Drivers not appearing on track..

  • Thread starter Biffy
United Kingdom
Manchester, UK
Alright, so post-2.02 I have inherited a big problem in Public and Private lobbies which seriously impacts my ability to race in certain events that take place online, organised from the Racing Series section. I know that my connection is NAT 2, and in the past I have had problems with 1-2 drivers in the room, where they appear to be loading and neither of us could see each other, which was a manageable problem. Now, after the update it seems, the problem persists, except I can't see them but they can see me. This, in turn, means that I could crash into (and have done) someone unknowingly, affecting their race. And it isn't the usual suspects in terms of connections now. I used to only have problems with other NAT 2 users, but now I'm having problems with people who have a great internet connection, and the problem is becoming more pronounced (couldn't see 6 people in the last race). Can anyone advise me what to do here? I really do not want to have to stop racing because of this.
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Alright, so post-2.02 I have inherited a big problem in Public and Private lobbies which seriously impacts my ability to race in certain events that take place online, organised from the Racing Series section. I know that my connection is NAT 2, and in the past I have had problems with 1-2 drivers in the room, where they appear to be loading and neither of us could see each other, which was a manageable problem. Now, after the update it seems, the problem persists, except I can see them but they can not see me. This, in turn, means that I could crash into (and have done) someone unknowingly, affecting their race. And it isn't the usual suspects in terms of connections now. I used to only have problems with other NAT 2 users, but now I'm having problems with people who have a great internet connection, and the problem is becoming more pronounced (couldn't see 6 people in the last race). Can anyone advise me what to do here? I really do not want to have to stop racing because of this.
I think you're mixing up words there.:P

I had the same problem as you but it just stopped one day. Sorry but I can't really give you a better answer than that.
I think you're mixing up words there.:P

I had the same problem as you but it just stopped one day. Sorry but I can't really give you a better answer than that.

Fixed the grammar mistake :P

But yeah, no problem, it's a weird issue no doubt.
Oops, I meant I fixed the mistake in my paragraph, still don't know a solution to this problem.
Biffy, could you start with going to and perform a test there.
You'll be able to post the results in here afterwards and maybe the possible problem will already show then.

EDK's link should be able to solve your problem. 👍
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I can give you a hand with your setup Biffy, just not until after the 25/26th.
But definitely try EDK's solution as well 👍
3D3's got your back ;)
It's because of lag, I've had this problem since before the update.
No known 100% cure. No need for DMZ though, just set-up portforwarding on router.
Click here, find your router, 'skip ad' in top right corner and follow set-up instructions. Does essentially the same thing as DMZ, just constrained only to the port GT5 really uses, leaving the rest unexposed. If that doesn't help consider upgrading your router it's more than a 1-2 years old.
No known 100% cure. No need for DMZ though, just set-up portforwarding on router.
Click here, find your router, 'skip ad' in top right corner and follow set-up instructions. Does essentially the same thing as DMZ, just constrained only to the port GT5 really uses, leaving the rest unexposed. If that doesn't help consider upgrading your router it's more than a 1-2 years old.

So i should change my 4 year old router? Is that would could be the problem here?
So i should change my 4 year old router? Is that would could be the problem here?

A new router won't change much unless the settings are different. If you can't do a DMZ on your ps3 with your router, I guess a new router could help, but only ways to fix this problem (atleast that I know of) are DMZ and portforwarding. Both of these involve going into your router's settings and changing them up a bit.
Theoretically any ancient router should be capable of handling GT5 traffic, cause it's not that much any way. Practically, newer ones might have better optimized software to handle P2P networking. I changed my fairly decent 4-5 y/o router with DD-WRT firmware and all the GT5 belts and whistles set (port-forwarding/regularly reset before races/cache cleared) to a new one and it seems (knock on wood) that my connection is a lot more stable now.
A new router won't change much unless the settings are different. If you can't do a DMZ on your ps3 with your router, I guess a new router could help, but only ways to fix this problem (atleast that I know of) are DMZ and portforwarding. Both of these involve going into your router's settings and changing them up a bit.

Ok, i see. Well, i have done DMZ mode before, and it didn't help, i guess, i'll search up port forwarding, and see if it helps.
Make sure that you clear your cache if your racing online often. Seems to help with this issue.
I've had this issue with players not appearing on the track with me, since the game launched. Never have been able to find a fix for it.

I don't think buying a new router is going to help anything, other then waste your money. It's something on Gran Turismo 5's end and you need to wait for PD to fix it.
I've had this issue with players not appearing on the track with me, since the game launched. Never have been able to find a fix for it.

I don't think buying a new router is going to help anything, other then waste your money. It's something on Gran Turismo 5's end and you need to wait for PD to fix it.

I'm not entirely sure it's PD's fault. I mean, i can join a full room with Europeans, but when i join a certain room full of Aussies(12 drivers), only 8 appear on track, then i get disconnected.

Connecting isn't a problem, it's just that, on some lobbies, i can't keep the connection.
Have you tried setting up a DMZ connection for your PS3? That fixed 90% of my problems.

Will give it a try, thanks Kevin 👍 I've heard about the DMZ stuff, but haven't tried it yet. A few months back I did the port-forwarding thing using a tutorial for GT5, followed the instructions as well as I could although I didn't really notice a difference except maybe I dc'd less, whether that was unchangeable or because I forwarded the wrong ports, I'm not sure.

I can give you a hand with your setup Biffy, just not until after the 25/26th.
But definitely try EDK's solution as well 👍
3D3's got your back ;)

Thanks Marc, appreciate any help you can give me, I don't mind waiting just don't want to cause any incidents because of this issue.

Thanks for all the other suggestions people, will try them as well, although I don't agree with it being a lag problem as such. I never lag, neither does anyone else in my lobby, I just DC constantly :sly: And things like clearing the cache, resetting my router etc.. I do before every race, so it can't be something as simple as that.