Amp fiddling acheives much better sound from Cockpit view

United Kingdom
Near Reading, Uk
I've read many comments from some members about the "bad sound" when driving cockpit and bumper cam. Mainly that the noise of the tranmission (especially using customisable upgrade) drowns out any pleasing growls and pops coming from the engine. This may well be realistic but I want to hear the growl and pop of the engine more while driving in cockpit view.

Apologies in advance to all those who have already worked this out (see below) but there may be a few who benefit from my experience. Also if you don't have seperate amp / rear speakers then there's less you can do to control things.

When I got the PS3 and game in March along with a Sony amp and TV I used the microphone that came with the amplifier to auto set the volume surround settings for each speaker (3.2.1 speaker set up). I hadn't really experimented with major changes since then. The other day I decided to try tweaking volume settings and boost the rear speakers while balancing out the speakers at the front. It involved driving a maxed out MX5 2007 one handed around High Speed Ring while fiddling with the amp remote/menu in the other hand.

I pretty much tripled the level for the back speakers and reduced the centre front speaker a bit. Hardly touched the front left and right or sub woofer. This gave me much improved results for all cars. It made hearing cars behind and to the side of me much better. An added benefit is also that if you do have the ocassional late night crash it won't make quite such an overly loud thumping noise waking the family.

I'm not saying this makes it any more realistic however I enjoy the noises much more now from cockpit mode. It won't change an engine sound that isn't right for the car but it might make for a more engaging/thrilling driving experience. It put a real smile on my face.

The game should have a facility to help fine tune your speaker setup, preferably in software so you don't have to keep switching between presets (or worse, manually twiddling the settings) on the receiver / whatever every time you play.
I'm going to leave the settings as they are on the amp.

It will probably "improve" my wife's listening "pleasure" of the X Factor and Glee