(CAUTION) when buying F1 Cars

  • Thread starter VDOP
I am an old school gamer, and have been for well over 25 years. With that in mind, I try to never "exploit" a game for cheating and try to never look anything up online for help, chects, spoilers, etc. Well, this is one thing I wished I looked up.

I am level 26 A-spec and I recently purchased the (level 24 A-spec) F2007 Formula 1 race car for $12,500,000. After purchasing it, I was fronted by the "denial notice" to enter it in to any race, any online event, etc. As of now, all I can do is drive it in Practice and use it in Photo Travel.

At 98,000 Credits per race that takes 4:05 minutes, you are looking at about 8.5 hours (not counting loading time) of driving time wasted on a car I cannot use in a race yet. I am sure there is a race later on, but I was not very well pleased for the time being. Oh, you also can't sell it either.

So, before you buy this car, make 100% sure you can use it. Oh, a friend asked about the Gran Turismo Formula Race. This car cannot be used for that race. The Gran Turismo Formula car is a specific F1 type car I seen in the "Used Car Lot"... after I bought the F2007. lol

I am sure some people might already be aw2are of this, but I felt I should pass it on anyway.

Thats a shame, really. I'm Loving this game, but, that's a gross error. They should know that anyone putting that kind of effort into getting a car will want to USE it!!
Any idea if the Formula GT is also restricted in the same way(besides the FGT championship)?
I appreciate the offer of the trade, but I think I will keep my $12,500,000 kick-___ paperweight. lol

Joking aside, I am sure there will be something I can use it for later. Plus, it a lot of fun to drive, even in Practice.

I have no problem with it being limited for specific races, but at least make this races available when you are allowed to by the car. If a race opens up at level 30 or something, well the car's level should have been 30, but that's just me.

Well, that ruins my hopes of running the Sunday Cup with an F1 car. Seems like the car then can't run everywhere (as that eliminates half the tracks). I understand the realism factor but a lot of people enjoyed running the F1 car everywhere.
Thats a shame, really. I'm Loving this game, but, that's a gross error. They should know that anyone putting that kind of effort into getting a car will want to USE it!!
Any idea if the Formula GT is also restricted in the same way(besides the FGT championship)?

You can use the Formula GT in MANY races ;)
Well, that ruins my hopes of running the Sunday Cup with an F1 car. Seems like the car then can't run everywhere (as that eliminates half the tracks). I understand the realism factor but a lot of people enjoyed running the F1 car everywhere.

i know i sure did enjoy running my f2007 in beginner races back in the days of GT5P.
I gues I'll settle for my other f1. the mclaren f1!!!! lol.
Two Ferrari F1 cars and you can't even use them in any race, let alone the Formula GT Championship. If you can't even race them online to try to have F1 races in private lobbies with your friends, this is just a huge joke and I can add these two to my list of cars not worth buying.
Two Ferrari F1 cars and you can't even use them in any race, let alone the Formula GT Championship. If you can't even race them online to try to have F1 races in private lobbies with your friends, this is just a huge joke and I can add these two to my list of cars not worth buying.

They are the Jay Leno, Nike, and Mercedes Wagons essentially of GT5.
I'm looking to buy a F1 car to use as a benchmark, especially so for Track Editor courses to set the fastest possible time. I really don't care about it not being able to use in a race.
The F1 is a lot of fun to drive. I just wish I could do it in some races; at least the GT Formula one. I mean, seriously?

I feel like it's cheating, but does anyone know if a race opens up later where the F2007 can be used? lol!

You can use it in online races for F1 cars only (there is a setting when you make the game)

It would be kind of unfair for any street legal car to be racing against an F1 car......
At 98,000 Credits per race that takes 4:05 minutes, you are looking at about 8.5 hours (not counting loading time) of driving time wasted on a car I cannot use in a race yet.

Thanks for the heads-up. Which race do you get 98k per race for such a short amount of time? :dopey:
Thanks for the heads-up. Which race do you get 98k per race for such a short amount of time? :dopey:

Indianapolis in American Championship, level 23.

Im glad this thread popped up. I have 4 mil saved right now and i was going to use it to buy that car but not now. Ill keep saving for the old GT40 race car for the one stupid event I cant get a car for a decent price to hang with them in the expert section
In a sense, I do agree with Jacob6875, but on the same token, if someone is going to spend about 9 hours to get 1 vehicle, they deserve to at least use it in some races. I am not talking about the Sunday Cup, but the LM's would be good.

I agree with mineralgrey01gt. Save your credits for a different vehicle. I was going to use this on the tough LM races and the Gran Turismo Formula race. Boy, was I ever wrong! lol

I even passed up the chance to buy the Pescola Courage and other nice LM vehicles as I was saving up credits for the F2007. I don't forsee that happening again. lol!

Yeah, that's the thing about F1 cars and the X1. They will be only used for certain online events, or if you go into your lounge. You can set up the lounge to run only F1's, and Go Karts. After I finished my F1 Championship, I traded my F1 for 4 premium JGTC cars.
You saved me, I've been grinding credits to buy one of these F1 cars, I'm at 9.4 mil and and very great thankful for your information!
Great thread and a lot of good information. I had my eye on that even though im about 10 mil short haha. Thanks for making this thread!!
Indianapolis in American Championship, level 23.

Im glad this thread popped up. I have 4 mil saved right now and i was going to use it to buy that car but not now. Ill keep saving for the old GT40 race car for the one stupid event I cant get a car for a decent price to hang with them in the expert section

If your talking about the Historic championship race then use the charpppel 2D car! put some upgrades on that baby and it'll do the job, well that's what I did and completed that event. :)
What about creating you own private online room in the coffe cup link called "my lounge" to see if that works? Otherwise yea that is crapola.
The race I am refering to is Expert - American Championship level 23 - Indianapolis Motor Speedway. It's a circle track and can easily be won with a Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 (Race Modified - Racing:Soft - and all the highest upgrades). You are looking about initial cost of about $400,000 for all upgrades. The race can be done in 4 Minutes and 5 seconds with little effort for a winning pool of $98,000. It was by far the best time/cash I could find.

To make everyone laugh... To get 12,500,000 on this race track is approximately 2551 left turns. lol!

For this car, you can make your own "Lounge" race, but only for F1 people. So, you will basically be racing by yourself unless your friends spent $12,500,000 on a car they can barely race in anything.

On a side note, I am glad this helped out a few people before they wasted a lot of time. Thanks for the good complements.
Did exactly the same as op with the exact thought process about buying 1, but oh wait it's totally useless apart from single class online? Fanstastic.

Luckily I only wasted 10,000,000 :) brought the F10 rather than F2007, so it's nice to know some one wasted a furthur 2.5 million more than me :sly: sorry lol.
I will celebrate with you in your reward of my misfortune Koho. lol!

I got the car about 3AM. I was in front of several guy friends and you should of seen my look of disbelief when I was trying to do just one race to show it off and couldn't. After a few laughs from us all, they sarcastically started talking about how "awesome" a vehicle I owned that was utterly useless.

The race I am refering to is Expert - American Championship level 23 - Indianapolis Motor Speedway. It's a circle track and can easily be won with a Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 (Race Modified - Racing:Soft - and all the highest upgrades). You are looking about initial cost of about $400,000 for all upgrades. The race can be done in 4 Minutes and 5 seconds with little effort for a winning pool of $98,000.

This was my 'grind it out race' until I reached level 28. Now I use the Formula GT at the Indy 500 Enduro. I need to run it 3 times just to reach level 30 in hopes that the X1 I unlock will save me time on completing this over and over and over (plus the remaining Enduros too hopefully? *crosses fingers*).
