Notes on downforce values

  • Thread starter Famine


GTP Editor, GTPEDIA Author
United Kingdom
Rule 12
The Maximum Speed Test in GT3's Machine Test section.
Ford GT40 road car, with hybridised downforce values
I attempted to keep launches and lines standard throughout...

I was attempting to discover what the value assigned to the magic zero downforce code actually was. Based on previous experience, and a little educational guessing, I'd figured around 2.55 was the maximum downforce value.

I started off using 6 different (colour-coded :D) GT40s with "reasonable" DF values, covering my theorised figure. I made 5 max speed runs, noting the terminal speed, 0-400m time and 0-1000m time and averaged.

White GT40; DF 0.50/1.00
Average 400m: 11.845s
Average 1000m: 21.842s
Average Vmax: 178.6mph

Nothing to report here...

Yellow GT40; DF 1.00/1.50
Average 400m: 11.904s
Average 1000m: 22.078s
Average Vmax: 168.2mph

Well, maximum speed drops by 6%. Otherwise, not significantly slower - and still within normal game parameters.

Green GT40; DF 1.50/2.00
Average 400m: 11.932s
Average 1000m: 22.290s
Average Vmax: 159.0mph

Another massive speed drop (another 6% from the original). 400m and 1000m times suffering, but not badly.

Red GT40: DF 2.00/2.50
Average 400m: 11.971s
Average 1000m: 22.505s
Average Vmax: 148.8mph

Another huge speed drop. 400m times seem to be hitting the "diminishing returns" point - they're getting worse, but not much. 1000m times are starting to show the strain...

Blue GT40; DF 2.50/3.00
Average 400m: 11.886s
Average 1000m: 22.043s
Average Vmax: 156.5mph

Well, the 400m and 1000m times show a significant improvement. The top speed does too, but... at 156mph the car swerves violently to the right and becomes uncontrollable. Almost as if the downforce on the front waaay exceeded the downforce on the rear... :D

Black GT40; DF 3.00/3.50
Average 400m: 11.842s
Average 1000m: 21.813s
Average Vmax: 179.8mph

This car, despite an indicated higher DF than the first, is comparable to, but quicker than it. This implies that the DF is similar, yet lower. It seems the point at which DF values restart from 0 is around, but above 2.50... :D

For the second step of the experiment, I used cars with equal DF front and rear, starting at 2.50/2.50 and going up in 0.1 intervals to 3.00/3.00

White GT40; DF 2.50/2.50
Average 400m: 12.063ss
Average 1000m: 22.691s
Average Vmax: 147.1mph

Wouldn't get above 4th gear. Slooow 400m and 1000m times...

Yellow GT40; DF 2.60/2.60
Average 400m: 11.816s
Average 1000m: 21.556s
Average Vmax: 191.0mph

Quickest to 400m and 1000m so far. Bounced off the rev limiter in top. So the maximum downforce figure is between 2.50 and 2.59. Not wanting to waste a theory, I only ran 2 more cars.

Blue GT40; DF 2.55/2.55
Average 400m: 11.995s
Average 1000m: 22.618s
Average Vmax: 146.8mph

By my theory, this should be maximum downforce - the equivalent of lazily typing 292=0, 296=0 in the ini. And it's by far the slowest car yet.

Black GT40; DF 2.56/2.56
Average 400m: 11.746s
Average 1000m: 21.463s
Average Vmax: 190.9mph

What a difference a click makes... Quickest to 400m and 1000m. Again bounced of the rev limiter in top gear.

So once again, downforce values are cyclical. They can be set anywhere from 0 (ini =-1) to 255, at which point they reset and start all over again. The car with 3.00/3.50 DF behaved like a car with 0.45/0.95 downforce, because it WAS a car with 0.45/0.95 downforce. :D
thank you captain obvious, i could of told you that. :mischievous:
just playin man, but nice write up! (thats the part i where i wouldnt do it) :D
👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍
I LIKE the work... I'm a scientist :D

The main purpose is to show people the evidence of the maximum values. A lot of the settings in the game have a maximum 2.55 value or equivalent (camber? 25.5 degrees... And so on).

It MAY stop some questions. But I doubt it :D
you want might to change this on your page, and add the work you have done :D

While this is good for relatively low speed cars - and note this means around 250mph - maximum downforce on very, very high-powered cars can make them unstable in corners at high speed. I'd recommend going no higher than 2.0 front and 3.0 rear for the faster hybrids.