Notes on thread moderation

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Keep 'em separated
Staff Emeritus
United States
Midlantic Area
As you probably know already, all new threads on this forum require moderator approval before they appear on the board. This is to help keep the conversations focused and organized in existing threads, due to the high volume of traffic this board receives with the Asian release and upcoming world releases of GT4. Everybody's eager to get their own particular question answered, and it makes for quite a din.

New threads are sent to a queue, and are reviewed by the moderators one at a time. We try to do so on a regular basis - several times a day - but it may be several hours or even a day until we get to it. We do the best we can, but we have personal lives to attend to as well.

The moderators approve messages that we think are not covered anywhere else and are worth discussion. There is not time to review each and every thread to make sure it has not already been answered in detail. If something seems like it's already covered, the thread probably won't get approved as a new thread. If it's something we feel is really inane and seems like it's mostly posted out of sheer breathless excitement to get the game, it also probably won't get approved. Either way, it's nothing personal and there's no point in getting offended about it. We're just trying to keep the noise down to a reasonable level here.

If your thread doesn't show up in a day, either see if there's an existing thread on a similar topic and post in that, or look on the second page of the index. Jordan has solved the issue of approved threads appearing on the back pages of the board, but even so, if it's been a while since you checked for your thread, look on the second index page or search for threads started by your username. Posting your thread multiple times will not help, and will make extra work for the moderators. So please don't. If it doesn't get approved in 24 hours, it's probably not going to, so look for something else to say or some existing thread in which to say it.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience. GTPlanet is the largest and most popular GT site on, well, the planet. That has advantages and disadvantages through which we all have to work.
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