Track Tips - Cote D'Azur

  • Thread starter LoudMusic
United States
In the F094/S (US NTSC) ...

Turn 1 is either a second gear screamer or a third gear long climb. The AI use third and when I go to second I usually can slip past one of them at the start. Then up Beau Rivage I turn that windy road into nearly a straight line (but the AI disagree ...).

I drop to third entering turn 2 and go full throttle in third through turn 3 shifting to fourth as I exit. I usually bump the wall just a bit but not enought for it to use the wall bang sound.

Entering Turn 4 in second and grab just a touch of rumble strip will set you up for the quick dart to turn 5.

The one that gets me is the turn 5 and turn 6 combo. I'm all over the rumble strips in a bad way on those. Then I usually end up too deep in turn 7 and get a horrible start on that long straight.

Turn 8 isn't much of a turn at all. Max out your speed and hang on to the inside of the curve.

Going into the 9 - 10 combo I believe most people use first gear. When I do that I usually wheel spin myself into a wall so I try to stick to second gear there. I loose a little power but in the F1 cars you get on your way fairly quickly.

I usually get to fourth gear before turn 11, but drop to third for the corner. Cut out to that widened spot to the right before you cut deep to the inside of the curve and you can hit it at full throttle in third gear. Hang on to third as you enter turn 12 and 13 but get yourself slowed down to a mid-rev second before you run through 14 and 15.

Coming up to the end trails of this course I enter 16 in third but drop to second for 17 and first for 18. No getting around this first gear corner - you just don't have the minimum turn radius at higher speeds.

Drop the hammer and fly through the gears. You should be able to dodge through turn 19 at full throttle taking gears as they come. I believe I touch a little rumble on each side as I dart through there.

Now ... it's been a while since I've done that course in my F094/S ... so I could be a little off. Additionally I've never been spectacular at it, but this is how I get my best performances.
Ok here was my plan of attack for the Denso.

Turn 1 is critical. I would restart my lap if I didn’t nail it (which was probably 4 times out of 5 at first). 5th gear approaching turn one, brake and switch to third. Try to catch the rumple strip on the inside of the turn and be on full throttle before you hit it. It’s a surprisingly high speed turn if you can get left beforehand and cut it just right. It should almost send you in to the wall on the left side of the exit.

Turn 2 was usually a drifter for me, and I think I lost time there. I would usually brake a little coming in to it and allow the car to slide, shortly after sliding I’d be in third gear with full throttle turning hard left. That would usually have me hugging the wall on the left side coming in to turn 3 which was also critical.

Turn 3 killed me 9 times out of 10 but the way to do it is to approach from left and catch the inside rumple strip on your way through, full throttle again before you hit the rumple strip. You might have to tap your brakes to get the Denso to turn in.

Turn 4 was another drifter for me (and I probably lost time there too). I usually drifted the car so that it was practically heading in to the inside wall and was on full throttle in 2nd gear before it was apparent that I would make the turn. I’d usually blast straight through to turn 5 without needing to adjust the steering (much). To get the back end out on Turn 4 all you need to do is some hard braking and turn full right. Then get back on the gas before you should and be prepared to correct.

Turn 5 requires throttle control. I’d hit the rumple strip on the right side going in to it and get down in to first gear. I’d have it half throttle while I swung the car around and before topping out in 1st gear I’d be back in second on my way to turn 6. Normally I’d break the tires lose in the back when switching to second gear, but I wouldn’t do that until I was headed straight so it didn’t matter much (though it cost me a little time).

Turn 6 can be taken by getting left beforehand and screaming through while tagging the rumple strip on the inside. You then get left again to set up for turn 7… way left.

Turn 7 is second gear and I hit it at full throttle coming across the inside. Usually I was in 3rd by the time it was apparent that I wouldn’t tag the left hand wall coming out of the turn.

Stay on the inside of 8 at full throttle.

Approach 9 from the right and accelerate at half throttle in second gear turning back to the right to correct for turn 10 before it is necessary. You might tag the rumple strip on the inside of 10. Scream through the exit from 10 at full throttle trying not to oversteer.

Approach 11 from the right and be at full throttle in 3rd gear. I usually drift a bit. You should almost hit the wall on the right side of the exit.

Take 12 on the inside (left) to prep for 14.
Turn 13 is a figment of the imagination (stay left).

2nd gear at turn 14 taken on the inside. Try to cut diagonally across 14 and 15 From the inside of 14 to the inside of 15. I’d exit turn 15 at full throttle with the wheel all the way left (briefly). If you do it right (I think) it usually looks like you’re going to tag the inside wall of turn 15.

Turn 16 doesn’t exist.

Turn 17 is a hard brake down in to second gear. Get the car swung around to the inside of 18 and be at full throttle when you’re straight. If you’re using the chase cam like I do, the camera won’t have straightened out by the time you’re at full throttle.

I take turn 19 at third gear. Careful not to tag the wall on the right side, you should take it almost straight through if you approach correctly. I’d usually barely tag the rumple strip on the left when exiting.

That’s it for me. Shift a little before redline and try to hold your line.

I don't have a shark port so no replays from me. :(
I'm starting this thread to collect advice on Cote D'Azur. Everyone is welcome to add their advice. I'd especially like to get comments from the front-runners from week 42.

I'm including a track map with turn names and numbers, for reference. Detailed dicussion of lines, breaking points, entry / exit speeds etc. would be great. If you've got replays, they're welcome, too (please note whether the replay is PAL or NTSC, if you know).

Ok ... discuss!


  • monaco.gif
    26.5 KB · Views: 307
To get the ball rolling .. I'd really appreciate it if someone could describe their approach to Massanet and Casino.

I'm finding it very difficult to keep the nose off the inside wall at the end of Massanet, and the tail off the outside wall coming out of Casino ...
Here is my qualifing lap from a F1 series.I could have had a 1.06 but i always seem to struggle with Massanet :(


  • f1 mon qa iv8.sps
    44.7 KB · Views: 20
Now this is something I very well may run. The F1 at monaco... I could run the 78 lap race, then run at this time again. I have no clue how fast it is since I have no f1 experience, and have never run the 78 lap race before.

Maybe tomorrow before the deadline in the weekly race series.

Till then... thanks.
Originally posted by danoff
Ok here was my plan of attack for the Denso.

Turn 1 is critical. I would restart my lap if I didn’t nail it (which was probably 4 times out of 5 at first). 5th gear approaching turn one, brake and switch to third. Try to catch the rumple strip on the inside of the turn and be on full throttle before you hit it. It’s a surprisingly high speed turn if you can get left beforehand and cut it just right. It should almost send you in to the wall on the left side of the exit.

Turn 2 was usually a drifter for me, and I think I lost time there. I would usually brake a little coming in to it and allow the car to slide, shortly after sliding I’d be in third gear with full throttle turning hard left. That would usually have me hugging the wall on the left side coming in to turn 3 which was also critical.

Turn 3 killed me 9 times out of 10 but the way to do it is to approach from left and catch the inside rumple strip on your way through, full throttle again before you hit the rumple strip. You might have to tap your brakes to get the Denso to turn in.

Turn 4 was another drifter for me (and I probably lost time there too). I usually drifted the car so that it was practically heading in to the inside wall and was on full throttle in 2nd gear before it was apparent that I would make the turn. I’d usually blast straight through to turn 5 without needing to adjust the steering (much). To get the back end out on Turn 4 all you need to do is some hard braking and turn full right. Then get back on the gas before you should and be prepared to correct.

Turn 5 requires throttle control. I’d hit the rumple strip on the right side going in to it and get down in to first gear. I’d have it half throttle while I swung the car around and before topping out in 1st gear I’d be back in second on my way to turn 6. Normally I’d break the tires lose in the back when switching to second gear, but I wouldn’t do that until I was headed straight so it didn’t matter much (though it cost me a little time).

Turn 6 can be taken by getting left beforehand and screaming through while tagging the rumple strip on the inside. You then get left again to set up for turn 7… way left.

Turn 7 is second gear and I hit it at full throttle coming across the inside. Usually I was in 3rd by the time it was apparent that I wouldn’t tag the left hand wall coming out of the turn.

Stay on the inside of 8 at full throttle.

Approach 9 from the right and accelerate at half throttle in second gear turning back to the right to correct for turn 10 before it is necessary. You might tag the rumple strip on the inside of 10. Scream through the exit from 10 at full throttle trying not to oversteer.

Approach 11 from the right and be at full throttle in 3rd gear. I usually drift a bit. You should almost hit the wall on the right side of the exit.

Take 12 on the inside (left) to prep for 14.
Turn 13 is a figment of the imagination (stay left).

2nd gear at turn 14 taken on the inside. Try to cut diagonally across 14 and 15 From the inside of 14 to the inside of 15. I’d exit turn 15 at full throttle with the wheel all the way left (briefly). If you do it right (I think) it usually looks like you’re going to tag the inside wall of turn 15.

Turn 16 doesn’t exist.

Turn 17 is a hard brake down in to second gear. Get the car swung around to the inside of 18 and be at full throttle when you’re straight. If you’re using the chase cam like I do, the camera won’t have straightened out by the time you’re at full throttle.

I take turn 19 at third gear. Careful not to tag the wall on the right side, you should take it almost straight through if you approach correctly. I’d usually barely tag the rumple strip on the left when exiting.

That’s it for me. Shift a little before redline and try to hold your line.

I don't have a shark port so no replays from me. :(
You called them "Rumple Strips" a total of 6 times in 1 post. :D

Don't worry, I have saw many others call them rumple strips too by mistake.