How to 'Dupe' / Copy ALL items.

  • Thread starter Jay.
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Many people here see no problem with 'Duping' items such as cars, tickets and paints, and some don't agree with it.
Either way, at this moment in time it cannot be stopped, and there are still many people who want to dupe items but don't know how.

Firstly create a second account. Account 1 being your main game account,
and Account 2 being your 'Duping' account.
Add them to each other and make them friends.

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Step 1 -
Go into your Saved Data Utility file in the Game section of your PS3 menu.
Go into your GT5 save file, then 'Copy' the file inside by pressing triangle.
Copy to your USB storage device, which should show second from top of the list.

Your GT5 saved game file will have info displayed with it showing the following...

Play time: 1265 day(s)
Current Credits: 14,876,944
Current Car: GT by Citroen Race Car

ALWAYS remember to keep a check on this information. Make sure it's as it should be before you confirm any processes.
It is also advised that once you have your save file on your USB device, make a back-up save on your PC.

Start your game and send the item(s) you want copied to Account 2, your 'Duping' account. Then quit your game.

Go into your Saved Data Utility file again.
This time go to USB Device
Go to your GT5 save file, then 'Copy' the file inside by pressing triangle.
This time you are copying from your USB storage device, which should show second from top of the list.
You will be told 'There is saved data with the same name at the save destination. Do you want to overwrite it?'
If you have followed the instructions above correctly select yes.

Your game has now been restored to before you sent your selected item(s).

- - - - - - - - - -

Step 2 -

Start your game.
Receive the sent item(s) by going into the Community section of your game screen.
Quit your game.

Following the same process as in Step 1...
Go into your Saved Data Utility
Go into your GT5 save file, then 'Copy' to your USB storage device.
This will overwrite you saved game file from your main account.
So make sure you complete Step 1 correctly.

Start your game.
Send the item(s) you want copied to Account 1, your Main account.
Then quit your game.

Go into your Saved Data Utility file again.
Go to USB Device and your GT5 save file, then 'Copy' once again.

- - - - - - - - - -

If you followed this correctly your main account will still have the item(s) you originally sent,
and your second account will still have the same item(s) received and sent.

Quit your game and log back into your Main account.

Check your Gift Box in the Community section and you will have a 'Duplicate' of the item(s) you originally sent.
This can be done with ANY car with a purchase price of cr999,999 or less,
ANY Ticket, Paint, Horn, Museum Card or Gear.

Making a back-up save on your PC, of BOTH account saved game files is ALWAYS advised,
and make sure they are labelled correctly.
Failure to do so could result in complete loss of your save file and GT5 progress.

Have fun.
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Also when the pictures of your cars don't show up in your garage you need to move arrow to car area and hit "triangle" and select create thumbnail!:dopey:
@ AndyT & Daveyg

You might think that way but there are a lot of people who are still asking 'How do you do it?'
I broke it down for 5 year olds AND people who just don't know how to do this stuff.


You and several others. I've seen at least a dozen or so in the last few days asking. No one was giving direct answers so....tadaa.
Making multiple alt accounts on PSN is also a good way to horde BD tickets. Once you have a BD ticket and send it to your main account delete the account that got the BD ticket and remake it. You can get a lot of BD tickets this way, but you can still only send 1 BD ticket a day. Also All users on a single PS3 count towards the 1 Car/Ticket or 5 paints/??? Gear daily.
Now I understand it! Thanks, you explained it very well, even I can do it now :)

Edit: I have to do an entire PSN account... But it's its worth!
I'm with him 👍

Really, what's the point of duping?
Where is your satisfaction in getting all the cars by duping them?
With the seasonals paying out really good there is no need to anymore... Especially since you can only dupe under-one-million cars.
No need to hate, I'm just curious :)
I'm with him 👍

Really, what's the point of duping?
Where is your satisfaction in getting all the cars by duping them?
With the seasonals paying out really good there is no need to anymore... Especially since you can only dupe under-one-million cars.
No need to hate, I'm just curious :)

I will just to try dupe some paints. I know it's cheating but I want to try :D Or I can get them if I buy 30 karts and find the right color... I want to try it ;)
There is one example I would wholeheartedly go along with. If I've spent an entire week busting my ass trying to gold the expert seasonals to win a level 21/22/23 ticket and I cash it in only to find it's a car I've gotten already or could have easily gotten by completing some other championship... then I'll reload the savegame until something I like turns up. Some people will say "tough!" I'm sure, but nope, I've got no shame about that.
I'm with him 👍

Really, what's the point of duping?
Where is your satisfaction in getting all the cars by duping them?
With the seasonals paying out really good there is no need to anymore... Especially since you can only dupe under-one-million cars.
No need to hate, I'm just curious :)

Personally, I love matte paints & that's what I dupe.
When you buy like 1020..... different cars, by working hard in the seasonal, when you are tired of waiting for the car to show up in the USD. When you have to buy something really ugly like the chapparel from the 70-th, actually the dupe is very usefull.

I dupe only the 2 chapparels, the old premium Lambo, also the Nissan 370z Tune Car Academy version, because, the chapparels are ugly and expencive, and because that's the way to get my 370z. The offers in the marketplace are a little bit crazy, so I decieded to dupe my lvl 12 ticket, which I started a new accout and compeleted the races, all over again, so I guess I deserve to have this car :).

I also dupe my matte and chrome paints, since I've already got them by the regular way.
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Well now! I have worked my ass off for a month to get where I am in GT5 and you'll are cheating.!:yuck::yuck::yuck:
Duping is a way for someone to make sure they don't have to lose a car they love in a trade to. Someone wanted the IROC Camaro I had, and I only had 1. So I backed up my save sent the car delete main save and copy over from back up and have the car still.

Duping is also a great way to get lots of copies of tickets to get cars the UCD doesn't want to put out.
It's not "cheating". It's just enjoying some cars sooner than you could normally. Cheating would be racing someone else online using some secret hack that makes your car twice as fast as anyone elses. Doing it for your own enjoyment and love of cars is fine. It's the whole point of the game. You still have to race fair to complete everything and you still have to spend forever levelling up. If the repair bills and money that you needed to spend on a car weren't 1000 times the prize money people would do it less. If there was an actual RGB color pallette instead of the strange paint chip system like practically every other game has, people would do it less. As long as the game is unbalanced, I can't see why anyone would call it "cheating". It's a game and it's supposed to be fun first and foremost. Lighten up and get a life.
Umm, there are no "repair bills" in GT5. Damage, such as there is, is repaired for free and you don't even need to replace your tires. Some people just spend way too much money on chassis refreshes and engine rebuilds every time they think they might be down 1hp max or be losing .000001% stability. What anybody chooses to waste their money on is up to them, but there is no need to do those things all that often unless perhaps in an extremely competitive and serious long-term war online with the best of the best drivers.

Plus, if you're online to be able to send gifts, you're online to be able to do seasonals, meaning money is cheap.

I have nothing aginst duping, of course. I'm just not that interested as well as too lazy to be bothered with it, seems a bit of a hassle for not much return. I might one day start doing it for some of the rare paints however, just because the paint chip system is about the worst possible way to do paint, short of randomizing repaint colors or not allowing repainting at all.
We've been down the duping road before and all it ever results in is a big fight between the do doopers and the don'ts.

If you want to dupe, do it. If you don't want to, don't. Simple as. Don't tell someone they're playing wrong just because they're playing different than you are.
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