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New guy here, been looking around for a few days. I don't really need too much car tuning help as I am a GT addict from the first game and have got the hang of near every car ever built for the series. I do however have a question for some of you out there. It's not really GT4 related, but bear with me.
What the Hell is it with people on these boards that feel it is OK to post replies that are nothing but rude, pricky remarks about how useless others are at properly posting or asking for info? Do you all think you are better than the rest of the guys and girls who like GT just as much as you but perhaps are not so used to spending their entire, pathetic lives in message boards that they know all the little nuances of posting and searching? Or have you ever considered that many of these "morons" may simply be kids with a cool video game that they would like some help with? Instead of getting it, with a polite reminder or pointer as to how it might be done, invariably some sad prick with a superiority complex gained through years of message board geekdom steps up and slaps the poor kid in the face with some arrogant, insulting remark. I hope you all are proud of yourselves, grinding people into the mud with your holier-than-thou attitudes. Makes me sick to think you call this a "community" forum. Get a life people. It's a game!!
p.s. Anyone wishing to answer this post with a pricky remark can address it to www.kiss_my_ass/learn_to_be_nice/you_rude_bastard.com
What the Hell is it with people on these boards that feel it is OK to post replies that are nothing but rude, pricky remarks about how useless others are at properly posting or asking for info? Do you all think you are better than the rest of the guys and girls who like GT just as much as you but perhaps are not so used to spending their entire, pathetic lives in message boards that they know all the little nuances of posting and searching? Or have you ever considered that many of these "morons" may simply be kids with a cool video game that they would like some help with? Instead of getting it, with a polite reminder or pointer as to how it might be done, invariably some sad prick with a superiority complex gained through years of message board geekdom steps up and slaps the poor kid in the face with some arrogant, insulting remark. I hope you all are proud of yourselves, grinding people into the mud with your holier-than-thou attitudes. Makes me sick to think you call this a "community" forum. Get a life people. It's a game!!
p.s. Anyone wishing to answer this post with a pricky remark can address it to www.kiss_my_ass/learn_to_be_nice/you_rude_bastard.com