MLD Drift Videos *New Video*

It was Eh because the only track you were together was suzuka... and some of the other clips had low angle... Nice job though :D
Nice video Danger_Kiid...

Some of the drifts in High Speed Ring I did with you guys looked like there was some lag in them but there was no lag when we were drifting...

The Madrid shots looked really good though!! Especially the last shots - I was really close to Push in those shots...
Hope Everyone enjoys our drifting. we put alot of work and heart into the making of our videos thanks for the support. :) 👍
Very nice video Danger Kid ! :drool: I will try to watch the rest of them when I have some free time :D
Good video Kiid... I like the creative touches you put in the vid with the the filters... You got a good eye for that stuff man!!

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