GTP WRS-Online : Event 84 : Revving is Racing - April 17


WRS Race Steward
Wpg / Canada



Revving is Racing

An Online Race based on GT5 Week 112: Revving is Racing


:: Only Open to Qualified GTP_Registered Members ::

:: Members are not obligated to take part ::

April 17, 2013

European Time Slot

3:00 PM Eastern / 12:00 PM Pacific / 19:00 GMT


North American Time Slot

10:00 PM Eastern / 7:00 PM Pacific / 2:00 AM GMT


The following links will allow you to check your local times:

EU Event

NA Event

Honda Civic Type R '08 @ Grand Valley East Reverse


Stewards Notes
This is our first visit to GVE Reverse since Event 17. The staggered compounds give this FF unique handling characteristics. When combined with some suspension tuning, it can be a rude little drifter. The revs are amazing with this VTEC marvel, have a blast laying down laps.


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In the event of a field of 13-16 drivers we will disable mics and race with one grid. With 17+ we will split the grid.




This WRS-Online event hosted by 3D3 Racing is open to GTP_Registered members only. If you are not currently on the registry run the GTP_Registry qualifier and join now!

Registration Instructions

The following must be performed by every driver for every event:
  • Click the registration button above, fill-in and submit the online registration form (use your GTP_ tag ID).
  • Leave a quick note in this thread to let us know you've registered and any other comments.
The following must be performed only one time per driver (not per event):
  • Send a PSN friend request to GTP_3D3Racing, GTP_3D3_A and GTP_3D3_B from your GTP_tag account.
  • Submit the 3D3 Racing Online Driver Database Entry Form. Your information will need to be verified before you are added to the db and before your ID will appear in the registered driver table above. You can view the official driver database here.

There is a 32 car/driver limit for this event (per region) and slots are awarded on the grid using a first come first serve basis. Reference the registered drivers table above for availability. This is a stand alone race and points are not tallied for a series. Future WRS-Online races hosted by 3D3 racing may have different driver limits and will require re-registration using the same first come first serve basis and participation in future events is optional.

Registration Changes

If you want to change your time slot, add a time slot or update your color choices just click on the registration link and fill out the form again and submit with new values. Your last entry will override any previous entries.


If for some reason, after you register for the event, you are unable to attend please click the registration button above and complete the form again selecting "cancel" as your status. Please also post a note in this thread as the table above can take some time to update.

Delaying or Restarting Race Start

Once the race countdown timer has started, the race will only be restarted in these cases:
  • Multiple drivers report a black screen/hang, instead of the 3-2-1 countdown.
  • One or more drivers get disconnected before race-pace has begun ("GO" for grid-starts, end of formation lap for rolling starts).
  • Steward realizes there is a condition that would lead to an unfair or poor race experience.

Once the race countdown timer has started, the race will explicitly NOT be restarted for:
  • Latecomers, even if you've registered
  • Driver realizes he picked the wrong car parts (ie, tires) or driving options (ie, Auto tranny)


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Lounge Settings (@ GTP_3D3Racing)

  • Race Quality: Standard
  • Voice Chat Quality: Low (Disabled if grid is over 12 drivers)

Official Practice Times

  • EU: Tuesdays @ 3:00 PM Eastern | 12:00 PM Pacific | 19:00 GMT
  • NA: Tuesdays @ 7:00 PM Eastern | 4:00 PM Pacific | 23:00 GMT
  • Pre-Race: The lounge is open for pre-race practice appx 1 hour prior to the official start of each event

Course & Car Settings

  • Track: Grand Valley East Reverse
  • Car: Honda Civic Type R '08 (Premium Car dealer; break it in and change oil prior to race)
  • Power: 265 HP
  • Weight: 1051 kg
  • Weight Reductions: All allowed
  • Engine Modifications: Not allowed
  • Intake Modifications: Allowed
  • Exhaust Modifications: Exhaust Manifold and Catalytic Converter allowed. Sports, Semi-Racing or Racing exhaust not allowed
  • Turbo or Supercharger: Upgrades Not Allowed
  • Drivetrain Modifications: LSD, Clutch, Flywheel all allowed
  • Transmission: Fully Customizable Transmission Allowed
  • Suspension: Fully Adjustable Suspension Allowed
  • Aero: Not Allowed
  • Example Tunes: TBA

Qualification Procedures

  • Type: Live Online Single Stint - No pits
  • Length: Single out-lap and 2 timed hot-laps
  • Groups: Group qualifying will be used if the grid size is large enough to warrant in order to avoid traffic during qualification.
  • Notes: Drivers not in the lounge by the time the first driver has entered the track after reset will not be allowed to qualify. They are welcome to join the race, but will start at the back of the grid. If we are running multiple qualification groups and the driver enters before the last group has entered track an exception will be made.

Event Settings

  • Game Mode: Normal Race
  • Laps: 45 (+ 1 Formation Lap)
  • Start Type: Staggered Formation Lap with Rolling Start (see below)
  • Grid Order: Fastest First (based on pre-race qualification)
  • Boost: Off
  • Penalty: None
  • Automatic Race Start Cycle: Disabled
  • Race Finish Delay: Set to 175% Average lap (130 sec)
  • Visible Damage: Off
  • Mechanical Damage: Light
  • Disable Collisions: Off
  • Slipstream Strength: Weak
  • Tire Wear/Fuel Consumption: Fast
  • Grip Reduction on Wet Track/Track Edge: Real

Regulation Settings

  • Car Restrictions: Unrestricted (see above for specific car specs)
  • Performance Points: 454 PP
  • Drivetrain: FF
  • Tire Restrictions: Sports Medium (S2's) Front | Sports Hard (S1's) Rear
  • Vehicle Tuning: Unrestricted (R/A functions allowed)
  • Skid Recovery Force | Active Steering | ASM: Disabled
  • TCS | Driving Line | ABS: Enabled (optional)

Formation Lap with Rolling Start

  • A steward will exit track, view the live timing monitor and announce the order after qualification while all drivers remain on track.
  • All drivers should exit track after the order is announced and enter the pits. When all drivers are in the pits a steward will start the race.
  • After the system places you on the grid drivers should proceed into stagger formation in order.
  • Pole sitter will choose his/her preferred side of the track.
  • There should be no overlap between cars in the staggered formation.
  • Speed limit on formation lap is 62 mph / 100 km/h and pole sitter should maintain this speed (or less) to keep pack together, in particular in the final sector.
  • Weaving or other tire warming procedures are NOT allowed during the formation lap.
  • Pole sitter will exit the last corner and take care to give enough time to allow all cars behind to safely exit the final corner.
  • Start marker for Grand Valley East Reverse is the start/finish line.
  • The pole sitter should start the race by accelerating to race pace at the identified start marker (track specific and may or may not be the start/finish line).
  • All other drivers should accelerate after the driver in front of you does so.
  • No passing is allowed before the start marker.
  • Be cautious and courteous in the first turn. Dive bombing will be penalized and will not be tolerated.

Pit Entry and Exit Guidelines

  • Pits are open and stops are optional, but may be required to complete the race based on fuel consumption and/or tire wear.
  • Drivers are responsible for determining their fuel consumption, tire wear and ultimate pit strategy. Discussion of this strategy in the thread is encouraged but not required.
  • When "Tire Wear/Fuel Consumption" is set to "Fast" or "Very Fast" the system's fuel add recommendations will be wrong (too low). You need to do your own calculations prior to the race to ensure you don't run out of fuel.
  • Remember, traffic on course has the right of way on pit exit after the white line ends. If you cross the line in either direction you are responsible for any incidents that occur.
  • Pit speed limit is 97mph / 155kmph

Track Boundary Guidelines
Drivers are expected to do their best to stay within track boundaries per the OLR. We understand that mistakes happens over the course of a long race and the random off or two will be overlooked in most instances, but if we observe a pattern of boundary abuse we will hand out penalties which include 15 seconds for a "minor" pattern of abuse, 30 seconds for a "substantial" pattern of abuse and a DQ for "complete disregard" of track boundaries.

It's up to the admins' discretion exactly what qualifies as "minor", "substantial" or "complete disregard". Going outside the rumble by a centimeter isn't as serious as a car length wide excursions into the run off area. Factors such as dirty air and traffic also come into play. If you find yourself going wide then the next lap you're expected to slow down a bit more to make sure you stay within boundaries. If you make the same mistake multiple times and you want to avoid a penalty you can always self-penalize during the race by lifting for a very brief period upon returning to the track. Continuing to hammer the throttle after repeated boundary overruns may very well end with a post race penalty.​

General Guidelines:
  • Contact with walls should be avoided. Wall riding/bouncing to gain time will be penalized and/or can result in disqualification.
  • Tarmac and Red and White Rumble Strips are track.
  • Runoff areas are not part of the track including green painted concrete.

Track Specific Guidelines:
  • Concrete, Cobbles, etc. are not track surface.
  • Concrete on Trackside Right on the exit of the first lefthand turn after the tunnel exit. The pics below are clean. If the lefthand tires are inside the rumbles without contact, that's considered dirty.


Standard Clean OLR Rules Apply:

  • Unless otherwise specified, all rules from the original WRS event apply.
  • You are expected to drive clean at all times. All participants are required to follow the GTPlanet Online Racing Rules & Guidelines.
  • 3D3 Race Stewards (who are taking part in race, but will review the replay) reserve the right to kick out or invalidate the result of any driver from the event for driving offensively. If you ignore any warnings from the stewards and are kicked out of the race room, you will not be allowed to participate in future 3D3 events.
  • No hybrids - if you are caught using a hybrid or attempting to enter a hybrid onto the track during an official event you will be banned from all future 3D3 Racing events.
  • No cheating of any kind
  • Nothing that goes against the spirit of the rules
  • Passing and Blocking: Aggressive blocking is not permitted, but the driver in front has the right to choose his/her line and braking point and drivers behind should respect that line. Be especially careful when you are on older tires than the competition as the speed difference may be significant. These events are "for fun" so just play nice and take a conservative rather than an aggressive approach when possible.

Good Luck, OLR Team:gtplanet:


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currently at 264 BHP after 185miles, so guessing about 200 for breaking in


can confirm, car is broken in at 200 miles
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Also depending on which screen you look at the HP can vary by 1. Tuning screen versus garage. Silly PD teams didn't get together and decide how to round or truncate. :lol:
Also depending on which screen you look at the HP can vary by 1. Tuning screen versus garage. Silly PD teams didn't get together and decide how to round or truncate. :lol:

I'v noticed that. It is pretty sloppy I gotta say.
Can I get a clarification on the Weight Reductions allowed? Does this include Windows and Carbon Hood? Also what about Chassis Reinforcement?

Can I get a clarification on the Weight Reductions allowed? Does this include Windows and Carbon Hood? Also what about Chassis Reinforcement?


Yes all weight reductions are allowed, including windows and carbon hood.

You can also add Chassis Reinforcement, but thats up to you.
Got thurs off work. GREAT! that means another NA race for me :D
I'm in for another try, hopefully without all of the network issues this week. I want to run this one as I actually put in some serious time practicing for the WRS Time Trial.

I'm at 265HP so I think the car's well and truly broken in at this point. An oil change might be a good idea before the race too as I've noticed that the drop-off is quite sudden in this car, literally 10HP in a couple of laps when it's time for a top up.
I'm in for another try, hopefully without all of the network issues this week. I want to run this one as I actually put in some serious time practicing for the WRS Time Trial.

I'm at 265HP so I think the car's well and truly broken in at this point. An oil change might be a good idea before the race too as I've noticed that the drop-off is quite sudden in this car, literally 10HP in a couple of laps when it's time for a top up.

You should come to the practice on tuesday if you can. You will want to sort out all your connection problems before the race. Its possible you will need to fiddle with your router settings or something, so make sure its all good before wednesday.
I'm in for another try, hopefully without all of the network issues this week. I want to run this one as I actually put in some serious time practicing for the WRS Time Trial.

I'm at 265HP so I think the car's well and truly broken in at this point. An oil change might be a good idea before the race too as I've noticed that the drop-off is quite sudden in this car, literally 10HP in a couple of laps when it's time for a top up.

Did you make any adjustments to your setup/router? Enable UPnP, DMZ, port forwarding, router/modem firmware updates? Given you've consistently had issues in our lounges it's highly unlikely that wishful thinking is going to fix things.

I hope it works out.
I see you've signed up for the race SilverArrow. Looking forward to it :D I guessed you might paint your car silver, :lol:

I see you havn't entered your real name, shall I just call you silver arrow still or is there something else you would prefer?
I see you've signed up for the race SilverArrow. Looking forward to it :D I guessed you might paint your car silver, :lol:

I see you havn't entered your real name, shall I just call you silver arrow still or is there something else you would prefer?

You can call me by my real name if you want, which is Kieran or Silver/SilverArrow, it's entirely up to you. I didn't put it in while filling out the database form because I wasn't sure whether others were doing it too.
Anyway, I'll be in the room tomorrow and looking forward to racing you guys. :)
You can call me by my real name if you want, which is Kieran or Silver/SilverArrow, it's entirely up to you. I didn't put it in while filling out the database form because I wasn't sure whether others were doing it too.
Anyway, I'll be in the room tomorrow and looking forward to racing you guys. :)

haha, fair enough man. I guess some people have usernames which are long, or a bit strange to address people by, so real names are just easier. Whatever works for you though ;)
Sorry guys, I am on reserve now for the NA race. Something has come up, not sure I will be home in time.

I'm in the lobby already for practice. Should be setup proper for the event tomorrow.

Edit: Note to anyone who hasn't been using the pits so far in their practice, there is a pit entry speed penalty. Entering at 97mph / 155kmph (give or take 1 or 2) or over will award you with a reset to the beginning of the pit run. You probably lose a second or 2 I would guess.

It feels very slow going in, so you might wanna practice the entry a bit to figure out when best to brake to get down to a low enough entry speed.
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You should come to the practice on tuesday if you can. You will want to sort out all your connection problems before the race. Its possible you will need to fiddle with your router settings or something, so make sure its all good before wednesday.

I have been coming to the Tuesday practice and haven't ever had any issues with the connection. I did change the settings, gave the PS3 a static IP, enabled the required ports and routed DMZ to the PS3. Both the router and the PS3 also have UPnP enabled.

As I mentioned before I'd forgotten about all of this setup as I did it years back when GT5 first came out and then replaced the router recently when we switched to bonded DSL. With UPnP enabled though I don't think you actually need any other setup, and I have completed one race without any issues as well as several practice sessions.

Last Wednesday one of the DSL lines was having trouble staying connected and I worked with the provider to resolve that, so that might be what caused the problems. We'll see but I'm certainly not just hoping it will fix itself, I am doing everything I can to make it solid.
I'm in the lobby already for practice. Should be setup proper for the event tomorrow.

Edit: Note to anyone who hasn't been using the pits so far in their practice, there is a pit entry speed penalty. Entering at 97mph / 155kmph (give or take 1 or 2) or over will award you with a reset to the beginning of the pit run. You probably lose a second or 2 I would guess.

It feels very slow going in, so you might wanna practice the entry a bit to figure out when best to brake to get down to a low enough entry speed.

Thanks Paul! I added the info to the OP

I have been coming to the Tuesday practice and haven't ever had any issues with the connection. I did change the settings, gave the PS3 a static IP, enabled the required ports and routed DMZ to the PS3. Both the router and the PS3 also have UPnP enabled.

As I mentioned before I'd forgotten about all of this setup as I did it years back when GT5 first came out and then replaced the router recently when we switched to bonded DSL. With UPnP enabled though I don't think you actually need any other setup, and I have completed one race without any issues as well as several practice sessions.

Last Wednesday one of the DSL lines was having trouble staying connected and I worked with the provider to resolve that, so that might be what caused the problems. We'll see but I'm certainly not just hoping it will fix itself, I am doing everything I can to make it solid.

👍 Sounds like you have things under control.

You don't know how long we raced with a few guys in the past that swore their problems were always someone else's fault and took no steps to correct anything on their side. Always confused them why nobody else was disconnecting :rolleyes:

You are right that DMZ and UPnP are basically redundant... But redundancy doesn't hurt in this case. Good luck this week. The real test is always with larger grids.

Good luck to everyone tomorrow... I'm returning home on Thursday and will be back in action starting this weekend.
Good luck to everyone tomorrow... I'm returning home on Thursday and will be back in action starting this weekend.

You gunna be back in time to catch the NA stream?