So "Anonymous" are now involving themselves again, and making threats regarding the personal data (credit card details and the like) of people who will visit the race... that's not right. Not that I'm anywhere near Canada, but if the same threats were made against a race I was planning on going to, this would be the last thing that would generate any sympathy for their cause with me.
Maybe the government should cancel the race, and take $100,000,000 lost income out of the budget for education.
.. and also, why don't anonymous do something useful... there's plenty of illegal, immoral stuff out there on the internet that they could use their tactics against.... but yet they waste there time with stuff like this.
.. also, on the student thing.... I wish they'd stop protesting, it makes them seem ungrateful for all the tax dollars that ARE taken from each working citizen and GIVEN to them, so they can do what they want to do.