- 3,585
- Phoenix, AZ
- GTP_Snaeper

Alrighty, I've felt its about time that this little egg got it's own thread with a big excessively colorful banner to go with it!
GT5 will be out shortly and I'm sure there are a number of things you all are itching to do... so if you happen to want to do a series of races CULMINATING*** (It's by good fortune there's only one typo in the banner) in a relatively short 30 minute Enduro on the High Speed Ring, have I got the event for you!
Test Race 1 Damage: Off // Physics*: Professional // Weather: Sunny // Track: TBD**
Participants will be encouraged to race whatever vehicle they wish to or are able to. The first track will be whichever the majority votes for, though it must be paved. Depending on the variation of cars, this race will determine whether we have a 1 class, 2 class, 3 class or 4 class event.
Test Race 2 Damage: Off // Physics*: Standard // Weather: Rainy // Track: TBD**
The second race will be a test for large races in the rain. The Physics will be set to Standard* and damage will be off to ensure the race moves at a progressive pace as most (if not all) drivers will have little to no experience with racing in the rain on GT5 at this point. Vehicles will start to move towards a more structured class system at this point, going off of what was used by participants in the first race. The track will again be determined by a vote of the drivers, of course this track would need to have weather and be relatively short.
Test Race 3 Damage: On // Physics*: Professional // Weather: Sunny // Track: TBD**
By the third race, fully agreed-upon classes will be set in place with participants selecting their cars to compete with for the final event. This race might take place on the High Speed Ring so drivers may get accustomed to their cars pace on the track and make any adjustments that GT and other drivers would allow.
The Final Event Damage: TBD**** // Physics*: Professional // Weather: Sunny // Track: High Speed Ring
The set classes will embark on a 30 minute enduro competing with the track, the clock and each other. Damage will be determined by previous participant behavior to ensure the race can be run in it's entirety (this is crucial). Any other usual Enduro variables (should they be adjustable) will be set on. These may include tire wear, fuel and others.
The Current date for the Endurothon is going to be 11am Pacific Time/12pm my time. This is subject to change should someone wish to participate but cannot make this date!
My Gamestop will not be doing a night release of Gran Turismo sadly, so it will have to wait until later in the day since they open at 10 and I'll still have to download the game and tinker around etc.
* = Should Physics be controllable by the host, they will be set to the indicated setting for the event. The Physics are not a locked in factor! If the majority of drivers would like to run Standard instead of Professional or vice versa, they can easily be changed. New info from amar212 suggests there may only be one Physics setting.
**= Tracks will be voted on before each event with the exception being the final Enduro. This WILL happen at High Speed Ring.
***= Should any more Test Races be deemed necessary or are requested by a majority of the Participants, we will hold further events. If the ability to qualify is featured in GT5, we will hold qualifying laps at this point.
****= The damage will be set depending on current levels of frustration at this point. Should drivers prove unable to prevent their cars from contacting other drivers cars(violently), it will be turned off. Otherwise it will be turned "On" for the main event.
Remember! This is ultimately as close to a racing party as we can get and we're all here to have fun! This is racing so there will be a competitive nature, but ultimately the event's goal is about making friends for future racing as well as laying some of the foundations for future events by myself and by others here at
If you'd like to participate, post below with your PSN tag and feel free to give me your thoughts on the event should you see anything that you don't like.
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