New Bug Can't adjust FF LSD?

  • Thread starter vietboi2
I install the new patch v1.11 and i try to tune my civic LSD and i can't do it won't let me and yes i do got the adjustable lsd and i try it on other ff cars too the LSD won't let me adjust it its like stock but i got the Ajustable lsd but on FR ad AWD Lsd they work but the FF cars lsd i can't adjust >< HELP
It's like this on mine too. The options are blue like you can still adjust them however the cursor will not go left to select them.:rolleyes:
What a joke!!!!
This game is slowly dieing!!!
This kinda stuff doesn't help!!
Serious fixes need to be made a fast otherwise god knows!!
What a joke!!!!
This game is slowly dieing!!!
This kinda stuff doesn't help!!
Serious fixes need to be made a fast otherwise god knows!!

If the game is slowly dieing, why did they have a patch with bugfixes?

This is just a little error, like you wanted to race FF cars in the first place...

When you don't like a game, sell it.
Same here, Am i bothered errr No. Live with it PD will sort it out dont bash the hell out of them. Everyone in all walks of like make mistakes.
I wonder if it saves the last settings you used, cause mine were almost what you would get stock, just with braking sensitivity at 5.
yes i read this and just checked my dc5 integra rm model and he is right , damn what the hell , lets hope they fix this asap
I was wondering what bugs they would replace the old ones with, now I know >:0)

No doubt they'll fix this bug and replace it with one where the turbo boost pressure is half of what it should be, or something equally ridiculous. Personally, I'd fire the entire QA department, it's evident that they're not up to the job.
Interesting issue. I read that some say one car can be adjusted, but the rest can't. Is it related to Premium/Standard? Or whether you were switched into the specific car at the time of the patch? Or some other exclusive thing that still allows one car to be adjusted, but no others?

Just curious and passing the time until PD fixes the issue. :P
Typical PD .. fix some bugs and create more .. great work NOT!!

please do some more research on updating games. Whenever you update a game that requires changing the code and add some codeing. And whenever you update in ANY GAME bug fixes just add different bugs because of code changing.
Look up a bit about game updates before making dumb posts o(-.-)o
please do some more research on updating games. Whenever you update a game that requires changing the code and add some codeing. And whenever you update in ANY GAME bug fixes just add different bugs because of code changing.
Look up a bit about game updates before making dumb posts o(-.-)o

So is it better to not to update at all.
This is there eleventh crack at it.
What SkateNj says makes sense, well except for the insults. ;)

This game has many lines of code and it can be very difficult to detect when something gets fixed, how it might affect another aspect of the game. It's impossible to do a 100% recheck of everything for each patch. That would take almost as long as developing the game (exaggerating, but you get the point).

I've worked with electronics and software programming for many years and sometimes you do the best that you can with a given change, test everything that you think it might affect, and quickly fix anything that might get broken during the fix. It's the nature of the beast. ;)
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It has happened to me too.
The cursor isn't able to go over the LSD values that are supposed to be modifiable.
Oh my God, it's true, this has to be one of the most annoying glitches actually ruining the gameplay if you use tuned FF cars (which I do) and I'd reckon the next patch will be up very soon to solve it. :grumpy:

If Kaz closes a door he closes a window too.....