic attitud (plus GT trolling). I hope his replacement will be more honest with the public, i would like Ayo Jube but i dont know if he is experienced enough, but i like his attitude, well i like the attitude from many of them Dan, Landin, Fred and Jube.

I read about that last week Friday over at, and I was honestly contemplating leaving a "comment" saying "Good riddance. You won't be missed." Then my better half kicked in and implied I just said it to myself and not make myself look like a matter if a great deal of people felt the exact same way. :lol:
Well, they got the car bit and the online bit right. Now if T10, pretty please, can come to terms with the racing bit, then I'll get FM4, that's for sure.

A bit less sandbox and a bit more gravel trap so to speak ;)

Not so sure about the new 3D stuff, unless it's headtracking or even better eyetracking. That would be smashing.
Poor trolling attemp! such missinformation. The Forza kinect demo worked very well and theres lots of videos of press playing it. The E3 presentation is pre recorded because Microsoft didnt want any screw up during ANY game presensation of Kinect, all of them are pre recorded, starwars, that lame tiger, etc.
Also in case that someone doesnt know the game will work with gamepad and controller like any other Forza, this has been confirmed serveral times.

By the way guys, Che is OUT of Turn10 now, he did a good job on comunity integration but he clearly wasnt doing Turn10 a favor with his messages at neogaf, saying things that were not true and some pedantic attitud (plus GT trolling). I hope his replacement will be more honest with the public, i would like Ayo Jube but i dont know if he is experienced enough, but i like his attitude, well i like the attitude from many of them Dan, Landin, Fred and Jube.

You seriously believe that Ferrari render was legitimate in-game footage? :confused: After this ordeal (apologies for the obnoxious title), it will be difficult to take any of Turn 10's claims regarding graphics seriously for a long while yet. Good to see the back of Che's fanboy antics, though.
I believe it was a real time demo. Do not underestimate the power of a system that has nothing more to render than polygons and texture data. if that car has 2million polygons its still possible. By no means that doesn't say the game will look like that.

Who is this Che anyway? What did he do?

But Fm4 in one year? if its not compatible with or include all the DLC from FM3, M$ is pulling a fast one on its fans.....

FM3's track list is its biggest let down imo.
How many threads do we need about someone proclaiming (read: whining) that GT is the be all, end all and would never "offend" them?

I mean any of this really necessary?

Dude. Video games are serious business. You must choose a side or GTFO.

I play Forza because I happen to own an Xbox and not a Ps3, that's it. If I could choose, I'd play both...but as I have more important things to spend my money on than a second video game console, I won't be able to play a GT game any time soon.

and one more time for emphasis...They are just video games!
You seriously believe that Ferrari render was legitimate in-game footage? :confused: After this ordeal (apologies for the obnoxious title), it will be difficult to take any of Turn 10's claims regarding graphics seriously for a long while yet. Good to see the back of Che's fanboy antics, though.
Did you even click on the link in the 3rd post? Everything T10 showed at E3 was played by random journalists backstage. The motion controlled driving, walking around the car(which included opening doors, getting inside the car etc.) and triggering those cut scenes that showed the cars stats . It was all real, no faked gameplay, no "bullshot" graphics.
These comments make me believe this will be a full Forza 4 or whatever it will be called.

That's like saying that when NASCAR screenshots were released for GT5 you assumed PD were making a full NASCAR game.

Does nobody put their brain into gear before posting anymore? This thread serves no purpose other than trolling! 👎
Who is this Che anyway? What did he do?

A trolling fanboy jackass. There, you're caught up. :lol:

But Fm4 in one year? if its not compatible with or include all the DLC from FM3, M$ is pulling a fast one on its fans.....

You mean two years. They've been working on it since FM3 was released, perhaps even before then. I don't see this current release window changing until the next consoles come around.
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