Battle-Tuned D1GP Competitions UPDATE : Competition Finished! Congrats DSpec_RockstR!


Alright ladies and gentleman, as promised... Here is my GTPlanet forum post. I've been hosting and doing competitions for a while now and have been told numerous times to post on the forums and make my competitions wider known. Hopefully this will help spread the word and generate more interest for future competitions I will be hosting.

But first, a little about myself. I'm a long time friend of a few of the D-Spec guys, specifically RockstR as he was one of the first drifters I met online and became friends with. Throughout my GT5 Drifting days I've made somewhat of a "business" you might say out of tuning people's cars for them. I offer to tune someone's car for Grip, Drift, or Time-Attack... They send me the car, I tune it and send it back... All I ask for in return is that they send me a second car to keep. I never put an actual "price" per say... But if they felt like I did a great job and it was worth a nice car, so be it... If they sent me a poopy-car? (FF? I keed I keed) Then Hey, I got another car. I've gotten a pretty decent garage because of it... Mostly because I dupe the car I tune for them, and I get an extra car out of it usually. But enough about me for now.

I run my competitions in a D1GP "Touge" style, where I pick a section of track usually 3-5 turns in length to Drift across. Drifters do a solo qualification run in a "Down and Back" style for a total of 20 Points. (Subject to change before the next Competition) Which basically boils down to two chances to get a 20. The 1st run (Down) is scored on a possible 20 points, and the return trip (Back) is another chance if you didn't get a 20 the first time. At this point Drifters are paired with each other based on a High Scorer and Lower Scorer with the Lower Scorer starting in the front to set the pace that the Higher Scorer has to match. The Tandems are no longer a points system, but an "Advantage" system. If a Drifter runs a better line (Cleaner for instance) than the other, he'll receive the "Advantage" on the return trip. On the return trip the Leading car becomes the Trailing Car for his chance to get the "Advantage". In the event both drifters end up with a "+1" we do a Sudden Death / "One More Time." At this time they swap places again for the Higher Scorer to now lead on the "Down" trip. Spins count as an automatic loss, Stall's will give the other drifter the "Advantage," and contact is to be avoided at all times although Judges will be the final determination whether some instances of contact are illegal. Rubbing is racing after all and we encourage close Tandems, but if you hit the guy hard enough to disrupt his line and/or drift -- You're out. If you manage to pass without making contact at all, its an automatic win.

Also, as a side note... As a prize for all of my Battle-Tuned D1GP Competitions I put up a "Battle-Tuned" car as the prize... Tonight's prize was a Battle-Tuned Aston Martin DB9. Previous cars have been an Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG, a Chevrolet Corvette (C2), a Fairlady Z (Z34), etc.

Also, 99% of my competitions are streamed live on Justin.TV courtesy of UKO_Driftninja. His page is at this link and tonight's entire competition was recorded and posted for viewing pleasure, here --, again... Courtesy of UKO_DriftNinja. Part 1 is Qualifying and the start of the Competition, and Part 2 is the finish. Please feel free to watch and get an idea on how I run my competitions and to spectate from UKO_DriftNinja's Livestream page if my Competitions are full. If we can garner enough attention and interest in my competitions I fully intend to start doing these competitions more often and even do a Championship Tournament with qualifying and lower brackets during the week with the Quarter, Semi, and Finals of .... for instance the Top 8 Drifters of the week.

And now... On to tonight's event! EDIT: 5/25 D1GP



Congratulations are in order for our Finalists (And Honorary Finalist)!!! ND_4_SPD_Naruto, UKO_DriftNinja, FCPMarcus, and LayNLow! Great battle tonight! We had a full room! 16 Drifters Qualified, and 15 went home empty handed! Congratulations to my good friend DSpec_RockstR for the win! And a special thanks goes to UKO_DriftNinja for streaming the competition live on Justin.TV!

For Battle-Tuned D1GP Competition action, it can only be found here
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Awesome job at putting it all in words, with the help and teamwork from other drifters this will be BIG! Stay tune in livestream or gt planet for events like this to come, see you there and good luck:)
Hey guys. Checking in... I'll definitely post up here on the forums about the next competition.. This thread was intended as an introduction to both myself, and UKO_Driftninja's streams.

Tentatively we'll have another competition probably.... Tuesday night. Right now I'm adding current D1GP Winners to a list to have an all out "Battle of the Champions" that will feature winners from past competitions against each other in a knockdown drag out war. Current winners from past competitions are LayNLow, UKO_Driftninja, Toycressy (Of Team Nemesis -- And Toy, I haven't forgotten about you and your prize car. I'll send it ASAP), Tanman1111 (Of Team D-Spec), and NISMO_DriftNinja.
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Hmmm.. Why not adopt Evergreen Drift's D1GT title/logo?

Officially we're not doing this in a joint venture.... per se. Me and UKO are good friends and I started doing "Battle-Tuned" D1's by myself... and ended up inviting him on like... the fourth or fifth one and ever since he's only missed one due to RL stuff. I'm trying to spread the recognition around to those who've helped and I would like to see EvergreenDrift / UKO's stream's to be right there alongside me if we can gain more fans and followers.
I want to join the next one but have a tight skuchel so when you post the time and stuff for the next one can you also post what GMT you are. Thanks.
Will do mate. Tentatively we'll be holding the next one on Wednesday, the 25th. Also, I'm East Coast USA which is.... GMT -0400 UTC. Usually my competitions are held at 11pm EST which will be around 1230 or 1300 your time if I'm not mistaken.

This evening I'll have a full write up done. I appreciate the interest and am thoroughly looking forward to having more diversity to the teams who attend. So far I've mainly had DSpec showing up, and once before I had nearly an entire field comprised of Team Nemesis. If we can get a contingent of teams to attend the competitions, I would be more than happy.... Say... 2 people from each team? Send your best to my competitions and let the better drifter win!

Looking at the forums it may be time to get D-Max and SlideFX together so we can end an undefeated streak.
The Practice room is up, please send friend requests to be able to enter the actual Competition room. It'll be in my lounge and it'll be going down in a little over an hour. Also... If we end up with a full Competition room, the overflow will be UKO_Driftninja's stream and chat-box. If you want in the competition and we're already full just say that you want in through UKO's chatbox and I'll put your name on the list to Qualify and Tandem the following night.

The next event will be scheduled for Wednesday, 25th 2011. 11pm Eastern, -0400 GMT

Track Location -- Fuji Speedway F

We will be doing turns 11, through 16.

Competition Format
"Run what ya brung" horsepower and tuning restrictions (No restrictions)
RWD Only
Comfort Hard Only
Damage will be Off
Grip Reduction set to Real
ABS is the only Aid allowed

In the future we will be running a "Lightweight" battle where the horsepower will be set to a max, and the weights set to a certain range... A "Heavyweight" battle where horsepower is set to a minimum and weights set to a minimum. As it stands we are going to outlaw MOST race cars, what that means is if you want to bring a '69 Camaro Race Mod, that is OK... But a Castrol JGTC car is outlawed. The D1 cars such as the Genki S15, the Blitz Skyline, etc is perfectly fine. If you need clarification on what race cars are fine, and what race cars aren't, feel free to drop me a line and ask -- Or I can make a separate post explaining it in detail.

Qualifying Runs
"Down and Back" Touge Style Solo -- 2 Chances to score 10 Points PER CORNER.
In the interest of finding a perfect scoring system we will be using a prototype system for this competition, as a dry run.

Points System
1 Point deduction for missing the Apex of a corner by a margin of less than 1 car width
2 Point deduction for missing the Apex of a corner by a margin of more than 1 car width
1 Point deduction per tire, for more than one tire out of bounds
2 Point deduction for stalling
2 Point deduction for straightening out (Losing Drift)
Disqualification for Spinning Out

Battle-Tuned D1GP Competition
High Qualifiers will be paired up with Lower Qualifiers. Lower Qualifiers will take the lead in a "Down and Back" Touge style pair of runs. The Higher Qualifier is charged with chasing the Lead car to match his line and get close to him without touching him, whilst drifting the entire time.

Judging Outline
Lead car will gain "Advantage" if he runs a cleaner line
Lead car will gain "Advantage" if he can pull away 3 car lengths by the end of the run
Lead car will gain "Advantage" if the Chasing car makes contact with him

Chasing car will gain "Advantage" if he runs a cleaner line
Chasing car will gain "Advantage" if he maintains close proximity (less than one car length) to the Lead car

Spins count as a Disqualification
A clean pass will count as an automatic win if you make ZERO contact. If you make slight bumps or taps to make the pass -- It will not count as an automatic win, but you will gain the advantage.
In the event of no clear winner, where Drifter-1 gains the advantage in the "Down" run, and Drifter-2 gains the advantage in the "Back" run, a "One More Time" will be called where they switch places where Drifter-1 now follows on the "Down" trip. If during the "One More Time" there is still no clear winner -- You will enter Sudden Death -- The first person to make a mistake loses. That means if Drifter-1 executes a clean drift in the first corner and Drifter-2 straightens out, drops more than one tire, misses the apex, etc .... he loses and that will be it. We are trying to curb the excessive "One More Time's" that seem to be oh-so-common, even in the real world D1's and Formula D competitions.
Definition of a "Cleaner Line" -- If you maintain more angle, with good speed, hitting more apexes, etc... Judges make the call on this
Definition of "Contact -- Rubbing is racing, and we encourage tight racing. Small bumps here and there will not constitute "contact" but if you knock the guy off his line and make him go wide... That is contact. If you spin the guy out, that is contact. Get the idea?

These Tandem rules put a heavy emphasis on the Leading car setting the pace, and makes it more difficult to win from behind. In this interest, we're trying to make the competitions more evenly matched because in my experience it has been easier to win from behind because of the relaxed rules. I can't stress this enough, we're trying these prototype rules in this competition in an attempt to make a more even playing field and exciting tandems. Please, any and all feedback will be taken into consideration and used to tweak our rules.

The prize car for Wednesday night will be a Battle-Tuned Ford Mustang GT sporting white wheels and a TVR Starmist Blue paintjob.
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Hopefully this weekend we can get a more Aussie friendly competition time. Lemme know what time is good for you guys. 👍
You should talk to the SS guys as I have weard time like I'm only aloud on for like a hour on weekdays and stuff.
Will do mate. Tentatively we'll be holding the next one on Wednesday, the 25th. Also, I'm East Coast USA which is.... GMT -0400 UTC. Usually my competitions are held at 11pm EST which will be around 1230 or 1300 your time if I'm not mistaken.

This evening I'll have a full write up done. I appreciate the interest and am thoroughly looking forward to having more diversity to the teams who attend. So far I've mainly had DSpec showing up, and once before I had nearly an entire field comprised of Team Nemesis. If we can get a contingent of teams to attend the competitions, I would be more than happy.... Say... 2 people from each team? Send your best to my competitions and let the better drifter win!

Looking at the forums it may be time to get D-Max and SlideFX together so we can end an undefeated streak.

Much respect to your drift competitions Battle...

Honestly, we only showed up to get some tandems in with the other people that we've drifted with before and then a battle broke out!! I had a blast and I know the rest of my team really enjoyed the impromptu battle. Everyone was respectful (aside from the people who wouldn't get off the track during the battle!) and followed the rules and flow of the battle.

We hope to have some kind of presence at your other battles in the future.
Much respect to your drift competitions Battle...

Honestly, we only showed up to get some tandems in with the other people that we've drifted with before and then a battle broke out!! I had a blast and I know the rest of my team really enjoyed the impromptu battle. Everyone was respectful (aside from the people who wouldn't get off the track during the battle!) and followed the rules and flow of the battle.

We hope to have some kind of presence at your other battles in the future.

Nemesis is always welcome, you guys really impressed me with your overall performance and skill... I was sitting back going "How the hell have I never heard of these guys... And they're so good!?"
Nemesis is always welcome, you guys really impressed me with your overall performance and skill... I was sitting back going "How the hell have I never heard of these guys... And they're so good!?"

Thanks for the compliment Battle!!! I personally feel that we are one of the better teams out there as well (but I'm biased seeing as I'm the President - LOL)...

You probably haven't heard about us because we are pretty low key (we do spend a lot of time in the Japan servers as well)... We don't go around bragging or displaying egos... I made a point to only have people who were cool and laid back when I started assembling the team and got rid of anyone who got an ego or had any other negative tendencies...

We just want to have a good time with the cool people in GT5 and GTPlanet - that's it. We just love drifting and doing tandems!
Hope I get out of work in time for tomorrow. I can't wait!!

P.S. this is toycressy.
If you want in the drift competition, now is the time to send me a Friend Request... Thinkin we're gonna host it in my Lounge for maximum connection.

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