A new way to buy and sell [Suggestion]

Support the idea?

  • Supporting sellable cars to friends

    Votes: 53 58.9%
  • Does not support sellable cars to friends

    Votes: 9 10.0%
  • Supports online auctions

    Votes: 73 81.1%
  • Does not support online auctions

    Votes: 10 11.1%

  • Total voters

Downhill Dino

United States
Vote on the poll above if you support this idea or not. I'm not sayin this has to be added, it could be a feature in GT6, if it's to be made. You can vote for both ideas.

Selling To Friends:
You can sell cars to your friends even if they're over 1 million credits. Like in Gran Turismo 4. Of course though there will be a minimum limit. For example an X1 costs 20 million, so the minimum would be 12,500,000 credits.

Online Auctioning:
Exactly how real auctions work, except here's some details. You can list all the cars your auctioning off in list that people can view before joining the server. Players can join and bid for cars by 1,000, 10,000 or even by 100,000. You can also set your car on a reserve like for example, your selling a Civic Type R RM and the reserve is 150,000. If the price isn't met, it's not sold. Once someone wins the auction the car is immediatly sent to them. After each bid there is a 10-15 second limit for someone to set another bid.

So GTPlanet, what do you think?

POLL ERROR: I'm not sure how to fix it but where it says "sellable cars to friends", it's supposed to say "ability to sell cars to friends." Of course you'll be able to sell them cars that you can't sell yourself.
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Good ideas. Auctioning cars with outstanding characteristics like rarity, livery or tunning would be sweet together with a way of controlling the exploits (I'm gutted everyone has 20M jewels) while keeping the possibility for the ocassion of a friend gifting you something.

However, the in game economy needs to be revamped for this to work. Wait, not revamped, REBUILT!!!
By what do you mean the economy? Make cars even more rare? That would give my 60's collection purpose and cars over 1 million purpose.
By what do you mean the economy? Make cars even more rare? That would give my 60's collection purpose and cars over 1 million purpose.

Not quite, I meant giving more appropiate prices in races and stuff like difficulty bonuses to allow people to have fun instead of grinding their way to their dream cars. It shouldn't be easy getting rare cars, but it shouldn't be freakishly hard or tedious getting them. It's a game, not a chore or real life.
I see what you mean and I completely agree. I guess the difficulty part would include cars with modifications.

I'd like to know who the people are that don't support these ideas. And why.
You mean... like an auction house in Forza? (sorry if I'm wrong?)

Honestly, I welcome any idea that allows the sale of any car worth over 1 million.
Give people some money to. I'd put my 908 up, I don't really want it. Like the minimum on this would be 2,500,000 ya know? It would be awesome to see bids hat go over the car's original price. I guess that would happen to rare cars.
Give people some money to. I'd put my 908 up, I don't really want it. Like the minimum on this would be 2,500,000 ya know? It would be awesome to see bids hat go over the car's original price. I guess that would happen to rare cars.

What they could do is also integrate this into the existing online. Not every lobby has to be a race lobby. You can make a bid lobby too, where people can join in and start bidding for cars. You can place restrictions, pricing limits, and so on to make it official.

I'd love to get rid of my spare Ferrari 330 for a profit. All that money could save me from the grinding.
This sounds like a really cool idea. I like watching the auto auctions on tv and to think of having your own, just imagine if you had different upgrades, rims, paint, etc,... that would make your auctioned car unique.
Don't talk about Forza becuase I'ver never seen gameplay nor have I ever played it. :grumpy:
Kinda feel left out on what people talk about.

But I have seen photos and it is interesting. I guess good liveries would be worth more in the auctions.
I was gonna bring up this idea in a thread. GT5 ebay. Were you can put up your cars for sale, to someone else, in the community. And the game calculates a base value for it, on the a,ount of parts added, km's and race wins.
There's an ebay in GRID but that's just selling it. Ya know?

That means PD would have to get another license.

No, i'm talking about based on your idea, using the ocd as an "ebay" type market. To buy cars from other people.
Don't talk about Forza becuase I'ver never seen gameplay nor have I ever played it. :grumpy:
Kinda feel left out on what people talk about.

But I have seen photos and it is interesting. I guess good liveries would be worth more in the auctions.

The game play isn't as good as gt5. But with that i have to say the way the auctions work is awesome, i remember in forza 2 i would wait for a car to come to that 1 min left point and i would have to battle other people for the same car, trying to get the best deal possible. With the amount of cars gt5 has to offer that would just make the whole experience better. Plus it would give people that are just starting out buy better cars at a lesser price. And for the guys who have been playing for a while and have duplicates of cars(like the FGT) from tickets, they can sell them where as normally you cant. Also there would be no point to dupe cars because in order to get there car back the person would have to loose the money he just got from selling it, and vice versa for the guy he would have to loose the car to get the money back.
The game play isn't as good as gt5. But with that i have to say the way the auctions work is awesome, i remember in forza 2 i would wait for a car to come to that 1 min left point and i would have to battle other people for the same car, trying to get the best deal possible. With the amount of cars gt5 has to offer that would just make the whole experience better. Plus it would give people that are just starting out buy better cars at a lesser price. And for the guys who have been playing for a while and have duplicates of cars(like the FGT) from tickets, they can sell them where as normally you cant. Also there would be no point to dupe cars because in order to get there car back the person would have to loose the money he just got from selling it, and vice versa for the guy he would have to loose the car to get the money back.

That is in my opinion...brilliant, exactly what i have been thinking about.

Selling cars, you cannot sell in game.
No duplications.

Well said.
This is a nice idea, and people bring up how Forza had the feature as well. One thing that is different about Forza was that players were paying to go online and use these features.

As PSN users, we aren't paying for online service, and there's got to be some kind of limit to what can be provided free of charge. Wouldn't be at all surprised if the likes of an online auction house that supports thousands of transactions crosses that line, let alone the idea of a livery editor and being able to sell designs from it as well.
Priced add-on packs?

Are you talking about getting an online auction house as an add-on? It has to be set up and run online by the developer on their servers. That's where this problem I was talking about stems from. We currently aren't paying for use of the servers, or for an upgrade to support this activity. This is why people pay to use XBL or games like WoW and have so many features available to them.

There's really nothing for us to have added on our end, aside from maybe a small patch to set up access to it.
Ok, because few people here played Forza, I'm going to give a description of what auctions are like. At least how they were in Forza 2.

You'd find the car you'd wanted to sell, highlight it, select something similiar to "sell in auction house", and put a minimum bid price, as well as an optional "Buy now" price. You selected how long you wanted your auction to last, and the longer you chose, you had to pay a few credits (about 3000-5000, if memory serves me correctly). You could also select to pay extra, and have your auction be listed at the top of the lists. Bidding ensues.

This system worked wonderfully, and I used it fairly often.

A livery system would be great, but it would need to be simple, like in Forza 2. Forza 3's painting was weird for me.

Also, a color palette instead of paint chips would be nice. They could still use chips for special things, like Gold Chrome, Silver Chrome, things of the sort.