Official Photo Manipulation Thread

  • Thread starter CDailey
United States
Since being requested (sorta) in The Official Photography Thread, I have created this thread, to show off your photo manipulations. This could be desaturating part of the image and color the other part, adding special effects to an image (not photochopping a car), or cropping out the image to get a certain feel or effect.

I'll start.






manipulation... hehe
How pertinent is that!? 👍

@cardude2004: Look at the photos again. Notice that everything but the shirts are in B&W.
nice coloring type r, seems to be ur a photo master around here.

manipulated fully

little manipulation
Thanks for the compliments! Photomaster? :embarrassed:

I really like that folded paper effect! Awesome job. 👍

May I ask how you did this? I'd really like to know. :)

what i did was crumple up a piece of paper, scan it
overlay it (not the overlay layer option literally) above the photo
match the photo to the creases in the paper - basically rotating pieces, and using the patchtool to fix the blank areas from moved objects, etc.

if u need any tips or help or anything; pm me.
I got a question about irfanview, i downloaded this program cuz i dont a have a resizer. When i post it on my Xanga website builder it doesnt show on other computers. Its just an "X". Any suggestion to fix this problem. and the format is .jpg.
lethalAE86typeR - When you go into your profile you need to change your gallery area. All you need to type into the space provieded is your username, which is - lethalae86typer. When you click the gallery button here in the forums it automatically will add the http:// and the If you type in the whole website address you get - - when you click on the gallery button. If you correctly type in your username in the profiles page under My GTPlanet you should get - - this website when you click your gallery button.
Here is my latest. c&c please. :) Before everyone starts bashing me, Yes I do know I spent a lot of time on the border/effects with the lines in the left/bottom.

I like it, but as for some c&c -
I'm pretty sure you were going for emphasis on the flowers (hence the title stand out); if thats the case I would maybe throw some contrast on them. Stronger lines and stronger color on the flowers would help to better seperate them from the background. Just a suggestion. 👍
You shold create a photo manipulation contest. And have a new picture to manipulate every week. I would participate in them. Right now I just can't think of anything to manipulate or change. If we had the contest we would have a picture we could manipulate.
Integra Type R
Where would be get the picture though? SHould I take it? Do you know any place where we could find good images?

For the first competition I think you should take it, then let us manipulate it. The winner from that competition will have to use a photo of their own to be manipulated by others. Basically if you win, you get to pick next photo, and so on.