In-Car Photos Thread

  • Thread starter franz


Welcome to In-Car Photos Thread

Above are the example of in-car shot of Ford Model T and ASL JGTC race car. I found this photo taking technique from a japanese bbs. You can say it is a glitch of GT4 photo mode, but it makes the photo mode much more fun to play with (I think). Anyhow, here is the secret technique!

1 After loading your replay, press X to select first person view.
2 Press select to enter photo mode.
3 Use Camera 1 which is the first person view and adjust the setting as you wish.
4 Take a shot and save to Memory Card as Film (or Album for JPN/Asia version)
5 Exit the photo mode and the replay, then go to Home and enter Photo Lab
6 Select the photo you've taken and develop (first button on the right)
7 You should able to see your in-car shot now, then save it to USB

For side view, after step 1, press and hold left, or right, while you press select to take your shot.
For rear view, press L1 once after step 1.
For the setting in photomode, I will go find out later.
Also one thing I found ... you can adjust the angle to look UP when taking front or rear photos
maybe watching birds dropping bombs right on your face while driving :D

Now here is your turn making in-car shots ... there are tons of possibilities
Have Fun ~~

Credit the technique to the BBS at
I am thinking to put 2 cars in front of me drifting by photoshop
and let myself taking 2nd hand smoke
or maybe some stupid street racing comics
Hmm, it doesn't work for me. I must be doing something wrong ...

*Edit* Nevermind, I got it. I had it set to save as Photo Only, but when I changed it to Album+Photo, I was able to view it as Film :)
Another excellent idea Franz. I think we are going to find some really interesting interior shots that we never expected to see.
this is awesome

here's one from a 82 audi quattro...

btw, is there a way to get more interior light ? im about to go try one on a night track and see if the gauges light up :D
I dont think the gauges would light up ...
otherwise they already put cockpit view in the game
I think all open top cars will be cool to play with
I'd like to see Nike car and the Honda hybrid concept
you can also make the picture vertical if you want to capture the center console (works only in convertibles obviously because there you get lotssa light)

same pic but horizontal:
I have seen the Nike view from japanese forum
one of the best imo
somoneone should try chevy SSR and SL65 with open top
also formula 1 cars ... they are freaking awesome
Don't get me wrong this is a very nice find but IMHO hte pics aren't that great to look at, just a big black border or some really blurry textures in a convertible
you make it less blurry by setting Shutter Speed to the max
but the texture aren't that great no matter how

Heres my SL500. I have a suspision that the textures are clearer than that, however, its not showing them as clear because were lacking the abilitie to focus on the dash...

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