In the April issue of Popular Science the magazine tested the soon to be released Forza vs. reality. Here's what it was all about...
First off I want to say that the writer said that this game blows the doors off GT4 as far as graphics, game physics, and sound. He used the fact that Forza recalculates it's physics engine 240 times per second compared to 60 times for GT4. And since this game doesn't have as many cars it would be easier to get them to sound a little better, and since we all know that Xbox has better graphics we can only imagine how it looks. But even with all that said, I still love GT4 and all of it's short commings. It's the undisputed King of Race Simulators.
But what the article did was take six cars which included the; Carrera GT, C6 vette, 04 NSX, 05 MR Evolution, Golf R32, and the 05 Elise, and test them in both the game and in real life. They used the same track for the test which was Road Atlantic. They showed off a bit of the graphics in Forza by giving us the side by side pictures of the esses, real vs virtual, and it's damn near impossible to tell them apart.
Then they used two drivers; one was an actual Le Mans driver and the other is a Japenese tuner and avid game player. They sat them down in Sparco racing seats in front of two 50 inch plasma screens. They each had their own wheel and pedals and surround sound system. Pretty badass setup. Then let them play for about 12 hours and logged their times with each car.
The next day the let them loose on the real track in real cars and recorded those times. The outcome was a difference of about 8 seconds slower from game to real life for the race car driver and 12 seconds for the gamer. The drivers said that the game was very close to really life, but a simulator like that could never give you that "Oh ****" factor when braking hard into a turn going 100 mph.
This test doesn't prove much too me, just the fact that now there might be some competition for GT4. I mentioned earlier that I love GT4 and all it's "shortcommings," because there are things that I feel are missing and that should be there considering the time and money spent on the game. So I think what GT4 neded was a little competition to really get them in gear and make GT5 out of this world. I read in a car magazine GT4 before the release that stated that the developers had GT4 at about 2 seconds plus or minus to real life.
But in conclusion this game looks good. I think I'll need to befriend someone with an Xbox just to test it out myself.
First off I want to say that the writer said that this game blows the doors off GT4 as far as graphics, game physics, and sound. He used the fact that Forza recalculates it's physics engine 240 times per second compared to 60 times for GT4. And since this game doesn't have as many cars it would be easier to get them to sound a little better, and since we all know that Xbox has better graphics we can only imagine how it looks. But even with all that said, I still love GT4 and all of it's short commings. It's the undisputed King of Race Simulators.
But what the article did was take six cars which included the; Carrera GT, C6 vette, 04 NSX, 05 MR Evolution, Golf R32, and the 05 Elise, and test them in both the game and in real life. They used the same track for the test which was Road Atlantic. They showed off a bit of the graphics in Forza by giving us the side by side pictures of the esses, real vs virtual, and it's damn near impossible to tell them apart.
Then they used two drivers; one was an actual Le Mans driver and the other is a Japenese tuner and avid game player. They sat them down in Sparco racing seats in front of two 50 inch plasma screens. They each had their own wheel and pedals and surround sound system. Pretty badass setup. Then let them play for about 12 hours and logged their times with each car.
The next day the let them loose on the real track in real cars and recorded those times. The outcome was a difference of about 8 seconds slower from game to real life for the race car driver and 12 seconds for the gamer. The drivers said that the game was very close to really life, but a simulator like that could never give you that "Oh ****" factor when braking hard into a turn going 100 mph.
This test doesn't prove much too me, just the fact that now there might be some competition for GT4. I mentioned earlier that I love GT4 and all it's "shortcommings," because there are things that I feel are missing and that should be there considering the time and money spent on the game. So I think what GT4 neded was a little competition to really get them in gear and make GT5 out of this world. I read in a car magazine GT4 before the release that stated that the developers had GT4 at about 2 seconds plus or minus to real life.
But in conclusion this game looks good. I think I'll need to befriend someone with an Xbox just to test it out myself.