Need help,game screwed up:(

  • Thread starter phil bell
Game told me I had not enough space to run the game when I started it up few mornings ago and asked to clear data to which I said "yes",then after it cleared and restarted gave me the warning "insufficient free space on Hard Disk Drive (HDD),At least 32MB required.Please exit the game and free up some space. 0x0000000b [60]".

So I then deleted all other game demo's,3 of them,and no matter what I tried no dice.At this point ALL my brother's other games were working but they became slower (that said still MUCH faster than GT5 NORMALLY is).I then checked free space and it said I had 64GB!

But even so I still tried different steps like re-installing the game data,backing up save data then re-installing it,disconnecting the internet cable then re-setting but nothing worked.

So then I restored the file systems in the PS3 (which does not delete save data) and after it restarted still same warning,so I then backed up the game data and restored entire system.

After that and getting PSN to work it refused to let me use my old save data once I re-installed the game.Any advice?
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I was getting the same problem, then I found I could update to 1.06 with no problems. Then I took a gamble to update again to 1.10 this time connecting the dsl directly to the ps3 and it worked. So I think enternet connection maybe your problem. You can also backup your game save to a usb stick, then delete the main save and try playing it.
My connection is a direct internet cable as well.Have tired doing what you said but it jammed at the language selection page multiple times.Annoyingly I have just tried out my brothers game (FIFA 11) and it works perfect...Thanks for advice though,appreciate it man.
Try restoring the file system. To access the file system use this video: Dont forget to read the video's description that tells you what each option does. I recommend you start with the 3rd one(Restore File System). This wont delete anything. If it doesnt work, then you could go with the 5th one(Restore PS3 system) but with this one all your HDD data will be lost, so make sure you back up all your data. Good luck
Did you try both options I told you? Restore file system and Restore PS3 system? remember restoring ps3 system erases all of your data so make sure you back it up using a external HDD or a USB stick