WANTED - People needed for project "Ziel Brand" (Check post 96, pg5)

  • Thread starter BkS


Livingston, Sco
I'm currently working on a project, codename "Ziel Brand". I'm looking to expand this project by inviting the GTP community to help out. I'm looking for race drivers, camera cars, drifters, drag racers and stunt men/women. This is all to tribute our world of motorsport as a whole. By everyone coming from different disciplines, and uniting as one... (how cheesy I know.) The tribute will be a short film, last around 9-10 mins, 15 mins if I'm lucky enough to get that much footage.

Please remember though, I want people who are serious about doing this though. I don't want people who will just waste my time and fart about so to speak. You'll have to be able to put up with my instructions and be able to execute them. You'll also need to be able to wait around a lot.

You don't have to contribute much, you could do as little as be a camera car for one scene, or do as much as possible like sending someone a car needed.

If you really want to help out just fill out the little application form and I'll take it from there. There isn't a limit to how many people can help out, but I will only be able to fit 16 people into a room at any given time.

Application form -

GT Username:
Discipline: (Race, Drifting, Drag or Stunt)
Position desired?: (Choose from - Camera car, Race Driver, Drifter, Drag Racer or Stunt man/woman)
Extra Info: (Youtube, Vimeo... or even a bit about yourself.)

- BkS.
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Race Drivers:

Mitchman17 | GMT -8

kamikazi493 | GMT +12

Haydenmc14 | GMT +10


xXBlackViperXx | GMT -5

xX-CoLaTeRaLZ-Xx | GMT 0

RedSuns_Eric_DRP | GMT -5

LVracerGT | GMT -6

u_are_lol | GMT +8

tturtle19 | GMT -5

Jdm_drift_team77 | GMT +12

redragon95tr | GMT -8

Onboy123 | GMT +8

MAidioPT | GMT +1

GTP_twitchy | GMT +1

NikeBoi09 | GMT -6

Hcclipper | GMT 0



Prodigy-Lilal27 | GMT -5

kamikazi493 | GMT +12


e_dub64 | GMT -5

GTDS-Maveric | GMT -5

xXBlackViperXx | GMT -5

xX-CoLaTeRaLZ-Xx | GMT 0

RedSuns_Eric_DRP | GMT -5

LVracerGT | GMT -6|

Fastfox400 | GMT -5

tturtle19 | GMT -5

Jdm_drift_team77 | GMT +12

redragon95tr | GMT -8

Tamas123456789 | GMT +1

CurrentlyFapping | GMT -5

Cerebus_ | GMT +1


kroks4250 | GMT -5

Drag Racers:

kamikazi493 | GMT +12

GT5 X1 | GMT +1

xXBlackViperXx | GMT -5

xX-CoLaTeRaLZ-Xx | GMT 0

u_are_lol | GMT +8

Onboy123 | GMT +8

MAidioPT | GMT +1


kroks4250 | GMT -5

Stunt Drivers:

Pendowolf | GMT -5

Prodigy-Lilal27 | GMT -5

kamikazi493 | GMT +12

Haydenmc14 | GMT +10



u_are_lol | GMT +8


Camera Cars

Pendowolf | GMT -5

Mitchman17 | GMT -8

kamikazi493 | GMT +12

Haydenmc14 | GMT +10

a_garris | GMT -5

Fastfox400 | GMT -5

tturtle19 | GMT -5

Jdm_drift_team77 | GMT +12

redragon95tr | GMT -8

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Miami, Florida
Race or Stunt?
Camera, (possibly) Race Car Driver, Stunt?
I'm an average player that has been playing since Gran Turismo 1..
I think it'd be nice if you'd talk a bit more about your project instead of just asking people to join your project.

Give a little informations about it and I'm pretty sure you'll have a better time recruiting people!

Other than that, good luck :)
I think it'd be nice if you'd talk a bit more about your project instead of just asking people to join your project.

Give a little informations about it and I'm pretty sure you'll have a better time recruiting people!

Other than that, good luck :)

I was getting round to that.. :P Details added now. 👍
Sounds pretty awesome!!

PSN: Mitchman17
GT Username: MOTORTRENDmitch
Age: (Undisclosed ;))
Location: Ontario, Canada.
Timezone: Eastern Time
Discipline: Race, Slightly Drift, but I can been a camera car before as well
Position desired?: (In order from Most desired.) Race Driver, Camera car, Stunt man
Extra Info: Extreme Passion for cars and the automotive industry, easy to get along with

Also, by "Stuntman" what kind of stunts are you expecting?
haha im a awesome stunt drifter

GT Username:allyn27
Location:USA georgia
Discipline: Race(a little im not great) Drift (EXELLENT) Stunt (i can do cool drift tricks)
Position desired?: Drifter/Stunt
Extra Info: I lke pie
PSN: kamikazi493
GT Username: korza493
Age: 16
Location: Nelson, New Zealand
Timezone: GMT+12 I think
Discipline: (Race, Drifting, Drag or Stunt) All of the above
Position desired?: I can help out with all of them
Extra Info: I have been playing GT since it first came out in late '97
GT Username: GT5 X1
Location: Denmark
Timezone: Gmt +01 i think
Discipline: Drag racing
Position desired?: Drag racer
Extra Info: Youtube account: L8erBaby
PSN: GTP_MrDinosaw94
GT Username: MrDinosaw94
Age: 17
Location: South Australia
Timezone: GMT +10
Times available: 4pm->11pm my time weekdays. Free from 3pm saturday and all day sunday.
Discipline: Race, Stunt
Position desired?: Camera car, Race Driver, Stunt man
Extra Info: Well, there's my YouTubechannel with some GT videos i've done before.
I tried organizing a drifting tournament around here and I'm pretty well known in the community.
I've camera car'd plenty of times before.

One little side note: Due to my history i have tons and tons of great race replays, drift replays and a little bit of Ken Block styled sliding (won't call it Gymkhana, i'll start a flame war.) So if you don't have enough footage, hit me up and i'll dig through my 350+ replays since release and look for some good stuff 👍
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GTP: JnDrift
Age: 16
Location: New Mexico USA
Timezone: Mountain Standard Time
Times available: 10AM - 10PM
Discipline: Drifter, Racer, Stunt
Position desired: Drifter, Stunt, Racing if needed.
Extra Info: I use a G27 so expect precision driving. I love drifting and drifting stunts are very fun and fairly easy. Let me know when you need me!
PSN: e_dub64
GT Username: e_dub64
Age: 14
Location: Hampton, VA
Timezone: EST
Discipline: Drifting
Position desired?: Drifter
Extra Info: I like turtles. c:
I'll fill a proper form in at some point but I'm a drifter and racer, I'm up for helping edit aswell...
I'll get you a link but my YouTube name is JDMRyo
I'll fill a proper form in at some point but I'm a drifter and racer, I'm up for helping edit aswell...
I'll get you a link but my YouTube name is JDMRyo

You didn't used to have an Xbox with the GT JDMRyo by any chance? :3
PSN: GTDS-Maveric
Username: maveric25
Location: Puerto Rico
Timezone: GMT -4
Discipline: Drift
Position desired?: Drifter, Stunts (Drift)
Extra Info: If you go to youtube.com/SDMaveric you can check out my drift & my stunt drift videos, like my 1080 degrees entry. Would be fun to do drift stunts.

EDIT: Ignore the Star_Drift_ account on some of my videos. (old account)
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GT Username:GODfreyGT5
Discipline:Race, (Drifter-recent 900 purchaser, still improving but decent)
Position desired?: Racer
Extra Info: 100% mic user, lots of free time.
Unless someone copied my YouTube name

Ahh ok. :P


I'd like to thank everyone who's signed up so far. Once we reach 20 or so people, I'll start to set lobbies up to start practising stunts, timing etc etc. All the little things as well as setting up races and what not. If we get enough people by Wednesday, I could even put out a Teaser video, if things goto plan.

Again, thank you to everyone so far!
GT Username: Dj-SixAxiS
Timezone:BOG Same as eastern
Discipline: Race, Drifting, Drag possibly stunt.....
Position desired: Race Driver, Drifter, Drag Racer or possibly Stunt man
Extra Info: I have a lot of time and enjoy playing GT5 also have a nice racing seat set up for the best experience possible i have a mic and i speak fluent english....
GT Username:adz-94
Discipline:Race, Drift, Drag
Position desired?: Any
Extra Info: Not online as much as i used to be but give me a pm on here if im needed and ill try my best to get on :) would love to help out as much as I could
Well Ill fill out a form for me, but Im speaking for the rest of my team, we would all like to help out. We are a drift team and really need to show how our skills are, so this would help you and spread word that we are not a joke.

GT Username:Eric1512
Location:Greencastle Pennsylvania
Discipline:Race, Drift, Grip
Position desired?: Any
Extra Info: Team RedSuns leader and uses dfgt

PS: If you would have time could we do a team video some time? I got a capture card, but it sucks really bad.
Nice project.

Time : EST
Name: jonathan
Age: 24
City: montreal CANADA
Stunt drifter

Ready to help you out every free time i get

Good luck