What is `tree`d`?

  • Thread starter Nismo GTi

Nismo GTi

United Kingdom
n15 gti
Hope this is in the right place?

I know I`m thick & people are fed up with me, but can someone please explain what `tree`d` means?

I see it all over GTp, posts saying "lol, tree`d" or "EDIT: Tree`d" but have no idea what it means, as I`ve never come across the saying anywhere else before.

I have searched & googled, but come up empty, which suggests it`s a GTp-specific saying.

I`d like to be more active, but GTp is totally different to any other site I`ve ever been a part of, eg: I tell someone to use the search button & get accused of trolling, when others say something like "the search button is there for a reason" & nothing gets said, :confused: or I make a joke & it gets totally ignored or taken completely the wrong way. :ill:

So, can someone please tell me:
A) what Tree`d means.
B) why I`m just not fitting in here on GTp, when I don`t have these `problems/issues` on any other site, where making a funny comment or joke doesn`t get branded as trolling. :grumpy:

A) what Tree`d means.
B) why I`m just not fitting in here on GTp, when I don`t have these `problems/issues` on any other site, where making a funny comment or joke doesn`t get branded as trolling. :grumpy:

A) It means you have been beaten to a certain post. The most common form is one person beating you. More than that is an absolute anomaly. If it occurs you must to attach the tag onto your post. You can tell by comparing your post times with the competitor. Sometimes it can be hard to distinguish between two similar posts. If the posting times does not show the seconds or milliseconds of which it was posted, I think the person below the person who expressed the post/thought first is the person who Tree'd. But rarely such a process happens, as it only happens when you click the Post button and then a post with the same contents as yours pops up.

B) Do you hang out in the GT5 forum?
I`d like to be more active, but GTp is totally different to any other site I`ve ever been a part of, eg: I tell someone to use the search button & get accused of trolling, when others say something like "the search button is there for a reason" & nothing gets said, :confused: or I make a joke & it gets totally ignored or taken completely the wrong way. :ill:


GT5 forum isn't anything like the rest of GTP. Look around more.
I've also started using them term at the drag strip for when someone has a terrible reaction time compared to his competitor. Heck, that may be where the term comes from, because it makes sense, but this site is the first place I heard it.
Tree'd means someone posted the same content right before you did.
And don't worry about fitting in, I don't either. Just keep good grammar, avoid too much short posting and finally smile and wave. :lol:
When the 'Christmas Tree' at the dragstrip lights up and the other guy leaves the line first - you are 'treed'.

Likewise in posting.
When the 'Christmas Tree' at the dragstrip lights up and the other guy leaves the line first - you are 'treed'.

Likewise in posting.


Ninja'd is when someone who posted before you saw it was there, usually right at the same time (so the same as tree'd). Alternatively, "ninja'd" can also refer to when someone edits a post quickly so that it doesn't show the time or any evidence that an edit occured. Hence a "ninja edit"

Also, a tip on "fitting in" - don't tell people to search. Let a moderator do that. Just ignore their post or thread if you know it's searchable. No one likes the person who only comes into a thread to tell you to search (especially when you could've just given the right answer and moved on).

You only really want to tell someone to search when it's too much information to give quickly and they are truly better served by searching (like finding a specific tune that is known to be widely available).

/Trust me, I'm guilty of being that guy who only told people to search when I was new. Don't be like that and you'll find your niche to fit into much more nicely. 👍
It's still good to give 'em a link to said thread, then say (as nicely as you can :P) where the search button is or something like that 👍
There should be a thread for terms and abbreviations. Actually, there probably is one but I can't be bothered to search for it. ;)
I had forgotten about that great resource you put together, AMG. I've just pinned it in the 'Strip.
Dont forget: LSHIFOMDEDDESTIABSBIIHADIWBCB=laughing so hard i fell of my dinosaur except dinosaurs dont exsist so this a bit stupid but if i had a dinosaur it would be called Basil.

I must use that :lol: