Gran Turismo 5 B-Spec Remote Race FAQ

  • Thread starter NLxAROSA


King of Rockay
Rockay City
Gran Turismo 5 B-Spec Remote Race FAQ


This FAQ covers some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the B-Spec 'Remote Race' feature in Gran Turismo 5. This information is an addition to the remote race manual. The remote race manual can be found on the remote race screen inside Gran Turismo 5. Please check the manual and this FAQ before posting questions in this subforum. This FAQ will be updated with new questions and updated answers when needed. I will also add some more pictures too when I have the time. ;) Thanks must go to everyone that contributed to the information in this FAQ. 👍

Also, be sure to check this thread as well on the do's and don'ts of remote race.

Q: How do I start remote race from my PS3?
A: Start up GT5, go to GT Life, hit the ‘Community’ tab and select the remote race icon (the one at the bottom of the screen resembling a headset). This will open up the remote race screen.

Q: Where do I find the remote race manual?
Start remote race (see previous question) and look for the ‘?’ icon. Clicking this icon will open the (very short) manual.

Q: How can I host a race using the website?
You need GT5 running on your PS3 with the ‘server standby’ option activated in the remote race screen and you must be signed into PSN. Only then can you play remote race through the website. Go to the website, pick your country (if needed) and sign in to ‘GT5 My Home’ (the button on the far top right), then click the ‘Remote Race’ button on the ‘Community’ tab to start a race. See the picture below.


Note: the light should be green and the description should read: 'You are ready to host a remote race' (or something similar). If this is not the case, make sure your PS3 is on, you are signed into PSN and GT5 is running and in 'server standby mode'. The light will be blue if you are already running a race. If this is the case, you can click the button to view the race results.

Q: Do I have to be online for other people to use my online B-Spec drivers?
No, you don’t have to be online or signed into PSN for other people to use your drivers. Instead, you put your B-Spec drivers online, so other people can use them while you are offline.

Q: Do I have to keep my PS3 on for other people to use my online B-Spec drivers?
No, you don’t have to keep your PS3 on for other people to use your drivers. Again, you put your B-Spec drivers online, so other people can use them while you are offline.

Q: Do I have to keep my PS3 on to host a race using the website?
Yes, if you want to host a remote race, your PS3 must be on, you must be signed into PSN, have GT5 running and put the game in ‘server standby mode’ from the remote race screen.

Q: Can I host a race with more than one of my B-Spec drivers?
No, you can host with only one driver. However, it is possible to invite multiple drivers from other accounts (including any other accounts that you might have).

Q: Why can’t people select my B-Spec drivers for remote race?
You must put your B-Spec drivers online first. This can be done from the B-Spec drivers profile. The B-Spec drivers profile can be accessed from the drivers list. Also, your drivers can only be used by one person at a time, so it's possible they are unavailable because another player is using them.

Q: People are using my B-Spec drivers but they are not leveling up and my credits do not increase. What’s going on?
You need to collect the rewards from the B-Spec driver profile first. Since you put your drivers online for other people to use, their rewards will also accumulate online, so the rewards must be added to your local save. After collecting the rewards, the credits and XP will be added to your account.

Q: HELP! Why are my rewards sometimes missing, or my B-Spec drivers changing status by themselves?
This is a bug: the autosave feature in remote race is not working properly at this time. Every time you interact with an online B-Spec driver (e.g. change status from online to offline or vice versa, collect rewards, etc.), you must save explicitly yourself! If you don’t save yourself, you may end up losing data (rewards, online status). So always save by hand!

Q: What do the three lights on my B-Spec drivers profile mean?
The three lights indicate how many credits your online driver has accumulated. Zero lights means the driver has no rewards, one light means the driver has earned 1-49,999 credits, two lights means the driver has earned 50,000-199,999 credits and three lights means he has earned more than 200,000 credits. See the picture below.


Q: Is there a limit to how many credits a driver can earn before you must collect the rewards?
So far, nobody has run into the limit...yet. At this moment, there are drivers who have over 20,000,000 credits and are still going. As soon as the limit is discovered, this will be the place to find it. So keep on remote racing. ;) Keep in mind, your main account can only hold as much as 20,000,000 credits. This means that if you cash in on a driver that has more than 20,000,000 credits, you will lose any credits above 20,000,000. Still, this means you can store 20,000,000 + 6 * 20,000,000 = 140,000,000 on one account. :D

Q: How does the scoring work?
At this moment, this is not completely clear. It appears you gain more credits by ending higher than you started, rather than just ending first. It also could be the case that you gain more credits by driving against higher level drivers. But so far, there’s no definitive answer. Any thoughts/proof on this is appreciated.

Q: My drivers are online, but there's a red stripe through their helmet and I can't select them, why?
When there's a red stipe through your drivers helmet, it means that he is currently unavailable (e.g. being used by someone else) at this time. See the picture below.


To see who is using your driver, go to your 'activity log' on your community page (available both ingame and on the website). See the picture below. The log on the website does not update as often as the log inside GT5.


This applies to both your own drivers and drivers from other players. You can check the logs from other players from the 'Community' tab inside GT5 or the website.

Q: I want to start a new race, I have selected a few of my friends drivers and the 'start race' button is greyed out. Why?
You have to select one of your drivers and at least one other driver. By default, none of your drivers are selected. Just click on your PSN ID and select the driver you wish to use. When you have selected your driver and at least one other driver, the 'start race' button will be activated.

Q: How can I pick a car and track for my B-Spec driver?
The events (track, cars and number of laps) are set by PD. After adding your driver selection, the cars are randomly assigned to the selected drivers. Then they race each other. It's not possible to select a car for your B-Spec driver yourself.

Q: How do I guide my B-Spec driver through the race? Where do I give the commands?
You can't give any commands during a remote race. The drivers race by themselves, there is no way to influence them during the race. Sit back and relax. :)

Q: I have the Remote Race web page open in my browser, but I can't select anything, my PSN ID is not listed and neither are my friends, what's up?
Go back to your profile page in the 'GT5 My Home' section of and make sure you are signed into PSN there. Then hit the 'Remote Race' button again. This means you can't bookmark the 'Remote Race' page.

Q: Does Remote Race impact my global B-Spec level?
Yes, it does. Playing Remote Race increases both the level of your individual drivers and your global B-Spec level. This makes Remote Race the ideal solution to open up your B-Spec career and be able to play the career in the order you see fit. :)

Q: Can I watch my B-Spec drivers race when my friend is running them?
No, only the host can watch the live race, since it's running on his PS3. However, you can see the live race results through the website: select the friend who is hosting the race in the friends list and then click on his Remote Race button. I assume this also works on PS3, but I have not verified this yet.

Q: Should I run all of my friends drivers in races I host?
That depends. If you know they are around and able to run races themselves, it's usually a good idea to leave one available so they can do so (especially when running longer races). Remember, if you are using all their drivers, they can't host a race themselves and will not be able to share the wealth! However if they're unable to set up races themselves (sleeping, no net access, etc.) there's no reason you can't use them all.

Q: Does remote racing cycle the Used Car Dealership?
Yes, but only for the person hosting the race. If other people are using your drivers this will not impact your UCD. Also, since credits/XP are stored online until you collect them, it's safe to save your game before hosting a few sessions, then restore it afterwards to put the UCD back to where it was when you saved it. Don't restore a save after collecting though, as you will lose the collected credits and XP.

Q: When selecting drivers from my friends in Remote Race on PS3, it's extremely slow, how come?
Try clearing the internet cache inside GT5. This option can be found in the general options; scroll all the way down and go to 'online options'.

Feel free to reply to this thread and add your own comments/findings/etc. as well as errors/omissions I have made. Have fun remote B-Speccing!
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Some remote drivers can't be used when they have a red stripe on helmet / icon. Why is that?

edit: alright thanks
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I will keep adding questions, answers and pictures as time progresses. If you have anything to add, just post here and I will add it. 👍
Great job of covering the basic info that's helpful for getting started w/ remote racing. I realize that the details of scoring are still not fully understood, but I did have one question: are the similar duration races identical in terms of payout? That is, does every 10 minute race payout the same? I assume they do, but wondered if anyone knows for sure. If they payout differently, then I would always host the highest-paying race, of course...
are the similar duration races identical in terms of payout? That is, does every 10 minute race payout the same?

Another question that is very tricky to answer. It appears that the longer races pay more than shorter races (to be expected), but it also appears (which does not mean that it is the absolute truth ;)) that the 20 minutes Daytona event pays the most. I could use some confirmation on this, so if anybody can shed more light on this, please let me know. 👍

What do the green horizontal, orange downwards and blue upwards arrows next to the driver's helmets mean?
More a question about B-Spec in general, rather than just the remote part, but I will answer anyway: it's the drivers mood, which influences how he drives. Blue means he's up, green means he's okay, and orange means he's down.
One question other than get money and exp wich is really a nice addition, there is no other gain, you can only get cars and rewards only if you complete Bspec career.
I hope the next update will be to control Bspec also when you are offline because is too much demanding waiting for every session.
Running the B-Spec career remote would be a cool feature. 👍 So far, there's no indication that it's ever going to happen though. ;)
Excellent work Lars 👍

Just for the record one of my drivers has over 900,000cr waiting to be cashed and he's still earning. The plan is to leave him uncashed to find out what the maximum amount a driver can accrue before he stops earning. There are other people doing the same thing so if my test goes wrong there is a backup.
Good to hear Neal, I'll put your driver to work then. ;) Once you hit the limit (I'm sure there is one :lol:), I will add it to the FAQ. :)
Nice job! I really hope the save bug gets fixed soon ... I have lost some earnings already by forgetting to manually save!
The arrows mean what condition the driver is in.

If the arrow is blue, it means they are in excellent condition.

If the arrow is green , it means they are in good condition.

If the arrow is orange, it means they are in poor condition.
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Hi everyone.
I was "remote bspecing" via the web frontend whole day, leavin my ps3 in online mode at home.
I was using some bobs of my friends and it was working fine so far.
But the Drivers of one Guy didnt get any money or experience.

How to avoid that? you cant save via webinterface.
And at home I can only save my own Account. The Account with the bobs i was using was offline whole day.

dunno what i have done wrong...
To get lvl based results launch races with cars in same class.
To have suprises in standings there's Trial Mountain with un-even cars. I could think that lvl 0 bob will gain more xp in un even races,
I'm having a problem remote hosting the b spec races. I'm using windows xp, and at the driver selection menu, right before race start, I select drivers but they don't add to the list. Just a check mark and the pop up window stays there and they don't add to the race lineup. I tried using firefox and internet explorer both the same.

The arrows mean what condition the driver is in.

If the arrow is blue, it means they are in excellent condition.

If the arrow is green , it means they are in good condition.

If the arrow is orange, it means they are in poor condition.

NLxAROSA: Feel free to grab my graphic and add it to your post if you would like to.

Thanks for answering
I guess its not possible for a friend to borrow my B spec driver to do his career races and visa-versa?

Are they only usable in online racing?
I'm having a problem remote hosting the b spec races. I'm using windows xp, and at the driver selection menu, right before race start, I select drivers but they don't add to the list. Just a check mark and the pop up window stays there and they don't add to the race lineup. I tried using firefox and internet explorer both the same.
I had this happen to me a couple of times on the EU site. The US site appears to be more stable (or at least less busy ;)). Stupid question, but you did click on 'ok' after selecting drivers?

I guess its not possible for a friend to borrow my B spec driver to do his career races and visa-versa?

Are they only usable in online racing?
Yes, they can only be used online. Mind you, by putting your drivers online, they will probably level up pretty quickly, thus opening up B-Spec career for you. 👍
I still dont understand, u cant choose what car to bob shall drive?
That is correct. The cars, tracks and number of laps are set by the events that PD has defined. Cars are randomly assigned to the selected drivers. Then they race.
Technically, it's a FAQ and not a guide, but I may add a tutorial later this week, since the FAQ is growing pretty fast. :)
Kudos for the FAQ.

I'd like to add one little tiny detail: you must be logged on GTWorld at Gran Turismo page to be able to remote race. Yeah, that might be quite stupid and obvious, but if you take a look, the Remote Race web doesn't have any account on your log in GTMode. That means, if you close your Home Page where you entered the RR web, the RR system won't work properly, meaning you won't be able to select your and your friends' drivers, thus not being able to even start a race.