ware did my posts go

  • Thread starter km
What the?! I only have 2371 but I had 15xx posts before!
Originally posted by km
i had 850 posts when gtp4 was online now i have 666 with gtp5 what the hell is going on here:mad:

who cares, post counts mean nothing, I lost about 200 and I dont care...
Originally posted by F1man
HMRCWG?? May have been deleted?
i had only posted once in the HMRCWG so i know that there could be one gone but that does not acount for the other ones
My only concern is that I can't access my former posts which makes it difficult to check back on some of the older topics that have worked their way off of "new posts".

*edit* then I used the "Search" button in the bottom of one of my posts.:embarrassed:
Yea I lost about 50 posts or more...but it doesn't matter much to me.

Did anyone else notice, I'm the sole mod of the automotive forum and MAZ...hmmm...
Post counts when down because I deleted all the old threads in the Recycle Bin, which apparently were still being counted in member totals.

No I didnt notice that, what happened to vat_man modding the Automotive forum???
Vat_man is a super moderator, therefore he doesn't need to be listed as a moderator for any individual forum.
Originally posted by Jordan
Vat_man is a super moderator, therefore he doesn't need to be listed as a moderator for any individual forum.

Oh, pretty neat there Jordan:cool: