Tsukuba Pit Glitch

  • Thread starter Brend


Is there anyway of over-riding this glitch? :dunce: I went in at like 75MPH and buggered up my run...

Hoping there is a way...:(
What is this glitch? I mean what are the cause and effects? Not heard of this before.

If you enter the pit in a slightly aggressive manner on Tsukuba and then suspend the race, when you resume the game will glitch and cause your car to be controlled very slowly by the AI for the remainder of the race. :(
I think you have to restart the race. Not sure there's a way out. Unless you are so far ahead you think you can make it at 50 MPH when you run out of fuel.
I think you have to restart the race. Not sure there's a way out. Unless you are so far ahead you think you can make it at 50 MPH when you run out of fuel.

Gaah :( man, that sucks. Thanks anyway...
Someone theorized that you might be able to avoid it by having the wheel cranked hard right (and maybe on the brakes) when the race resumes. The idea is that you have control of the car for a split second before the computer begins taking over, so if you have the wheel turned and hard on the brakes, you might be able to get the car slowed down enough so that it makes it back to the pits safely.
Someone theorized that you might be able to avoid it by having the wheel cranked hard right (and maybe on the brakes) when the race resumes. The idea is that you have control of the car for a split second before the computer begins taking over, so if you have the wheel turned and hard on the brakes, you might be able to get the car slowed down enough so that it makes it back to the pits safely.

I <3 you. 👍👍👍👍👍👍
You could just slow before the pits to say, 70mph. It'd be dangerous to enter at such high speeds. You might crash or glitch.
Easy fix: drive at 20 MPH into the pits to ensure you don't get penalized :P It seems ridiculous but it's worth it to ensure your suspend race doesn't go loopy.
Easy fix: drive at 20 MPH into the pits to ensure you don't get penalized :P It seems ridiculous but it's worth it to ensure your suspend race doesn't go loopy.

50 mph - 85 kmh will do it, three saves at Tsukuba and no problems at all. Cross fingers anyway.
I've gone into the pits every time that slow that the game has had to speed up, but it STILL did it to me tonight, when the game resumed I got a sound like I'd been hit from behind, but there were NO cars within a 1/4 of a lap of me in front or behind, next thing the car was driving itself, I waited for a couple of laps to see if he'd pit after running out of fuel, but he did NOT, so I re-started.

If it does it again the damn game is going back in the box. I have little enough time to play the games I love lately, I just don't need to be re-starting races a good 3 hours in to them!
Ok people here is how you solve it as I did the endurance race recently and this works every time. When you enter the pits slow down a bit obviously, but the main key is to enter at the very start of the pits. Don't just drive and get to the straight and turn in quick. The pits actually start at the beginning of the white line where it splits in the large turn. Turn in there and it slows you and no problems. Any other way and I was getting it would slow me and not even ask me any pit stuff and just send me threw changing nothing.
50 mph - 85 kmh will do it, three saves at Tsukuba and no problems at all. Cross fingers anyway.

I was doing 80 mph and had no problems. Finished it under 9 hours though. Which isn't bad.
Your best bet is to probably enter the pits near the beginning of the pit wall at around 30mph so the car hits the poor guys in the pits instead :lol:.

If that won't even work, I don't know what to say. I think I only had it happen once during an A-spec non-endurance event. Never even had it happen in the two boring hours of the Roadster Cup (which I gave up on-bored as 🤬).
Lol to tell everyone who wants to do the endurance at Tsukuba I have a new miata tune to make it at least more fun for all those house driving around the same course. It's in my race garage if your looking for a purpose built tune.
Your best bet is to probably enter the pits near the beginning of the pit wall at around 30mph so the car hits the poor guys in the pits instead :lol:.

If that won't even work, I don't know what to say. I think I only had it happen once during an A-spec non-endurance event. Never even had it happen in the two boring hours of the Roadster Cup (which I gave up on-bored as 🤬).

I did exactly that. Drive to almost standstill and obediently follow the pit lane from the start to the end.

It still glitches!! Wasted near 2 hrs of driving and 30 min of watching my car self drive to destruction.

Bottomline: If it matters a lot to complete Tsukuba race, race suspension is not the way to go. It works sometimes but can glitch for no reason.
When I did this race on my previous savegame, I just used an X2010, lapped everyone as much as possible, and then parked it halfway through the track where the GP corner is. :sly:

Then, I get to have time and do things like catch my breath, eat my lunch I missed two+ hours ago, check what's going on in the Internets, or other "important things"... :D
the solution at the moment is to not suspend the race i guess.

Or you ought to discontinue the race and restart all over again once the race has entirely been messed up by a temporary suspension while your car is automatically navigated by the AI through the pit lane, where all the competitors are enforced to decelerate their speed in order to avoid unexpected accidents and collisions with the wall or other rivals.

If the solution can be concluded that you must not pause the competition only when we're going through the pit lane, then we're allowed to pause the game elsewhere in progress. :lol:
I saved in the pit lane, entered it at about 45-50mph. Upon return the first thing I see is the AI. Driving on the grass missing the pit lane and driving around the track. It starts with the car on the grass missing the pit! But I suspended in the pit lane as my car turned in to the crew!?! Oh well, only lost an hour and a half.
Gah! Wish I had seen this thread BEFORE I spent just over an hour running the 4hr roadster enduro. Came out of pits and bingo, AI is driving, although is putting in consistent 1:04s...oh, sorry, scratch that, slacker just dropped into the teens. Was quite enjoying trying to get under 1:00 too - managed a 1:00.675. Ho hum, time to hit the PS button I guess :grumpy:
wow, ran the 4 hr 3 times...first time with the TC version and that was a mistake as I had a 25 lap lead even though I was driving boringly slow to see how many laps I could make on a set of tires. 5 stops and no glitches
next two runs were with regular cars tuned to make it competitive, total 13 more stops and still no glitches.
I did ALWAYS enter at low speeds and suspended before turning into pit slot.
After reading stuff like the posts above, I decided glitching was caused by poor pit entry, and since it worked for me, I'm sticking with my technique :D
Ah, yeah, must admit I hit pitlane a little "enthusiastically". Should know better by now. At least next time I'll know to hit the pits like I'm driving Miss Daisy. ;)
Why are people incapable of entering the pitlane properly, where it starts down the back straight?
Do this, the ai takes over & everything is fine (I have never suffered the glitch by doing this).
Do things `properly` & you don`t get these problems, it`s when you `cheat` by diving through the cones that the problems start.
I personally don`t think it`s a `glitch`, but more a legitimate penalty for `unsporting behavior` by entering the pits incorrectly.
Abide by the rules, then it wont happen. ;)

This post is not intended to cause offence.
Absolutely none taken:) My first attempt I did enter at the correct point right before the final turn, but for whatever reason (going too fast maybe) was actually forced back onto the track i.e. control was taken away, the car lurched back onto the track, and then I was back in control. The next lap I was a little more reserved (but still going like a bat out of hell apparently) when I made it into the pits and suspended. And then got glitched. Anyway, next time I'll know to slow my roll a little :dunce:
Why are people incapable of entering the pitlane properly, where it starts down the back straight?
Do this, the ai takes over & everything is fine (I have never suffered the glitch by doing this).
Do things `properly` & you don`t get these problems, it`s when you `cheat` by diving through the cones that the problems start.
I personally don`t think it`s a `glitch`, but more a legitimate penalty for `unsporting behavior` by entering the pits incorrectly.
Abide by the rules, then it wont happen. ;)

This post is not intended to cause offence.

Hi. Before u start to say we cut in the pitlane or sped. The fact is some of us did not. Knowing about the glitch, I entered at the start of the pit lane (where it first divides) slowing down to like 35 kph. It was fine sometimes but it glitches on others. When I restart, my car is on the grass instead of pitlane being overtaken. In short, it may work for some while it fails for others. Afraid to try again to prove either after wasting so much time.
GTnoob: Don't be discouraged from the Tsukuba endurance races, I've ran both the 9hrs and 4 hrs at Tsukuba and never had a problem suspending the race. I did my races in 1 to 2 hour segments and always entered the pits right when the pit lane divides slowing down to about 70-80km/h upon entry.

While doing the 4 hr roadster "drift practice" I lost control of my Miata cutting into the pit lane right before the cones at a bad angle. The computer set me straight, walked me through the pits and I regained control with no issues.

I'm not sure why the computer would set your car on the grass upon restart. I've never seen that issue before.
This is the problem, every time I try and do the Tsukuba 4 hour endurance, the pits glitch. When I pit the car goes into the the pit lane fine, but the car doesn't pit. It just goes straight on as if I served a drive through penalty. I tried the race twice more, but the glitch still occurs. Has anyone else experienced this glitch and found a solution for it.