
whats your setup buddy? also i think you can save replays, then go into replay theatre, then export the file, then save to usb device, then insert usb device to pc and transfer vid. not sure if that works as not tried but it works for pics.
Ok, cool. Now do it from a complete standing start, instead of rolling like you are now. Looks like you're close though. Certainly better than anything else I've seen to date.
whats your setup buddy? also i think you can save replays, then go into replay theatre, then export the file, then save to usb device, then insert usb device to pc and transfer vid. not sure if that works as not tried but it works for pics.

Nope, doesn't work since they're not videos, just instructions.
1-ALL of the cars Must be fully tunned.(so buy everything you can buy on it in the Parts Shop)Only the best parts.
2-Turn off the driving aids accept for the Skid Recovery(So Skid Recovery On)
3-Use the manual gearbox(so shifting al by yourself)

Now the settings of the cars.

1.Mercedes SL600(R230)'04(Second handed dealer)
Price Cr.135.000/139.500


1 4.438 2 2.990
3 2.203 4 1.601
5 1.235 HG 2.000 TS 310kmh

-25/+40 0,0/0,0
3.0/2.6 0.00/1.00

2.TVR Griffith 500'94 (Second Handed Dealer)
Price Cr.30,000/35.000


1 5.959 2 3.831
3 2.702 4 2.020
5 1.600 HG 2.000 TS 310kmh


-25/+50 0.0/0.0
3.0/2.6 0.00/1.00

3.Shelby Cobra 427'66(New Dealer can also win it)
Price Cr.I am to lazy to put my ps3 on again.sorry


1 4.439 2 3.144
3 2.589 4 2.011
5 1.646 HG.2000 TS.180Km


-25/40 0.0/0.0
2.4/2.1 0.00/1.00

you can only wheelie offline
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Yes, my tune is similar to what Teddy posted. Thanks Teddy.

As far as pulling a wheelie from a dead stop it just seems that you loose traction until 2nd gear. I can get the suspension fully stretched but haven't been able to lift a wheel.
I tried the cobra one, I couldn't get it to work at all. I did everything in the above post apart from the amount of HP as its not broken in. Im also using racing soft, the power doesnt seem to be coming in early enough. I am I doing it wrong or...?
I tried the cobra one, I couldn't get it to work at all. I did everything in the above post apart from the amount of HP as its not broken in. Im also using racing soft, the power doesnt seem to be coming in early enough. I am I doing it wrong or...?

in 2nd gear get your speed up as high as it goes... slam on the brakes till your going 35-40 MPH.....then slam the gas again. use a manual transmission
i still cant wheelie online... but offline its easy

Although the physics are different its possible, my range stormer does it with ease. The problem is that no one else can see it, even though the car is clearly doing a wheelie and there is no control over the steering everyone in the lobby sees all four wheels on the ground, I have no idea why.


More cars that can wheelie offline

The shelby cobra 427 can wheelie half the top gear straight, setup: (I have a replay if theres away to get it youtube please share, i dont have a capture card)

Dampers (Extention) Rear: 10
Anti-Roll Rear: 7
Brake Rear: 4
Tyres Front: sports hard
everything else the same as above posts
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Although the physics are different its possible, my range stormer does it with ease. The problem is that no one else can see it, even though the car is clearly doing a wheelie and there is no control over the steering everyone in the lobby sees all four wheels on the ground, I have no idea why.

The game is probably sending updates about your position and direction but not your attitude - for the most part it's completely unnecessary data. This is quite a sensible shortcut for them to make.
The game is probably sending updates about your position and direction but not your attitude - for the most part it's completely unnecessary data. This is quite a sensible shortcut for them to make.

So noone else can see me jumping the corner on trial mountain? or cape ring? or when you catch a crazy apex kurb? shame :/
That was amazing,I actually got it too work on my first go on Top Gear.I sota mized up the settings between FULL_THROTTLE and TeddyBear-420's posts with my own. My Cobra went through the entire straight. Great Tuning advice guys. Just wished it would work online so I could show off :P
reminds me of my days of motocross, wheelie on a Honda CR 250 , hehe , now it's a whole car, god is that fun to watch, the timing, the speed, everything looks just like it did on motocross, hilarious!