Yes. This was a great idea for a shot but I wasn't convinced that you had pulled it off as well as it could have been. In my opinion, the cars were too close together and it didnt look as though it was a clean pass. Perhaps if there was more of a gap in between or if your car was further outside of the other car (so it looked like you were in the process of passing, instead of looking like you had passed and were in the process of cutting the other guy off) then i would suggest that your entry would have made the cut.
For the record, I dont look at who's name is next to the picture, only the picture itself. I found it quite difficult to narrow all the entries down to 15, most of the entries were elegible to continue to the poll. Unfortunately the limit is 15, and I had to cut some people out. If your photo was cut, it was probably due to some little technical aspect that didn't sit right with me (as in the above instance) that may not have detracted all that much from the original image. However, a decision had to be made and I narrowed the top 20 something down to 15 based on this principal.
I would just like to add that I'm a little disappointed that I've had to defend my decisions in this manner, especially since this comment came from a member (whom I respect as skilled contender) who has played such an active role in this excellent competition. I'm not having a go at you, as you are entitled to your opinion. However I feel that the way you have gone about this has detracted a little from the spirit of the competition.
Anyways, enough gripes from me. Sorry for the long post!