The All Cars Indy 500.

  • Thread starter luchre
Since the first attempt at Indy, the race has become something of an obsession. Came fourth with a P08. Tried a Minolta then a GT One, easy, then the P08 again and took first place by a whole eleven seconds.

A V12 showed up; soft tyres; six laps clear. Later the OCD had both a Hybride and an Audi for sale. Ground US Indy, bought Hybride, raced Hybride, got nowhere. In my hands it was a fuel guzzling, under steering, tyre chewing pig.

But how come in the race the AI Hybrides always beat the AI V12s? Decided I had to find out how the Indy line up fared in my hands.


There are seven cars in the line-up. The Audi R8'01 always beats everything else, usually followed by the R8'05. Very occasionally a Pescalaro Hybride beats the R8'05s but for the most part is a solid third. The next two machines - the Pescalaro GV5 and the BMW V12 - are evenly matched always battling for fourth and fifth spot between one another. Following along behind this fight comes the Audi R10 and then finally the Pescalaro C60'03 is always last.

As I had used the Peugot P08 before and as a contemporary of the above machines it seemed to fit, I gave it a guest spot. Suspect the AI would stick it between the V12/Gv5 battle and the R10.

Several weeks of car hunting and cash grinding later, was ready to begin. To make things a little more interesting for myself, I set some rules.

Only got a controller so allowed Auto gears but heroically switched the racing line off. Medium tyres only, SRF off, ABS and ASM on (to avoid the huge speed advantage switching off either of those two gives) and TC left at five. No tune-ups. The fun was to be had with the set-ups. Before each race the car was given a full body and engine refresh after yet more cash grinding.


The first car to try had to be the Audi R8'01 as obviously the quickest. Sure it would have been but about two thirds of the race gone the PS3 froze up. Decided that counted as a retirement and couldn’t face a second attempt with the same car so moved on.

Race N0.1: A Slow Start. (The Audi R8'05).

This machine seemed an obvious win just like its' elder sibling so apart from knocking the transmission up to 249 and acceleration to 60 in the LSD, left the set-up at default and dived straight in.

The race lasted 2:33:47.678. Fastest lap was 0:41.545 on lap 44 and the car was pitted on laps 30, 62, 98, 135 and 170. Total fuel put in was 410 litres. The car won by a single lap.

Didn’t do the machine justice. Holding down X the whole time the car couldn’t do more than 32 laps and getting paranoid that a sixth stop would compromise the race, from the second pit onwards started lifting to eke out the tyres, resulting in a disappointing win.

Another problem was fuel. As the timer ticked down, over filled each and every stop as on the fly math is not a strong point so played safe. Tried to improve as the races went on.

Resolved to make more of an effort for the next race.

Race No.2: The Dark Horse. (The BMW V12 LMR).

As with the Hybride had had previous experience of this car and found it both easier to drive and quicker so decided to race it first.

Spent a bit of time in practice for this to quadruple ensure five easily achieved pit stops. Transmission was set to 242. Suspension; (front) 14.8; 7; 6; 5, (rear) 12.8; 7; 6; 5. Wheel; (front) 3.0; -0.40, (rear) 2.0; -0.60. All else default.

Idea was to soften things up in the hope of reducing wear. Had discovered previously that setting rear toe to a big minus evened out the wear and allowed the back tyres an extra lap or two, seemed to improve speed too which was a bonus.

The race itself lasted 2:31:56.089, the fastest lap was 0:42.086 on lap 119 and the car pitted on laps 33, 67, 101, 136 and 170. Total fuel was 410 litres and the car won by three laps.

Essentially just a case of holding X the entire race and turning left once in a while. For all that it has less power than the Hybride seems odd the AI places the V12 so low in the race. The one other V12 came in eighth beaten by both GV5s'.

Race No.3: The Flying Pig. (The Pescalaro Hybride).

Previous experience on sifts meant this car was the first uncertainty. On mediums and default settings couldn’t get round Indy without crashing into walls unless lifting. And it lasted about 24 laps. Under steering, tyre chewing, fuel guzzling pig.

Spent quite a bit of time in practice with this before getting an OK set-up. Quite a bit of time. Made no attempt to limit pit stops (well I did but totally failed), just went for lots and lots of sprints.

Wing was set to 60; 70. Transmission 249. LSD 10; 60; 60. Suspension (front) -5; 13; 8; 7; 6, (rear) -20; 15.5; 9; 7; 6. Wheel (front) 0.9; 0.15, (rear) 0.6; -0.40.

The race lasted 2:32:23.244, the fastest lap was 0:40.631 on lap 119 and the car pitted on (deep breath) laps 21, 42, 64, 86, 108, 130, 145, 160 and 181. Total fuel was 506 litres and the car won by three laps.

Due to the nine pit stops not as quick as the V12 overall, albeit much faster individual laps. Funnily enough the one AI Hybride in the race beat both the R8'05s to third spot after the R8'01.

Race No.4: The Quickest yet. (The Peugot P08).

Technically the Hybride should have raced before the V12 in terms of the AI pecking order. Technically this race should have been the C60'04. But for all the fun of the Hybride needed a change of make so inserted the third car I'd had previous experience of; the special guest P08.

Having had success with the Hybride set up, from here-on-in with the odd tweak to suit the cars it became the template on which all others were based. The P08 itself was set up as follows.

Wing 55; 70. Transmission 242. LSD 10; 60; 60. Suspension (front) -5; 13.8; 8; 7; 6, (rear) -20; 15.5; 9; 7; 6. Wheel (front) 1.2; 0, (rear) 0.8; -0.60.

The race lasted 2:31:47.023, the fastest lap was 0:42.256 on lap 84 and the car pitted on laps 33, 67, 100, 135 and 170. Fuel used was 371 litres and the car won by four laps. (Just).

Over a single lap this was the slowest car so far, took four or five laps to break the pack at the start of the race and felt the need to concentrate on every lap to stay ahead. After the final stop couldn’t break the R8'01 and both re-passed one another several times. The lapping was done when the AI was in the pits and the road was clear, cars on the road were hard work. Yet 9.066 seconds quicker than the V12 due to shorter pit stops.

Race No.5: A Mysterious Beige. (The Pescalaro GV5).

The first car in the series I knew nothing about other than the AI placed it in roughly the same spot as the V12. In default mode fairly slow and fairly chewy. Unlike the previous machines it was held back by the fact that its' default transmission was set to 230 mph as opposed to the usual 236.

Like the Hybride and despite the fact the final set-up was fairly similar, took a while to get there. A bit of a single lap v tyre wear compromise.

Wing 55; 70. Transmission 242. LSD 10; 25; 25. Suspension (front) -5; 13; 8; 7; 6, (rear) -20; 15.5; 9; 7; 6. Wheel (front) 1.8; 0.05, (rear) 1.2; -0.50.

The race lasted 2:33:46.685, the fastest lap was 0:42.016 on lap 173 and the car pitted on laps 26, 51, 77, 104, 130, 156 and 178. Used 445 litres of fuel and the car won by a single lap.

All a bit dull. The seven pit stops put the car out of sync with the AI, the result being hardly a car to be seen on track almost the entire race. Not particularly quick over a lap and a bit of a guzzler.

Race No.6: The Pitch Black Horse. (The Pescalaro C60'03).

Again technically this should have been the Audi R10s' turn rather than the C60s'. Because the C60 is always, always last. But the GV5 had been rather dull and expecting more of the same I just wanted this one out the way. Noted that as with the GV5 the default transmission was set low at 211 mph, which was a bit of a clue as to why it never did very well.

As to set-up didn’t put much thought into it. Like the GV5 had no previous experience, only a half memory that in GT4 it was the slower of the two. So with the exception of putting Transmission to 242 rather than 249, the set-up was an exact copy of the GV5 above.

The race lasted 2:30:38.191, the fastest lap was 0:41.705 on lap 196 and the car pitted on laps 28, 57, 86, 115, 144 and 173. Used 400 litres of fuel and the car won by six laps.

Sooo the car is blindingly quick then, 68.832 seconds quicker than the P08s' previous best overall time. Overall a far faster machine than either of the other two Pescalaros' when not utterly knobbled by its' default transmission. The first real surprise so far and as a result the most fun.

Decided at this point too that both R8s' required a second run because so far they'd got one retirement and the second slowest overall time between them.

They deserved better.

Race No.7: Honour restored. (The Audi R8'05 again).

From the off decided not to bother about stops as within my abilities the car was a natural six pitter so went with that. Had been playing with a set-up for the R8'01 allowing for five stops and with a minimal tweak, lowering the wing, used that. The result was a set-up a little more understeery than perhaps it needed to be making the car feel a little heavy.

Wing 55; 75. Transmission 249. LSD 10; 60; 40. Suspension (front) -5; 13.8; 8; 7; 6, (rear) -10; 15.5; 9; 7; 6. Wheel (front) 1.8; -0.20, (rear) 1.2; -0.55.

The race lasted 2:29:12.459, the fastest lap was 0:40.979 on lap 190 and the car pitted on laps 29, 60, 91, 122, 152 and 176. Used 410 litres of fuel and the car won by seven laps.

85.732 seconds quicker than the C60'03s'previous best time and the first sub two and a half hour race. A fair bit of the improvement over the cars' first race was down to the set-up but lack of paranoid prattling combined with more thoughtful refuelling didn’t hurt either.

Race No.8: The Red Audi. (The Audi R10).

'The Red Audi'. How much would be given to follow that with 'The Audi R8'01' in brackets. For all the cash crunching and UCD hunting it's just never happened. In the meantime however the R10 has always been there, patiently waiting it's turn.

The fact is that like the P08, the Hybride and the V12 we'd both met before, on sifts. Unfortunately unlike those three, never managed a win, not even close. Did do a few laps with ABS off but the heart just wasn’t in it so gave up.

After the C60'03 had planned to do both R8s', leaving the R10 till last, however the R8'05 had gone really well and so I decided to leave the best till last. And even if the R10 is the only red Audi available it is not the best.

Spent more time twiddling and tweaking with this car than the rest combined. Go for speed and the tyres seemed to die with the graphic half blue, go for stops and it was too slow. The one strength it had was low fuel consumption, so concentrating on that went for the best compromise I could come up with based on six stops.

Wing 55; 70. Transmission 242. LSD 10; 60; 40. Suspension (front) -5; 13.8; 7; 6; 5, (rear) -20; 16.8; 9; 7; 6. Wheel (front) 1.8; -0.20, (rear) 1.2; -0.60.

The race lasted 2:34:44.728, the fastest lap was 0:42.688 on lap 76 and the car pitted on laps 29, 58, 87, 119, 148 and 175. Used 355 litres of fuel and the car won by 16.704 seconds.

Slowest machine by a margin. On lap 49 had a huge crash trying to overtake the two C60'03s resulting in a 55 second lap followed by a 48 and a C60 getting a bonus pit stop. Crash physics would have ended the race there and then.

It was a win but being so messy, gamey even, not satisfying.

Race No.9: The Number 2. (The Audi R8'01).

Things are never simple, always changing. Version 1.06 allows engines to be refreshed whilst restricting power to factory specs. A whole new variable to consider with eight races done. In terms of wins would no doubt have put the R10 beyond my abilities, probably the GV5 and the P08 too. The crucial factor for me was to what extent it would alter the race order. Hopefully not too much. Having refreshed the R10, V12 and R8'01 it would appear that to achieve factory spec requires a consistent reduction to 95.2%. Not quite that straightforward though because testing the R10 on its' race set-up reduced the original six stops to five.

Apt therefore that in the end the final race should go to the No.2 Audi rather than the No.1. The fabled Red Audi awaits a more demanding test. Despite this being the only post 1.06 race, stuck to the same parameters as the previous eight.

The set-up used for the R8'05 would have been fine but wanted something a little less harsh.

Wing 55; 80. Transmission 249. LSD 10; 60; 40. Suspension (front) -5; 13.8; 8; 7; 6, (rear) -5; 15.3; 8; 7; 6. Wheel (front) 1.8; 0, (rear) 1.2; -0.55.

The race lasted 2:27:54.211, the fastest lap was 0:41.188 on lap 47 and the car pitted on laps 34, 68, 102, 136 and 170. Used 400 litres of fuel and the car won by nine laps.

Sticking with the original R8'05 set-up albeit with a 55; 80 wing would have allowed for five stops but harder work. Using the above set up was probably not as quick but more than enough to show that the R8'01 was indeed the class of the field. Fastest car overall by 78.248 seconds.

My Race Order.

Between work and other real life inconveniences, family, that kind of stuff, taken weeks to get the races done. Been a blast. Had all the cars been in the same fastest race they would have finished as follows.

1: R8'01 2:27:54.211

2: R8'05 + 1:18.248 ( 2 laps )

3: C60'03 + 2:43.980 ( 4 laps )

4: P08 + 3:52.812 ( 6 laps )

5: V12 + 4:01.878 ( 6 laps )

6: Hybride + 4:29.033 ( 7 laps )

7: GV5 + 5:52.474 ( 8 laps )

8: R10 + 6:50.517 ( 10 laps )

What any of this proves beyond the fact I'm slightly sad am not sure other than that apart from the R8s' the order doesn’t tally with the AIs' at all. And that's it. Can't remember the last time I got so engrossed in a game and now want to do it all again with engines restricted to see if that alters the order in any way. Possibly more than just slightly sad.
exactly what conclusions i came too.are you talking about A or B spec.i have nearly all the le mans cars,rebuild all their engines.the hybride is a pis,funny how rear ride height is -40 / -20 i think.the bentley and mazda 787b are good too.a steering wheel is a must.i have a G25 and i love it.
Great work! Are you going to try the Sauber, GT One, Minolta and 787B as well?

Anyhoo, entertaining read, thanks for that.
Wow, cool review, looks like the Audi's really are the best.
Only on Default setting Tune the Car engines and They lose to the P908 ( which is actualy 922 BHP, 930Kgs and has a better aero package than the Audi R8 as the P908 is newer.. )
But they still get there butocks kicked by this

At the real le mans P908 had faster lap times than the Audis but reliability for the P908 was its killer. it had problems, it did beat the Audis one year but Audi went to diesel (for fuel economy) and continue to win le mans.
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i just got the 92 peugot(<--cant spell) le mans c ar..handles like a dream...last 1 to get is the 92 nissan pictured above...cant wait