Search function

  • Thread starter phil_75
Also thought there was somthing faulty with this search function on this site but thought it could have just been me
One way round it that has 95% success rate for me is to google your question and most of the time it directs me to a thread on this site
You can actually move your own threads, but I've taken care of it for you.

The forum software's search engine has always been limited, and it will be getting a complete overhaul later this year. Until then, I recommend that you use the Google site search I have provided.

With all due respect you might consider "Stickying" this thread in the "GT5 Questions & Answers" section. It might silence or subdue some of the rabid "Sycophants" that are forever telling people to search - when clearly your search tools are 👎

For an example see my thread "Suggestion For GTPlanet"
The quality of the search feature will only have a minor impact on the number of "duplicate threads", and will do nothing to stop the sycophants you speak of. They're already addressed here in the guidelines, and if found, should be reported to the moderators.
The quality of the search feature will only have a minor impact on the number of "duplicate threads", and will do nothing to stop the sycophants you speak of. They're already addressed here in the guidelines, and if found, should be reported to the moderators.

Thank you Jordan for replying. It's refreshing to have a response from someone who is candid and responsible. I appreciate it.
You can always add some additional words with your search terms; you probably won't get the first thing you're looking for right off the bat, either. It's never been 100% successful that way.

Still, what do you want with "Nissan GT-R"? -- Tune it? Look at pics of it? Compare it? How to win it? Finding used GT-Rs? Races comprised only of them? Available colors? get the idea.

The right terms with your keywords are much more effective, otherwise you're going to get lots of junk to wade through, especially when there's a 100-result maximum.

Thus, it's really no different with Google or Bing; there's no guarantee that a vague term is going to yield exactly what your looking for until you narrow down what you looking for.
The search for the iPhone app has to be also fixed. And when I click on large threads and try to go to page 1 it crashes!
The Search function is really poor. Say I wan't to find what thread I posted in; so I 'Search' for roughly what I said. Then, once the thread shows up; I still have no idea what page my post was on, so have to scroll through the entire thread (not easy when it's a VERY 'hot-topic') just to find it.
The Search function is really poor. Say I wan't to find what thread I posted in; so I 'Search' for roughly what I said. Then, once the thread shows up; I still have no idea what page my post was on, so have to scroll through the entire thread (not easy when it's a VERY 'hot-topic') just to find it.

The Search function is as good as the user. Its only flaw is that it won't recognise sub-four character words and can deem certain words too common to search for. This is known and you can account for it.

In your case, the problem is that you should click the "Posts" button rather than the "Threads" button. Search by what you recall, your username, the appropriate forum and click "Posts" and your problem is solved.

Here's a large section of the FAQ that Jordan helpfully wrote quite some time ago to help people use the Search function more efficiently.