Seasonal Event B No. 5 Monaco / Cote

  • Thread starter Kakyouin
Hello guys,
I would like to have your expertise in this race. This is the third race, in Monaco, where I can't get to 1st no matter what. Not even for a single second. I have almost all the cars that you may speak of but used Zonda and XJ13 the most. The only one lacking (because it didn't pop in the used dealership) is the BWM McLaren F1.

Which car and config did you use in here? I did it over a 100 times. No joking...
Use the Chapparal 2J and tell Bob to pace down before the chicane.
Don't have either of them :(. You mean in the tunner, right? I have to wait for it to appear in the used dealership, such as the BMW McLaren. Thanks.
It seems to me that Bobs tend to do much better with stock cars rather than ones I have tuned, find something in the 625 to 650pp range and leave it stock, you should have no problems.
Mazda Furai (you can get it for free). Hard tires, lowered down the Engine till if met the criteria and Transmission set to 220 km.
On 4th lap I was second. Only had to coach him twice every lap or less: on the tunnel and on the S turn at the beginning where he always crashes if he is at high pace. The famous turn where he always crashes, will crash if the idiot tries to pass a car. If he is or wants to go to the left lane, then it's a crash. If he is on the right, he is fine. Thanks anyways :)
Anyone else's Bob hitting the barriers in a stupid fashion? Noticed the AI drivers keep doing it as well and I've had to restart 5 times now from being stuck in a pile up.
Don't have either of them :(. You mean in the tunner, right? I have to wait for it to appear in the used dealership, such as the BMW McLaren. Thanks.
Sorry for the late reply, I can put both online for you if you send me an FR.
Use the Chapparal 2J and tell Bob to pace down before the chicane.

^This^ (I'll put mine on loan - PSN - Rhinoafrica)) Even telling him to pace down may still result in him turning into the barrier for the first 2 laps. Then he should settle down & win it quite comfortably. Also, reduce your top speed for this track.
Also check this thread where we talked about this in some detail.

I eventually managed to ace it with a Furai, I had one that was a little under the PP limit (0/0/0 with no oil change), I think I added the base turbo (or may have been tuning chip) which brought it up to about 647PP, then increased the DF very slightly to bring it to 650PP.

You do have to babysit all the way through though and try to stay the heck away from any other cars coming out of the tunnel and approaching the chicane, this is not easy though. Bob also hits the armco at the last corner occasionally, so you may want to pace down some there.

Good luck!
Finally won this today. :-) Put my level 38 Bob in a max tuned Aventador and had to coach him the whole way. He was way too hot tempered and five out of the ten laps tried to dive down the left at the chicane after the tunnel. Idiot... Oh well, it's finally over.
I posted (moaned) about this in the B spec section as well. May as well have a whinge here while I'm on a roll.

As of this evening I have now attempted this race over 50 times. The closest I have come is 2nd. And that was using the Furai. I have 2 bobs with different temperaments and none can do the business.

I did quite quite excited as on my second to last try, Bob managed to get first place with one lap to go and then for no reason whatsoever, decided to just turn into the barrier on the short straight after Casino. Just ...bam...turned left all on his own and then did that thing where he forgets he has reverse gear and thinks if he spins the tyres enough he can drive through the barrier.

I decided to not let it get me down, had another try, and once again, in first place with one lap to go, turns left into the barrier and does exactly the same thing.

I actually wish I could deleted the race from my PS3 so that I couldn't see it staring at me. It's clear no one at PD gave any thought to how stupid the decision was to include this race with such poor A.I/ track marking.

As has been pointed out, you can tell him to slow down, but as soon as he gets a sniff of the car in front he will try for the overtake anyway.

The mind boggles at a dev who updates a game with trivialities such as changing options for menu music, but doesn't fix such glaring problems as this.

I don't know how I have found the patience to try this as many times as I have. It is really getting me down, but as I don't have many B spec races left to do, I just want to do it for completions sake.
My Bob is a stupid, drink driving c*#$. There is just no explanation for the way he drives on this track despite all my instructions to the contrary he insists on screwing it every single time
Im glad Im not the only one. I have two with diff temperments at level 40 but same ole thing no matter how much I try to pace down or when. turns right into the Fing guard rail--so frustrating

[edit] I had attempted to win this race a dozen times prior to this post. 5 min after my original post, I tried again, and won. Ridiculous.
I won with the Furai. I had tried it with that car before, but, no success. My driver was more on the Cool temperment side. Tightened up the gears, and tried to keep as cool by pacing down, as possible--particularly as I approached the tunnel, and the final turn approaching the finish. Those are the two main problem points. The biggest being the turn after the tunnel. If anyone is close enough in front of him as he approaches, he will try to pass on the left, which means certain doom.
As much as you can, you have to pace up/down at key times, to maximize the distance between you and the next car in front, as you make the turn approaching the tunnel.

Definite pain in the ass race
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