DFGT Wheel set-up anyoneF1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter robisme
West Yorkshire,
Hi, new to the use of steering wheels, need to know what sort of setup to use with the ligitech dfgt please 👍

plus will a good setup more or less be good for more than just this game ?
In terms of settings. all the saturation settings should be off. I'm pretty sure I have everything else at 100%, particularly wheel weight, I think that made the most difference to how it feels.

I'm at work now but off the top of my head I think my settings are something like this:

Steering Deadzone: 0
Linearity: 50
Wheel Saturation: 65 - I think this is related to the degrees of rotation? Anyways, it let me take hairpins and tight corners a lot quicker.

FFB: 100
Wheel Weight: 100 - This helped out a lot for me. The wheel felt really loose on the default setting.
Environment: 10

The rest are default but I can't remember exactly. I'll figure it out when I get home.
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has anyone got any settings for the g27

Hello to all, i have a pc version and a g25 and i just cant make the settings of wheel like on ps3, can somebody help please, i just want to be like on ps3.. and whit all saturation which i dont know what it means and the rest of it which i dont understand, please help..
I go for:

0% deadzone, 60% linearity and everything else default.
Feedback wise, 100% on everything except heaviness which I have on around 70%.
I wouldn't set any saturation to 0% unless you want like a really twitchy car:crazy:
I have a PS3 with a G25 on a BRD (Ball Racing Development) rig and here is what I've found to be the best wheel settings for me.
Steering Deadzone: 0
Steerring Saturation: 100
Steering Linearity: 30
Throttle Deadzone: 0
Throttle Saturation: 100
Brake Deadzone: 0
Brake Saturation: 100

Based on all the racing sims I mess around with this feels to me to be the best feel for this game.

Being that the G27 should feel the same I'm curious to what you think :sly:

On a side note: If my G25 ever breaks I will be forced to pick up a G27 given that the rev limit lights work for this game and it would be nice to have the extra buttons on the wheel since mapping some of the functions could prove usefull :dopey:
Oh yeah. For me, the steering linearity makes the most difference in how the G25 wheel feels in the game.
In terms of settings. all the saturation settings should be off. I'm pretty sure I have everything else at 100%, particularly wheel weight, I think that made the most difference to how it feels.

Hi Boss, try lowering the wheel weight all the way off and increasing the force feed back.

The feed back gives the best feeling of the cars handling, wheel weight just over rides that.

Give it a try mate, I used to have the wheel weight up high but have recently changed.

I'm using a G27 but the feel is about the same.
Forget the 30% Linearity I posted. I just put it to 50 and it's way better:sly: The default is 40. I had gotten used to 30 when I tried it and after reading something somewhere else, 50 is true 1 to 1 steering in a race car. 50% gives you that. The car is also easier to drive in the straights and much better to drive in quick chicanes.

I'm going to try some people's suggestion about wheel weight. You might have something there 👍
With my G25 I had wheel weight all the way cranked. For the first fe days of having the game I thought it was the best feel. Someone said having it on negated the FF. I tend to agree now. However, having it off completey makes the wheel feel too light. I think in the end wheel weight is going to be personal preference. I've now set my wheel to 50% wheel weight and it seems like a happy medium.
For laughs and giggles, I turned off environmental effect to complety off :crazy: The game feels like a 1994 PC sim. It works and you get around fine, but you loose all the FF of hitting the curbs or riding them :sly:

I hope my thoughts helps anyone wondering :)
Hi Boss, try lowering the wheel weight all the way off and increasing the force feed back.

The feed back gives the best feeling of the cars handling, wheel weight just over rides that.

Give it a try mate, I used to have the wheel weight up high but have recently changed.

I'm using a G27 but the feel is about the same.

Cheers, will have a play with it later.
Hi guys

Be gentle with me, first post.

Have F12010 and have just purchased the GT wheel. 2 questions if I may, what sensitivity settings should I use and, more importantly, how do you adjust those settings?

Thanks in advance.

my logitec DFGT still on the standards. i think the wheel feels good, i did't try other options yet.

How do you change the settings if you wanted to?
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Hi guys

Be gentle with me, first post.

Have F12010 and have just purchased the GT wheel. 2 questions if I may, what sensitivity settings should I use and, more importantly, how do you adjust those settings?

Thanks in advance.

How do you change the settings if you wanted to?

If you step outside your trailer, there is a menu headed 'MY F1'. Go to controller settings and all the setup bars are in there. If it only has pad setup you need to hold your PS button to configure your wheel as controller No. 1, press start on the wheel and the options should be displayed. Hope this helps 👍
Just got the game today, will be trying out some of the suggestions in a few minutes and then Ill look into other game settings to try and find a happy medium in terms of how much of a challenge I want from this game.

Reading posts not only here but on the official Codemasters forums seems to suggest that this game is in need of a patch.
FOR PC owner: Also, put more FF (more than 100%) in the logitech setup software to have a better feeling of a F1 and a harder direction...
I'm at work now but off the top of my head I think my settings are something like this:

Steering Deadzone: 0
Linearity: 50
Wheel Saturation: 65 - I think this is related to the degrees of rotation? Anyways, it let me take hairpins and tight corners a lot quicker.

Hi, changed to what you mention, except for the wheel sat (not tried that yet)
But now it's pretty good 👍 cheers
OMG I love the intertoobs and this forum especially.

I had been breaking my arms trying to drive with my DFGT wheel. Having to turn my arms into pretzels in order to get through hairpins.

Thanks to you fellas, I now have my wheel saturation set to 70% and it is soooo much easier.

The irony of course is that I discovered this in career after I had already made it through to Silverstone.

Now, how do I get my "look right" "look left" re-maped to L2 and L3? The control option doesn't let me do it. I drive in cockpit view, and I hate when I accidentally hit R2 and it pulls me out of it.
Thanks to all who contributed to this thread.

See you in the paddocks,
If you step outside your trailer, there is a menu headed 'MY F1'. Go to controller settings and all the setup bars are in there. If it only has pad setup you need to hold your PS button to configure your wheel as controller No. 1, press start on the wheel and the options should be displayed. Hope this helps 👍

Great help, thanks so much. Now I won't have to google this.
At Scooty and Devestator, you're very welcome 👍

Now you're up and running with the wheel in game, you should play around with the settings a little to make the game more enjoyable. Feel, when playing with any wheel is THE most important thing. Unfortunetely the settings are purely subjective because everyone is different, so... play around. Probably before you get stuck into the game properly as well.

As I said the settings will be different for most people, but here's my two cents in case it can help anyone like you guys ;)

Advanced Wheel Settings

Steering deadzone 0%
Steering saturation 60%
Steering linearity 50%
Throttle deadzone 0%
Throttle saturation 100%
Brake deadzone 0%
Brake saturation 100%

Force Feedback Options
Feedback ON
Environmental effects 20%
Feedback strength 100%
Wheel weight 80%

Have fun guys, maybe see you on track sometime :D

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