Nissan MOTUL PiTWORK Z (JGTC) set up discussion

  • Thread starter awdrifter2


The Ford GT setting thread is going real well, I'm hoping someone can suggest a good setting for my Z. My current setup the car is very twichy. I like my car to oversteer, but I want it to be somewhat ez to recover after a corner. My car enters the corner like I want it to, but when exiting the corner the slightest input send it spinning. (I'm using a controller, not steering wheel) Is there anyway to make it more stable, yet still ez to induce oversteer? Thanks.

Here's my current setting.
04 Nissan MOTUL PiTWORK Z (JGTC) Fully modded
Brake Balance f20/r24
spring rate f15.8/r14.3
ride height f65/r65
shocks 8
camber f2.0/r1.0
Toe ----- 0 ---0---
stabiliars f1/r7
asm oversteer = 0
asm understeer = 10
tcs = 3
down force f25/r40
LSD 10 / 40/ 20
Trans set
Auto set at 14
Ok, a slight revision, I just adjusted the driving aid to 4/15/3. The car feels a little bit better now. Any other suggestions are welcomed.
The car might work a lot better if you took those ASM settings to zero. I drive that car often and use the DS2 as well. It's set up pretty well stock. You might want to increase the spring stiffness on the back to induce more oversteer from stock, or add +1 to Rear Toe.

And i'd increase the front stability bar to something to around one or two less than the rear.
Thanks for the input. If you don't mind, please post your car's setting. I will try it out. Thanks.

04 Nissan MOTUL PiTWORK Z (JGTC) Fully modded
Brake Balance f16/r14
spring rate f13.2/r14.5
ride height f70/r70
shocks 6/8
camber f2.5/r1.0
Toe ----- 0 --- 0 ---
stabi f5/r6
asm oversteer = 0
asm understeer = 0
tcs = 2
04 Nissan MOTUL PiTWORK Z (JGTC) Fully modded
Brake Balance f16/r14
spring rate f13.2/r14.5
ride height f70/r70
shocks 6/8
camber f2.5/r1.0
Toe ----- 0 --- 0 ---
stabi f5/r6
asm oversteer = 0
asm understeer = 0
tcs = 2

Well this looks awefully familiar. This car only needs minimal adjustments. The things sticks like nobody's business. I did nearly the exact same adjustments. Dropped it a little off the bottom of height 70mm, softened the front a little shocks 6, kicked in the front tires a little camber 2.5. Too loosen the rear a little more, you might try lowering the rear camber a touch camber .5. I drove the car stock the other night, a new one I had won again, and forgot to turn off ASM's and didn't even notice. Near the end of the race I noticed the ASM light flicker. The car sticks like glue.
I will try the settings tonight. I drove the car stock on R3 tires and thought it understeered a bit. But I drove it with ASM's on, so I'll try it ASM off. Thanks.
I like my rear-end a bit more planted, so I lowered the rear suspension from your settings to 1.5 below my front (whatever I set it to depending on the track). I also felt the brakes were too chattery at that high a setting. I feel they are plenty strong when both are set to 7. I'm trying to learn El Capitan so I set the suspension to 14.2/12.7 and the shock bound to 4 on both ends. It feels real nice right now, but I feel I could use a little more traction coming over some of those crests, but maybe that is just the speed of the car.
I like my rear-end a bit more planted, so I lowered the rear suspension from your settings to 1.5 below my front (whatever I set it to depending on the track). I also felt the brakes were too chattery at that high a setting. I feel they are plenty strong when both are set to 7. I'm trying to learn El Capitan so I set the suspension to 14.2/12.7 and the shock bound to 4 on both ends. It feels real nice right now, but I feel I could use a little more traction coming over some of those crests, but maybe that is just the speed of the car.

I dialed my spring rate down a bit from stock (maybe 1-1.2 kg/mm less) and less damping and rebound accordingly. Also running less camber up front, 1.0 all around. Something that stiff and flat woudn't need too much camber. Thought it pushed a little before the apex, and oversteered after so I turned down the differential settings for accel and decel, not initial. Front swaybar a tad softer, rear is stock. Didn't touch brake balance at all and all driving aids off.
Ok, I tried the new settings. I dialed down the rear camber to 0.5. It improved 3 secs on Leguna Seca compared to my old settings. So this is definitely a good setting, although there's some on throttle understeer when exiting certain corners. But it's not bad, and brake a little will cure it. Thanks. 👍