Nurburgring 24h prep. work

  • Thread starter ZZII
I'm planning to do the Nurburgring 24h this week. I'm doing it A-spec and as close to one-sitting as I physically can. :ill: After doing some research and running some test laps today, I came up with my car: the Toyota ALTEZZA Touring Car, no upgrades. From race reports people have posted, it seems that the fastest AI cars run their fastest laps in about 7'18, except for the Chaparral 2D. (Is that really one of the possible AI's?!) In three test laps, I ran between 7'09 and 7'12 with the Altezza. Whatever I gain from repetition, I will most likely lose more from fatigue/mistakes, so to be safe, I figured on running an average lap of around 7'15 or maybe even a bit higher. Doing the math and figuring in a pit stop every four laps, this comes out to about 195 laps, which is tight but based on other reports, should be enough to win, particularly if I can avoid the really good AI cars. (If a Chaparral 2D shows up, I will have to restart.) I did a test-start of the race and came up with an average AI line-up (no BMW M3 or Audi TT-R, though) and 111 A-Spec points. I passed the leader less than halfway through the first lap, so that gave me some confidence.

I am making some assumptions - that I can run consistently in the 7'15 range and that I will get at least four laps out of the R1's on the Altezza. I was wondering if any of the Nurburgring 24h veterans have any input for me. (Like: There's no way I can run lap times like that because I will lose focus at some point and drop 10 seconds a lap.) The alternative is my AMG 190 Touring Car, which I have gotten down to 6'47 and can run under 7'00 consistently, but I fear this would be overkill.

I will record as much as possible from this race and put it in the race reports forum. Hopefully the Altezza will prove to be a sure win, but not's a tough balance to strike when you CANNOT lose the race. (If I overestimated my driving ability and begin to fall way behind, I am quitting. :crazy: ) Thanks for your input!
Before you start the race, make sure you get prepared really good. First u need something that will keep awake like music or someone that talks a lot(so that u dont go to sleep). Also u need some food to eat while u race. I think that the altezza will be a good plataform to do the race. U wont lose as long u dont loose ur patience. thats all the advice i can give. And remember to keep urselve awake.Good Luck 👍 :)
Sounds like you could be onto a winner here.

I also plan on A-Speccing the 24hr Nurburg, but I'm not ready yet. I'll be watching your reports to see how you get on to better prepare myself for my attack. :)

The only input for you I have is that you may be overestimating your times a bit, and as you fatigue and tire, I think you'll be running a lot more than +10secs on an "awake" lap. I'd expect you lap times to blow out by 20 - 25 seconds, but they'll be more consistent. I remeber a past enduro where I ran four consectutive laps all with 2/100ths of a second. :crazy: Anyway, if you took the lead halfway around lap 1, then you should be fine, as you should be 1 - 2 or even 3 laps up by the time you start to seriously slow down.

Gosh, I seem to sound awfully authoritive on a topic I haven't even attempted yet, don't I... :nervous:
Thanks for the tips! What's the proper etiquette for a game freeze anwhere after hour six? Should I take the memory card out before hurling the PS2 at a wall?

Seriously, though, I will have to mentally prepare myself for that scenario as well to avoid any dangerous situations. Just turn it off and go to sleep. Just turn it off and go to sleep. Just turn it off and go to sleep...
if you start getting too frustrated with it, maybe when you pit switch to b-spec bob and let him finish for you. That way your PS2 stays in tact :)
i did it when i broke my ankle. my fiancee provided the food, drinks, and conversation, and when she went to bed, i listened to sports talk radio. i did it straight through, minus bathroom breaks. i don't sleep much to begin with, so it wasn't a question of being tired. it was more along the lines of how much more of this repetition can i take? but good luck, you're gonna need it.
If power in your area is a problem, you might want to see if you can borrow a UPS from a friend for the duration of the race. That way if power goes you'd have enough power to save and exit :)
If power in your area is a problem, you might want to see if you can borrow a UPS from a friend for the duration of the race. That way if power goes you'd have enough power to save and exit :)
If only that were true - unfortunately you cannot save during an endurance - a UPS would just prolong the agony. Only benefit would be if the UPS could last the duration of the blackout.
If only that were true - unfortunately you cannot save during an endurance - a UPS would just prolong the agony. Only benefit would be if the UPS could last the duration of the blackout.
Or 24 hours. :)
All at once eh? The real 24h racers don't even do the whole thing, they have teams. Much respect for anyone who does a 24h in A-Spec.

Good luck and try to stay awake!
Well, I've been recommending the Altezza for a long time now.

Glad someone picked it up to give it a try! ;)

It should have no problem. It shouldn't have much of a problem against the TT or M3 either. If you're patient and go through a couple, you might just get a 200p lineup out of it (get rid of that Spoon and any JGTC300 cars).

Oh, and IIRC, you should get FIVE laps per pit out of the Altezza :sly:

Good Luck!
Yeah, good luck. You're crazy.

I think you may be underestimating the time you'll cut off from experience, it's a big track. Over the 25 laps of the 'ring in 1000 miles I cut my lap time by around 20 seconds. It should be a lot longer then that before you start loosing time to sleepiness, as well.
YMMV of course, it depends on how well you know the track and car already.

5 laps sounds reasonable, depending on how hard you are on tires.
Thanks for the tips! What's the proper etiquette for a game freeze anwhere after hour six? Should I take the memory card out before hurling the PS2 at a wall?
Well if that's about right for six hours, what about 23? :dopey:

Seriously, though, I will have to mentally prepare myself for that scenario as well to avoid any dangerous situations. Just turn it off and go to sleep. Just turn it off and go to sleep. Just turn it off and go to sleep...
I don't know if this ever happened to you, but in the licence tests on Nurburgring, did you ever go off the track at about 6 minutes? That was enough to convince me to turn it off and go to sleep. You'll need some serious self control if something like that happened. :lol: Anyway, good luck and get back to us on how it went.
When your eyes start to close, just think ... F1 car

Good luck. I did about 4 hours, got bored and put it on b-spec. I tell you, I'm too lazy to be a proper geek!
I can't remember if someone mentioned it already in this thread. -->Soften your shocks a bit.<-- Nurburgring is a bumpy track and softer shocks are supposed to make it easier to keep control... quite important once you start getting sleepy. :)
Saleen Man
I don't know if this ever happened to you, but in the licence tests on Nurburgring, did you ever go off the track at about 6 minutes? That was enough to convince me to turn it off and go to sleep. You'll need some serious self control if something like that happened. :lol: Anyway, good luck and get back to us on how it went.

I am a Mission 34 veteran...I know all about tough luck on the Nurburgring! ;)

From the 1,000 mile, the Nurburgring 4h (which I won by 8 seconds), and especially M34, I think I've gotten to know the Nordschleife pretty well. On the one hand, that's good, because I just have to run a few practice laps with the Altezza to get into a rhythm. On the other hand, I will probably not be shaving 20 seconds off my lap times after 25-30 laps.
This is a bit off, but is the Altezza fast enough to win in B-Spec mode?
I don't know about the Altezza, but if you are looking for a close B-spec victory, I seem to remember coming pretty close (maybe 1 lap ahead) with a Viper when I first did the race in B-spec. It was very early in my B-speccing (around 4000-5000 points) and I got a ton of B-spec points because of it. 👍
wow, good luck, ive got all three 24h races left to do, then ive done all enduros. im personally thinking of just swiching between me and b-spec bob. get yourself one of those cans of pure oxygen that the FPS guys use. just dont do what my cousin did and eat a pack of pro plus and lots of energy drink without eating food, he ended up in hospital, having his stomach pumped :yuck:
wow, good luck, ive got all three 24h races left to do, then ive done all enduros. im personally thinking of just swiching between me and b-spec bob. get yourself one of those cans of pure oxygen that the FPS guys use. just dont do what my cousin did and eat a pack of pro plus and lots of energy drink without eating food, he ended up in hospital, having his stomach pumped :yuck:
that's one of the geekiest things I ever heard! 👍
wow, good luck, ive got all three 24h races left to do, then ive done all enduros. im personally thinking of just swiching between me and b-spec bob. get yourself one of those cans of pure oxygen that the FPS guys use. just dont do what my cousin did and eat a pack of pro plus and lots of energy drink without eating food, he ended up in hospital, having his stomach pumped :yuck:

Haha, no, I am going to be realistic about it. I'll stock up on good food, maybe some soda, but no energy drinks. Twenty-four hours is not that bad. I am going to take several breaks for food, a shower, and if I really need it, a nap. Plus, I am using a DS2, which is murder on the thumbs after a while. I am not crazy enough to try to do it in one sitting with only bathroom breaks. I just want to get it done as quickly as possible. Ideally, I'd like to start around 9 or 10 PM on Tuesday night and finish by 1 or 2 AM on Thursday, but it will probably go a little longer.

To keep myself occupied, I have plenty of music. I'll also be taking notes for the report. I'm sure I will still phase out at some points...that will be when I take a break.

I can't wait to be done with these 24h's. The two le Sarthe's I don't even want to think about. I will not have time to a-spec those for a while. I would be okay with doing it in shifts with another driver or two, like in real life. I just don't want to b-spec these. I want 100.0% a-spec, no matter how long it takes. :)
Get yourself a ****load of good CDs, 24 should do it :D averageing 1 hour per CD. works a treat in terms of time consumption, staying awake etc.
The fastest computer lap I saw in my race was 7'20 by the BMW M3 Race Car. My own fastest lap was a 6:51.4, my average about 7 minutes. I drove the Alfa Romeo 155 Touring Car, stock. Hard tyres front and back.

There is something important you should think about. I would not try and 'stretch' your stint to 5 laps if it requires you to drive differently, to look after the tires. If you are losing even a small amount of time on your fifth lap it is just not worth it.

I haven't done any calculations, but at the Ring, I reckon if you are doing a 5 lap stint and are losing more than 10 seconds on your 5th lap - compared to your laptime on the first lap of the stint - because of tyre wear, you should switch to a 4 lap stint. I myself pitted every 3 laps in my Nurb 24 hour race, and I am sure that was the best strategy.

In fact, I use the cut-off point of 7 seconds, to take into account that I am more likely to make mistakes on worn tires. The reason the tyre wear costs you so much time is because the laps at the Nurb are so long compared to a very short pitlane.
The fastest computer lap I saw in my race was 7'20 by the BMW M3 Race Car. My own fastest lap was a 6:51.4, my average about 7 minutes. I drove the Alfa Romeo 155 Touring Car, stock. Hard tyres front and back.

There is something important you should think about. I would not try and 'stretch' your stint to 5 laps if it requires you to drive differently, to look after the tires. If you are losing even a small amount of time on your fifth lap it is just not worth it.

I haven't done any calculations, but at the Ring, I reckon if you are doing a 5 lap stint and are losing more than 10 seconds on your 5th lap - compared to your laptime on the first lap of the stint - because of tyre wear, you should switch to a 4 lap stint. I myself pitted every 3 laps in my Nurb 24 hour race, and I am sure that was the best strategy.

In fact, I use the cut-off point of 7 seconds, to take into account that I am more likely to make mistakes on worn tires. The reason the tyre wear costs you so much time is because the laps at the Nurb are so long compared to a very short pitlane.

Thanks for those tips! I'm glad to hear that you were able to average within 10 seconds of your fastest lap. One of the things that I am worried about is losing more time than I allowed for just from phasing out and making mistakes. So far, the fastest lap I've run in the Altezza is 7', so I'm hoping to average at 7'15. That should be enough to take even the GTR. I'm hoping that, considering the GT4 AI can't handle cold or worn tires as well, he won't be running 7'20 all the time. Is this a safe assumption?

As far as pit strategy goes, I did my calculations assuming I would pit every four laps as a worst-case scenario. I am rough on the tires, so I don't think I'll be able to stretch it to five, but I haven't tried it yet. Since there is no magic number of laps to hit (a multiple of five, for example), all that matters is having the fastests overall lap it may be in my favor to pit every four. That'll be a decision I make during the race based on lap times.

I'm hoping to start tonight at around 8 PM, EDT. I probably won't post a report until Thursday, as I'll be sleeping for a looong time afterwards. Thanks again for all the tips! :)
Well, it's noon EDT and I've gotten through just over 9 hours. I got an easy AI line-up, with the Nissan FALKEN GTR as the toughest opposition. It awards 92 A-spec points, still a formidiabe amount for a 24h, I think. Currently out to a 2.5 lap lead and on pace to run 198 laps, a bit faster than I expected. More to come in the race report sometime Thursday!