Known scammer activity - please read this for your own protection.

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Be Fearless
Hammerhead Garage
Ladies and gentlemen,

It has recently been brought to the attention of the moderators that a serious situation is developing. This thread has been created to protect you until such time as a more-permanent solution can be found.

The moderators have been receiving unconfirmed reports that a user by the name of lukeymel has been active on PSN. At least two formal reports have been received in the past twenty-four hours, and maybe more. He may also be operating under the ID tag of julzie16, and at least one variation - julzie17 - of it. It is altogether possible that he has several other IDs registered that we do not know about. We have good reason to believe that lukeymel may be presenting himself as a member of the GT Planet forums on PSN. Please be aware that he is not. lukeymel is a serial pest on these forums, and has had no less than nine accounts closed in the past three weeks. He is also a known scammer, and we believe he will not hesitate to defraud you. Several of the vehicles he has stolen have also appeared for trade on the forums. Therefore, we are creating this thread to warn you of the dangers of trading with him. You are free to trade with him if you wish, but you do so at your own risk. GT Planet and the moderators cannot be held responsible if you instigate a trade with him and become one of his victims. All reports of suspicious activity should be passed on to a moderator immediately. This thread will be removed once a more-permanent arrangement is found.

Please note that the embargo on publicly accusing others of wrongdoing is still in effect. If you believe you have been a victim of a scam, then please forward your complaints on to a moderator immediately. Any accusations will not be tolerated, and will be met with severe repercussions. We are only making this exception to the rule and naming lukeymel because the situation is dire. If you see anything suspicious - especially someone claiming to be from the forums when they are not - then contact a moderator with all haste.
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