A nascar in this game?

It is based off of Mark Martin's Nascar race car, and is the same make and model used in Nascar at the time, only fitting to make the racing modification look like the most famous race car to made from the Taurus.
Slightly off topic, but that Taurus sounds exactly the same in GT5:

-1 for PD's sound department. 👎
Slightly off topic, but that Taurus sounds exactly the same in GT5:

-1 for PD's sound department. 👎

Similar, but not the same. Huge quality difference.

And I wonder if they changed it along the way somewhere. It's been a while since I played GT2, but I remember it being the Mark Martin Valvoline livery...
It's believed that a track & event was going to include Nascar, cars. The track is called Indi (no, not Indianapolis Speedway in GT5) this track in at night & is triangle shaped.
Edit: ^not triangle shaped
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Similar, but not the same. Huge quality difference.

And I wonder if they changed it along the way somewhere. It's been a while since I played GT2, but I remember it being the Mark Martin Valvoline livery...

depends on what version you get
It's believed that a track & event was going to include Nascar, cars. The track is called Indi (no, not Indianapolis Speedway in GT5) this track in at night & is triangle shaped.

It's not the one Xenn posted on youtube then?




#6 Mark Martin's Taurus is on NTSC/U GT2 1.0 and NTSC/J.
The first one should be from Infeneon Raceway. I believe that it was still Sears Point at the time.