The Terrorists Sound Desparate

  • Thread starter Danoff


United States
Mile High City
Here's the quote from Osama's right hand man.

"We must not wait more ... or we will be devoured one country after the other," the speaker said. "The youth must not wait for anyone and must begin resisting from now, and take experience and lessons from Iraq and Afghanistan and Chechnya"

This is the enemy speaking to its troops. We must not wait, we must attack or be destroyed is the tone of this message. Sounsd desparate to me. And it sounds like they consider a free Iraq their loss.

I think this message from the enemy gives us a clear insight into their views about Iraq. I think this shows quite clearly that a free Iraq is a blow to the terrorists and I think the Bush campaign should TOTALLY RUN WITH THIS!!!

But they're not going to. Because this quote could be misconstrued to mean that our invasion of Iraq has provoked them (like they weren't already provoked enough to crash planes into our buildings).

Personally, I think this is a smoking gun about Iraq and it's role in the war on terror. I've never considered WMDs to be an important part about Iraq. For me it was always about Saddam violating our terms and paying the price - and how we could use that to put an anti-terrorist nation right in the heart of terrorist activity while strengthening the resolve of America's word. The invasion of Iraq bolsters our diplomacy (Libya) and will go a long way to winning our hand with North Korea. And it severely hampers terrorism. The enemy is agreeing with Bush (and me) on this issue publicly.
Is that quote recent or is it from the video that was released in August 04 with Osama's right hand man in it and no Osama (oddly).

I believe terrorists are always desperate, thats why they resort to terrorism. Suicide bombings and targeting civilians are the acts of desperate men.
This quote is a from a tape released yesterday I think. It should be on the front page of whatever news site you go to. If you go to fox news it's there.
This quote is a from a tape released yesterday I think. It should be on the front page of whatever news site you go to. If you go to fox news it's there.

Thanks...I see its an audio tape, but its the same guy "Ayman al-Zawahri" he was in the video. Still no sign of Osama, he can't even do an audio tape...KIA or MIA?
The video I referred to was actually released on Sept 9, not August like I first said...
This tape reveals nothing new about the terrorists. Yes, a free Iraq would be a huge blow to their cause (although when and if that will happen remains to be seen). Terrorists have always been targeting young people with recruitment since young people tend to be naiive and idealistic, which makes for easy recruiting. Nothing new here.
Iraq is RIGHT NOW as free as it has ever been. Maybe more free than AFTER a democratic election. The terrorist AKA Islamic fundementalist , want nothing of a free Iraq and have declared Iraq to be the turning point for the movement. They see nothing less than a State that THEY can run along the lines of the Taliban and feel they will never have a better chance. So hence the bombing of their own people and the inlux of foriegn Jihadist. kill the americans ! Kill the infidels and secularist ! Kill the UNBELIEVERS ! KILL EVERYBODY WHO WONT AGGREE ! Cant wait till we turn Iraq over to that bunch.(sarc)
You mean terrorists are desperate!? What an earth shattering frickin' revelation Einstein. I always thought they were willing to blow themselves up becuase they were so damn enthusiastic about thier future.

Oh yeah, and there is nothing more tasteful than capitalizing on violence for political gain! You are my heros.
Oh yeah, and there is nothing more tasteful than capitalizing on violence for political gain! You are my heroes.

What?? Who is mean the US saw Iraq as an opportunity for political gain...what are you on about :lol:
You mean terrorists are desperate!? What an earth shattering frickin' revelation Einstein. I always thought they were willing to blow themselves up becuase they were so damn enthusiastic about thier future.

Think before you post.

Oh yeah, and there is nothing more tasteful than capitalizing on violence for political gain! You are my heros.

See above.

Proof that what we're doing is right is not just political gain, it's important to communicate.
What?? Who is mean the US saw Iraq as an opportunity for political gain...what are you on about :lol:
Let's not forget the supertankers full of cheap oil we're getting in the bargain. That was the real reason. Our international political stock going through the roof was just a happy side effect.
Let's not forget the supertankers full of cheap oil we're getting in the bargain. That was the real reason. Our international political stock going through the roof was just a happy side effect.

:lol: You couldn't send a few of those tankers over here could you :)

We have to buy petrol in litres because the price per gallon doesn't fit on the pumps any more :lol:
Good points danoff. I didn't really think of it like that. And i don't think all terrorists are desperate. I don't think 9/11 was a desperate act at all. I think Usama saw it as his greatest feat. A mighty, well planned, and executed blow to the "Great Satan." But even he probably didn't expect the Wrath unleashed upon him. So they are probably very desperate now.
:guilty: It saddens me that you really believe that.

"I think the Bush campaign should TOTALLY RUN WITH THIS!!!"

"Danoff, you are Brilliant. Someone please call the RNC....."

Im done wasting words on you.
Thanks...I see its an audio tape, but its the same guy "Ayman al-Zawahri" he was in the video. Still no sign of Osama, he can't even do an audio tape...KIA or MIA?
The video I referred to was actually released on Sept 9, not August like I first said...
What if that is what Osama wants us to think that he is indeed KIA or MIA and still yet pulling the strings shrouded? Perhaps rumors starting within their organization, word spread and intelligence is possibly hinting to officials that there is the good possibility he is dead when he isnt. Just a thought. Of course they'll want some sort of physical evidence to prove he is dead. Until then how will we ever know? All we can do is speculate upon that. :)
What if that is what Osama wants us to think that he is indeed KIA or MIA and still yet pulling the strings shrouded?

Its a point I've seen raised before. Personally I believe he succumbed to kidney disease. Most doctors believe he could not have lived for more than a week without dialysis and getting power to a mountain retreat would not have been easy, also the machines are very large.

Would he have faked this disease? Again I'd have to doubt that, as sickness and disease are seen as a sign of weakness amongst his fanatical followers. In fact there is evidence that he actively tried to lie about his dependence on insulin and dialysis. Remember the people he was trying to inspire are very religious and any disease may have been seen as an affliction from God, damaging his position as rightful leader.
Is he pulling the strings behind the scenes, again I would have to doubt this as his strength was not in military planning, but in leadership, he had many generals plotting and scheming for him, Osama was the one that brought them all together. Loathe him, yes I do, but you must admit he had a certain charisma, a presence on the camera...that was his greatest why not use it? His right hand man has none of the same passion or charisma, and is altogether less effective at whipping up a frenzy

But as you say...until his body is identified...all this is speculation:)